Can I suggest you navigate these pages via the small index page here.

And here is a lovely postcard image of the original hotel but I cannot track where I found it. It was, however, likely on e-Bay somewhere. And I believe dates from 1927.

While this page is really intended to be about the 'old' Shepheard's Hotel, I should show you the new Shepheard's Hotel also, built in 1957, though it could possibly be 1956, on the corniche beside the Nile. Here is a First Day cover of the new Shepheard's issued Jul. 20, 1957 & set into a page of Egyptian Shepheard's stamps.

And here is a composite image of a guide to travel in Egypt of the late 19th century or very early 20th century. Published by Shepheard's Hotel and Ghezireh Palace. The item, in fine condition it would appear, sold for U.S. $202.50 in early Apr. 2004. It is 4½ by 7½ inches in size, has 130 pages including a map of Cairo inside the back cover, & is illustrated with black & white photo views, 'plus a color view of the spectacular restaurant and the outside of the Palace.' A distinguished looking guidebook, it would seem, full of data about currencies & prices etc. at the time, including the then prices for taxis including dog-carts, I read! I lost detail in straightening the images for this page, but the result is quite acceptable, I think. Now the colour images below seem to me to be of the exterior of Shepheard's Hotel (at top). The interior image below, may well be of the Ghezireh Palace, but I could not read the lettering under the image. I trust I may be permitted to use these images in this way.

I have read, in a long expired e-Bay item, that an 18-page article entitled 'Afloat on the Nile' written by E. H. Blashfield and E. W. Blashfield with illustrations by E. H. Blashfield appeared in an unspecified 1891 issue of Scribner's Magazine. Specifically images of 'Jugglers on the Veranda of Shepheard's Hotel, Cairo' and 'Hall at Shepheard's at Five PM' It would be good to some day be able to present on this page those images plus any text of interest which relates to the hotel. If you can help in that regard, I am here.

This page will then expand as I introduce additional data that interests me & may well interest you also. But a reminder as always. This page and the pages to which the above links take you, are designed for a 1024 x 768 screen setting.

to Egypt Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & to the Special Pages Index.