THOMAS M. M. HEMY (1852-1937) - PAGE 45
Thomas M. M. Hemy datapages 01, 02 & 03 are now on site. Plus all of the other image pages, accessible though the index on page 05. PRIOR PAGE / NEXT PAGE
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The work that appears on this page is a watercolour & dates, I am advised from 1875. While the image I am able to present is modest indeed (as you can plainly see) I am glad to have it at all! Who knows what may appear on this page in the future should someone see the small image below & be able to provide either data or larger imagery.
The image, as it appears today, is a further contribution to the site by Rosemary Pearson of 'Lincoln Joyce Fine Art' of 40 Church Road, Great Bookham, Surrey, England, whose website is here. Rosemary, we thank you again!
The webmaster has no data whatsoever on the work. If YOU could help in any way, do please drop me a line.FISHING BOATS AT BERWICKSHIRE COAST (1875)
More about the above work if I find more to tell you!
Thomas M. M. Hemy datapages 01, 02 & 03 are now on site. Plus all of the other image pages, accessible though the index on page 05.
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