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Do you want to make a comment? A site guestbook is here. Copyright? Test. Changed links re Miramar, to page 180. (087)

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In advancing the Sunderland Site, I have on occasion come across interesting data in rather obscure places about ships not built in Sunderland - data that might help people searching for information & histories of their particular ships of interest. Just 21 vessel names are referenced so far. I will add in additional vessel names into the future, so the page may become meaningful in due course.


So you (& I) can easily find them. In alphabetic sequence, of course.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Actif built 1883 - 1, ex Delcampe (webmaster modified), Adelaide built 1888 (ex Holkar) - 1 & 2 ex 3, Advance built 1880 by R. Duncan & Co. of Port Glasgow (ex Delcampe) - 1, Akademic Kurchatov built 1966 - 1 & 2, Albert Victor built 1864 - 1, Ardudwy - built Portmadoc 1863, ON 47765 - 1 (reference in blue), Aurora built in Italy by Sestri Ponente Casella in 1867 - 1


Bay of Panama built 1884 - 1, Ben Muick Dhui built in Aberdeen in 1848 - 1 (in blue),


Calabar, built at Glasgow in 1864 - 1, Capella built 1882 by A. Leslie of Newcastle - 1, Ceres maybe built 1812 - 1, Comadre, built at Liverpool in 1868 - 1,


Dalgoma built 1923 - 1, Despina G. Michalinos built 1907 - 1, Duke of Wellington built at Liverpool in 1842 - 1, Dunbeth built 1906 - 1 Note & 2,


Empress of Britain built 1931 ex Engineering Journal - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Note,


Florence built at Newcastle in 1866, ON 54859 - 1,






Iota (or maybe Kapla or Lambda), Chinese gunboat built 1881 - 1 & 2 Note, Ireshope built by William Gray at West Hartlepool in 1868, ON 76197 - 1.


Jane and Anne built 1861 - 1, Juno built 1861 - 1


Kronprins Olav built 1908 - 1 & 2,


Lady Emily Peel built 1864 - 1, Lady Head possibly built in New Brunswick, Canada, in 1852 - 1 & 2, Lammermuir built 1950 - 1, Lochleven Castle built 1863 - 1, Loch Sunart built 1878 - 1 (as Lough Sunart),


Marmion built 1838 - 1 (in blue), Marmion built 1843 - 1 & 2 (col.1), Mikhail Lermontov built 1972 - 1,


Northern Pacific built 1915 - 1 Note,


Ocean Queen built at Blyth in 1847, ON 14990 - 1 & 2, Olivebank built 1892 - 1,


Port Hobart built 1925 - 1,




Reliance built Whitby 1854, ON 33425 - 1, Richard Cobden built 1844 - 1,


Saint Bede - built 1865 - 1, Southend Belle - built 1896 - in foreground in 1913 - 1, Sovereign - built 1856 registered Liverpool, I think, ON 16200 - 1 (2 references in green), Star of Austria, built at Belfast in 1886 - 1, Suevic built 1901 - 1


Tynemouth, built 1867 - 1,


Unknown WW2 Troopship - 1 Note,


Valverda built 1934 - 1,










1832 & 1833 SHIPWRECKS

A partial list of 1832 & 1833 shipwrecks of British ships can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book - The Nautical Magazine & Naval Chronicle for 1833. At the following true pages in the downloaded volume - 52 (re 1832) also (re 1833) 109, 174, 237/9, 302/3, 365/6, 429/30, 494/6, 556/9, 621/3, 685/6, 750/1. I hope to soon make all of those pages directly available via this page - just a few are available now. 

1832 Shipwrecks:-  Page 52

1833 Shipwrecks:-  Pages 109, 174, 237, 238, 239, many more to come.

1836 & 1837 SHIPWRECKS

A list of 1836 & 1837 shipwrecks of British ships can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, likely published in London in late 1837. (The Nautical Magazine & Naval Chronicle for 1837). At the following pages in the downloaded volume - 78, 148, 217, 293 & 836. The first two of such pages, i.e. those re 1836, are now directly available via the links below.

1836 Shipwrecks:-  Pages 61, 131 (click image to enlarge)

1837 Shipwrecks:-  Pages 200, 276, 819


A list of 1838 shipwrecks of British ships can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book which was published in London likely in early 1839. (The Nautical Magazine & Naval Chronicle for 1838). At the following pages in the downloaded volume - 87, 236, 308, 381, 602, 902 (true pages 68, 213, 283, 356, 571 & 869). I hope to soon make all of such pages directly available via links. The lists seem to be incomplete - certainly Martin, lost on Feb. 5, 1838, is not there referenced.


A list of 1845 & 1846 shipwrecks of British ships can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book which was published in London likely in early 1847. (The Nautical Magazine & Naval Chronicle for 1846). At the following pages in the downloaded volume - 115, 116, 178/179, 240, 411, 638 (true pages 100, 101, 161/162, 221, 390, 615). All of such pages are now available directly via the links indicated.

I noted earlier that 'The Nautical Magazine & Naval Chronicle for 1847', was not, then at least, freely available as is the 1846 edition. It contains further 1846 shipwrecks. At true page 44. And at page 65 (though my image seems to say 95) also & possibly on other pages. BUT ... the book is now available thanks to '' here. It contains lists of shipwrecks at pages 44, 65, 269, 324, 389 & 503 (pages 59, 110, 286, 341, 405, 524 in the downloaded volume). It also contains many pages of data on ships burnt or destroyed - at pages 583/591 (618/626 in download) & 634/638 (669/673 in download). Hopefully, in due course, I'll make those pages available as images. The following images are now available - 634/635.

I note that the lists seem not to be complete. But are a welcome data source, none-the-less.

The webmaster is continually puzzled by what he sees on the WWW. On Dec. 17, 2023, when I needed to track a vessel that had gone missing, I found that the 1847 volume, reprinted by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. of London, is available used for U.S. $386.25. But 9 copies are available new from U.S. $42.47 to $110.74. Buyer beware I guess! Somebody is rather greedy, me thinks! The volume was also republished by Cambridge University Press, I believe. But you can downlaod the whole volume, for free, from '' who surely merit our thanks - and our donations to keep their service ongoing.

1847 thru 1850 SHIPWRECKS

A list of shipwrecks during the 4 year period from Jan. 1, 1847 thru Dec. 31, 1850 can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, published in London in 1851 - 'Accounts and Papers: Vol. 52 - Feb. 4/Aug. 8, 1851 Published 1851'. The volume contains an enormous list of collisions, accidents, & wrecks of vessels, both sail & steam, listed from 'Lloyd's Books'. At pages numbered 1 thru 193 - 12 thru 204 in the downloaded volume.

Have not yet had a chance to detail exactly what it contains, but little detail is provided for any item - only infrequently is a vessel's tonnage listed, as an example, & never is any indication provided of the vessel's age, year of build, place of registration etc. etc.

1847 shipwrecks etc. Pages 1 thru 40 (Pages 12 thru 51 in the downloaded volume).
1848 shipwrecks etc. Pages 40 thru 87 (Pages 51 thru 98 in the downloaded volume) On site - with links? 40/41, 42/43, 44/45, 46/47, 48/49, 50/51, 52/53, 54/55, 56/57, 58/59, 60/61, 62/63, 64/65, 66/67, 68/69, 70/71, 72/73, 74/75, 76/77, 78/79, 80/81, 82/83, 84/85, 86/87.
1849 shipwrecks etc. Pages 87 thru 138 (Pages 98 thru 149 in the downloaded volume) On site? Pages  111/112, 113/114, 121/122, 125/126
1850 shipwrecks etc. Pages 138 thru 193 (Pages 149 thru 204 in the downloaded volume). On site? Pages 147/148, 185/186

SHIPWRECKS OF MANY YEARS FROM 1851 THRU 1872 (but not all of those years)

Often, when WWW researching the histories of vessels built at Sunderland, one happens to come across good data in unexpected places. Such is a 'Google' book, published in London in 1874, being the final report of the 'Royal Commission on Unseaworthy Ships'. It contains extensive lists of British ships that were lost over a great many years. The book, a large 'pdf' file, can be both accessed and downloaded here or here. Those two links seem to be to different scans of the same (Vol II) physical book, but the scans are not identical. So a page can be complete in one version but missing data in the other. The detailed data seems to have been published also (in Vol I), which can be accessed but NOT downloaded, except page by page, here.

The webmaster's interest is in such portion of the book's content that relates to ships built in Sunderland - a significant but modest portion of all of the ships that are listed (
141 of 1023 or 13.78% of the total in 1860, 120 of 984 or 12.19% of the total in 1862, 116 of 1146 or 10.13% of the total in 1870, 119 of 1078 or 11.04% of the total in 1871, 133 of 1071 or 12.42% of the total in 1872). As I amend this page, I am thru the data pages re the wrecks of 1860, 1861, 1862, 1870, 1871 & 1872. Will now continue with data of another year.

The webmaster's summary pages, as so far referenced, can be seen here:-

1850 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1851 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1852 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
1860 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
1861 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
1862 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
1870 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
1871 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
1872 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Pages re the loss of vessels in the 6 years from 1867 thru 1872, where life was lost.
1867 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (pages also contain a few ships lost in 1865 & 1866)
1868 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4 (pages also contain a few ships lost in 1865, 1866 & 1867)
1869 - Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (top section) (pages 3, 4 & 5 contain ships lost in 1865, 1867 & 1868)
1870 - Pages 1 (bottom section), 2, 3,
1871 - Pages
1872 - Pages

In time, I hope to provide a 'best efforts' index to the vessels listed in the above pages. To be accessed via this page (using Control F) by Official Number or by the vessel name. Or by searching by Official Number at the links which follow in this paragraph. Available so far is such an index re the 3 years of 1860, 1861 & 1862 - here. Try it out by using Control F & inserting 6991 or Typhoon. as an example. And 1870, 1871 & 1872 is here. Both are giant lists. More years hopefully soon. A modest start has been made on data re the last group above, i.e. where life was lost - 1867, 1868, 1869 & 1870.


A list of 1852 shipwrecks lost on British shores or seas can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, published in London in 1853 (Accounts & Papers, Vol. 61, 1852/53). Commencing at page 16 in the downloaded volume. Thru to page 229.

1852 Shipwrecks:- Pages 04/05, 06/07, 08/09, 10/11, 12/13, 14/15, 16/17, 18/19, 20/21, 22/23, 24/25, 26/27, 28/29, 30/31, 32/33, 34/35, 36/37, 38/39, 40/41, 42/43, 44/45, 46/47, 48/49, 50/51, 52/53, 54/55, 56/57, 58/59, 60/61, 62/63, 64/65, 66/67, 68/69, 70/71, 72/73, 74/75, 76/77, 78/79, 80/81, 82/83, 84/85, 86/87, 88/89, 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97, 98/99, 100/101, 102/103, 104/105, 106/107, 108/109, 110/111, 112/113, 114/115, 116/117, 118/119, 120/121, 122/123, 124/125, 126/127, 128/129, 130/131, 132/133, 134/135, 136/137, 138/139, 140/141, 142/143, 144/145, 146/147, 148/149, 150/151, 152/153, 154/155, 156/157, 158/159, 160/161, 162/163, 164/165, 166/167, 168/169, 170/171, 172/173, 174/175, 176/177, 178/179, 180/181, 182/183, 184/185, 186/187, 188/189, 190/191, 192/193, 194/195, 196/197, 198/199, 200/201, 202/203, 204/205, 206/207, 208/209, 210/211, 212/213, 214/215, 216/217, 218/219, 220/221, 222/223, 224/225, 226/227, 228/229.

I note also that the WWW available editions of 'The Lifeboat' (1852 thru 1857), & the Jul. 1, 1853 & Oct. 1, 1853 editions in part, contains a portion of an 1852 list - the portion from Jan. 1, 1852 thru Oct. 28, 1852 in 9 double pages. Such pages :- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Some most confusing lists of 1853 shipwrecks were, it would seem, published by Lloyd's List. So far I have come across the following lists:-

Dec. 19, 1853 (presumably means 1852) thru Jun. 21, 1853, published Feb. 24, 1854 - available here.
Mar. 08, 1853 thru May 04, 1853, published Feb. 03, 1854 - available here.
Apl. 18, 1853 thru Jul. 12, 1853, pubished Feb. 17, 1854 - available here.
Oct. 24, 1853 thru Nov. 22, 1853, published Feb. 22, 1854 - available here.

Hopefully other such lists will in due course be located. Some of the above are strange, indeed, as are some of the entries on the various lists! It looks as though there are many more such lists - as many as 17 more.


A list of 1854 shipwrecks lost on British shores or seas can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, likely published in London in late 1855 (Accounts & Papers, Vol. 34, 1854/55). At the back of the book, commencing at page 372 in the downloaded volume. The book contains extensive data related to the Crimean War, commencing at page 249 in the downloaded volume, & also the extensive list at page 372 (thanks go to Alan Sharp of New Zealand for spotting it there).

Crimea related:- Pages 2/3, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13, 16/17 next re Negotiator 1848, 2/3, 4/5,

1854 Shipwrecks:-  Pages 04/05, 06/07, 08/09, 10/11, 12/13, 14/15, 16/17, 18/19, 20/21, 22/23, 24/25, 26/27, 28/29, 30/31, 32/33, 34/35, 36/37, 38/39, 40/41, 42/43, 44/45, 46/47, 48/49, 50/51, 52/53, 54/55, 56/57, 58/59, 60/61, 62/63, 64/65, 66/67, 68/69, 70/71, 72/73, 74/75, 76/77, 78/79, 80/81, 82/83, 84/85, 86/87, 88/89, 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97, 98/99, 100/101, 102/103, 104/105, 106/107.

1856 & 1857 SHIPWRECKS

A list of Wrecks & Casualties and/or Vessels in Distress in years 1856 & 1857 at many places in the U.K. can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, published in London in 1859 (Accounts & Papers, Vol. 10, 1859). The data seems to be a chronological list  of 266 vessels (pages 82 thru 103 - 109 thru 130 in downloaded volume) followed by a geographic breakdown of such list by area of the country, such as Ireland, Bristol Channel etc. etc. (pages 112 thru 195 - 139 thru 222 in downloaded volume). The webmaster has not yet digested the wealth of data that the volume contains.

As a first step I will start to list the pages that reference Sunderland built vessels as I come across them.

Geograhic Area - Pages 82/83, 84/85, 86/87, 88/89, 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97, 98/99, 100/101, 102/103, 106, 112/113, 114/115, 116/117, 118/119, 120/121, 122/123, 124/125, 126/127, 128/129, 130/131, 132/133, 134/135, 136/137, 138/139, 140/141, 142/143, 144/145, 146/147, 148/149, 150/151, 152/153, 154/155, 156/157, 158/159, 160/161, 162/163, 164/165, 166/167, 168/169, 170/171, 172/173, 174/175, 176/177, 178/179, 180/181, 182/183, 184/185, 186/187, 188/189, 190/191, 192/193, 194/195,

Miscellaneous Pages - 106, 221, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 251


The webmaster has not yet found a detailed & complete list of vessels lost in 1858. I suspect that such a list was published by the U.K. government along the way, but if so, the webmaster has not yet seen it. What I have found, however, is a useful list of 1858 losses contained within a 'Google' book published in New York -  'Bankers' Magazine & Statistical Register', particularly in the Oct. 1859 issue of such magazine. Its title page is here, while the main title page is here. The list is at pages 298 thru 314 (pages 305 thru 321 in the downloaded volume). It would seem, however, that such list, published in the U.S.A., is mainly of American ships, thought there are a few British vessels listed.

Hopefully it will be possible to make detail pages available soon. 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314. 


A list of 1865 shipwrecks lost on British shores or seas, which resulted in lost lives can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, published in London in 1866 (Accounts & Papers, Vol. 65, Feb. 1/Aug. 19, 1866). At pages 579 thru 583 in the downloaded book, or, sorted by wreck location, at pages 584 thru 589.  The volume contains other data of interest to maritime researchers - awards to persons for their efforts in saving lives (pages 600 thru 613) & summaries of the Inquiries, held in 1865, into shipwrecks involving loss of life (pages 614 thru 617).

Shipwreck related:- Pages 45, 47, 50, 51,


A list of 1867 shipwrecks lost on British shores or seas, which resulted in lost lives can be found in this downloadable 'Google' book, published in London in 1867-68 (Accounts & Papers, Vol. 63, Nov. 19, 1867/Jul. 18, 1868). At pages 508 thru 514 in the downloaded book, or, sorted by wreck location, at pages 516 thru 524. The volume's subject matter is shipping generally & the volume contains other data of interest to maritime researchers - awards to persons for their efforts in saving lives (pages 546 thru 565) & summaries of Wreck Inquiries, held in 1867, into shipwrecks (pages 566 thru 610).

Shipwreck related:- Pages 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47

Awards etc.:- Pages 69. 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88

Wreck Inquiries:- Pages 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

JAN. 1, 1873 THRU MAY 16, 1880

Another interesting 'Google' book, published in London in 1880, lists details about shipwrecks of steamers and sailing ships during the period from Jan. 1, 1873 to May 16, 1880. The book, a large 'pdf' file, (Accounts and Papers, Shipping, Vol. LXVI (66) published in 1880) can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains lists of steamers that foundered or were missing at pages 208 thru 227 & 228 thru 239 all in the downloaded book - (6 thru 25 & 26 thru 37 actual) And similar data re sailing ships at pages 240 thru 389 & 390 thru 461. In time, I hope to make easily available all of the pages from such volume that refer to Sunderland built ships. 71 such pages are now on site.

Steamship:-  006/007, 008/009, 010/011, 012/013, 014/015, 016/017, 018/019, 020/021, 022/023, 024/025, 026/027, 028/029, 030/031, 032/033, 034/035, 036/037. (16)
Sail:- 038/039, 040/041, 042/043, 044/045, 046/047, 048/049, 050/051, 052/053, 054/055, 056/057, 058/059, 060/061, 062/063, 064/065, 066/067, 068/069, 070/071, 072/073, 074/075, 076/077, 078/079, 080/081, 082/083, 084/085, 086/087, 088/089, 090/091, 092/093, 094/095, 096/097, 098/099, 100/101, 102/103, 104/105, 106/107, 108/109, 110/111, 112/113, 114/115, 116/117, 118/119, 120/121, 122/123, 124/125, 126/127, 128/129, 130/131, 132/133, 134,135, 136/137, 138/139, 140/141, 142/143, 144/145, 146/147, 148/149, 150/151, 152/153, 154/155, 156/157, 158/159, 160/161, 162/163, 164/165, 166/167, 168/169, 170/171, 172/173, 174/175, 176/177, 178/179, 180/181, 182/183, 184/185, 186/187, commence missing list  188/189, 190/191, 192/193, 194/195, 196/197, 198/199, 200/201, 202/203, 204/205, 206/207, 208/209, 210/211, 212/213, 214/215, 216/217, 218/219, 220/221, 222/223, 224/225, 226/227, 228/229, 230/231, 232/233, 234/235, 236/237, 238/239, 240/241, 242/243, 244/245, 246/247, 248/249, 250/251, 252/253, 254/255, 256/257, 258/159. (54)
Both sail & steamship:- 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, (1)

The volume also contains lists of vessels a) totally lost & b) partially lost in, it states, the year from July. 1, 1878 to Jun. 30 1879, but the list starts as early as Apl. 1, 1878. At true pages 74 to 127 & 128 to 133 (or pages 142 to 195 & 196 to 201 in the downloaded book).

Pages 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133.

A modest start on an index to the vessels listed in the above pages is here.

Other pages in the volume:- 513.

JUL. 1, 1875 THRU JUN. 30, 1876

Another such volume, a large 'pdf' file, (Accounts and Papers, Shipping, Vol. LXVII (67) published in 1876, can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains lists of vessels that were lost off the U.K. coasts in the year from Jul. 1, 1875 to Jun. 30 1876 a) without loss of life & b) with loss of life. Without loss of life at pages 32 thru 56 (pages 269 thru 293 in the downloaded book). With loss of life at pages 58 thru 67 and at pages 77 thru 85 (pages 295 thru 304 & 314 thru 322 in the downloaded book). It also contains lists of vessel, abroad or foreign c) without loss of life at pages 108 thru 141 (pages 345 thru 378 in the downloaded book) & d) with loss of life at pages 145 thru 157 (pages 382 thru 394 in the downloaded book).

The volume also contains summary pages re Official Inquiries into vessel losses, etc., in 1875/86, in a number of categories & detailed pages re hundreds of such Inquiries, U.K., foreign & naval. And more yet to be explored.

A couple of the many pages are now referenced below, with many more to follow in due course.

Pages - Off the U.K. coast without loss of life - 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Off the U.K. coast with loss of life - 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, and (overlapping data) 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.

Pages - Abroad & foreign without loss of life - 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141. Off the U.K. coast with loss of life - 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157.

Pages - Summary Official Inquiries in the U.K. in 1875/76 - 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275.
Detailed Official Inquires in the U.K. in 1875/86 - 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404.
Detailed Official Inquires Abroad in 1875/86 - 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440.
Detailed Official Inquires, Naval, in 1875/86 - 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452.

Lots more to come!

JUL. 1, 1876 THRU JUN. 30, 1877

Another such volume, a large 'pdf' file, (Accounts and Papers, Shipping, Vol. LXXV (75) published in 1877, can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains, at the end of the volume, lists of vessels that were a) totally lost & b) partially lost in, the year from July. 1, 1876 to Jun. 30 1877. At, 'totally lost', true pages 72 thru 132 (pages 295 thru 361 in the downloaded book). And, 'partially lost', true pages 134 thru 140 (pages 363 thru 369 in the downloaded book). A few of such pages were not well scanned, it would appear.

The first of the many pages has now been referenced below, with many more to follow in due course.

Pages - Total Losses 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, Partial Losses 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140.

JUL. 1, 1877 THRU JUN. 30, 1878 plus some earlier losses

Another such volume, a large 'pdf' file, (Accounts and Papers, Shipping, Vol. LXIV (64) published in 1878/1879) can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains lists of vessels that foundered or were missing etc. in, it states, the year from July. 1, 1877 to Jun. 30 1878, but the list includes earlier losses also, at true pages 72 thru 127 (pages 491 thru 552 in the downloaded book).

Pages 90, 96, 97, 104, 105,

1879 & 1880 LOSSES

I am not yet sure of the full extent of the wreck data which is available in a Google scanned 'pdf' volume. ('Supplement No. 1 to the 12th report of the department of Marine & Fisheries'), published by the Government of Canada in 1880, which I accessed & downloaded from here. I think that it contains at least a list of 1879 wrecks at page 555 in the downloaded volume. And also a list of 1880 wrecks in Canadian waters at page 528 in the downloaded volume. This image on site includes the most complicated title page of the volume in question.


Not really a list of 1878 shipwrecks but helpful in that regard none-the-less. The Nautical Magazine for 1879, Volume 48 (XLVIII), a 'Google' book available here, contains re each of the year's 12 publication months a list of Official Inquires that had been held. In all cases in two sections, i) those held 'at home' & ii) those held 'abroad'. Overall, my guesstimate, the listings would cover vessels that were lost from say Oct. 1878 thru Oct. 1879. Such pages contain references to a number of vessels built in Sunderland but of course refer also to those built in many other places. Such monthly lists are available at the following true pages, 88-92, 182-187, 268-273, 362-371, 451-454, 548-552, 633-636, 725-728, 816-818, 905-910, 996-1000 & 1069-1072. So far I make available below only the pages from the Jan. thru Apl. 1879 issues.

Pages 088/089, 090/091, 092, 182/183, 184/185, 186/187, 268/269, 270/271, 272/273, 362/363, 364/365, 366/367, 368/369, 370/371, 451/452, 453/454, 548/549, 550/551, 552, 633/634, 635/636, 725/726, 727/728, 816/817, 818, 905/906, 907/908, 909/910, 996/997, 998/999, 1000, 1069/1070. 1071/1072.

JULY 1, 1881 THRU JUNE 30, 1882

'Parliamentary Papers Vol. 63', published in London in 1883, lists details about shipwrecks during the 12 month period to Jun. 30, 1882. The book, a large 'pdf' file, can be both accessed & downloaded here. The volume contains lists of vessels that were lost or partially lost for various reasons at true pages 84 thru 161, or at pages 241 thru 318 in the downloaded book.

Pages 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161.

1890 THRU JUNE 1893

Yet another 'Google' book, 'Parliamentary Papers Vol. 76', published in London in 1894, lists details about shipwrecks of steamers and sailing ships during the period from 1890 to June 1893. The book, a large 'pdf' file, can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains lists of vessels that were lost for various reasons at pages 647 thru 720 in the downloaded book. In time, I hope to make easily available the pages from such volume that refer to Sunderland built ships. Just five such pages are now on site.

True pages 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,  142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13, 14/15, 16/17, 18/19, 22/23, 24/25, 26/27, 28/29.

JULY 1, 1893 THRU JUNE 30, 1894

'Parliamentary Papers Vol. 87', published in London in 1895, lists details about shipwrecks during the 12 month period to Jun. 30, 1894. The book, a large 'pdf' file, can be both accessed & downloaded here. The volume contains lists of vessels that were lost or partially lost for various reasons at true pages 105 thru 180, or at pages 474 thru 549 in the downloaded book.


1894 & MUCH OF 1895

'Parliamentary Papers Vol. 75', published in London in 1896, lists details about shipwrecks that occurred during 1894 & in 1895 roughly to Jun. 30, 1895. The book, a large 'pdf' file, can be both accessed & downloaded here. It contains lists of vessels that were lost for various reasons at pages 649 thru 718 in the downloaded book. In time, I hope to make easily available the pages from such volume that refer to Sunderland built ships. Just three such pages are now on site.

True pages 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175.


An amazing list of shipwrecks, from 1747 thru Feb. 1917 can be found here. Similar lists re March 1917 thru 2011 can be accessed here.

Individual years are as follows:-
1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839,
1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849,
1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859,
1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869,
1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879,
1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889,
1890, 1891, 1892, 1893,

1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939,


Thanks to Ebbe Hove of Denmark, I have become aware that a truly giant list of wrecks in Denmark is available here. The 'Excel' list seems to cover all time periods. A most useful list indeed.

Alas the link just provided no longer works. As I write these words in early 2025, I have not tried to access the list in about 9 years. I do have, in my computer files, what I believe is the actual list that Ebbe Hove refers to. Today I hesitate to make available via this site somebody else's extensive work. But will think about doing so in the future.  In the meantime, I offer to access the list upon request for specific vessels by interested researchers.

And Hans Peter Kjær has been in touch (thanks!) to provide a link to a page through which data can be found re the wrecks of many Sunderland built vessels with applicable newspaper data sources. Here. And I see that a second similar page is available here. The first such page references, I believe, ships that are listed on this website. The second references ships that are listed on another website - a website that requests no recognition.


Just a start on such a list. In 'Official Number' sequence. Of vessels listed in U.K. Parliamentary Papers.

1860, 1861 & 1862 WRECKS (now complete re all 41 pages above re such years (14 + 14+ 13), a long list indeed - go here

1867 WRECKS (now complete with all 5 1867 pages - go here)

1868 WRECKS (in progress - go here)

1870, 1871 & 1872 WRECKS (now complete with all 15 of the 1870 pages listed above & all 14 of both the 1871 & 1872 pages - go here)


There would seem to be two web sites (1, 2) via which one can download various editions of Lloyd's Register. Two of the sites list as unavailable a bunch of editions that I have been able to download over the years, most often from Google books. Another fine source for such data is here (3, Hathi Trust) however so many of their editions, 1835/36 & 1877/78 as examples, cannot be downloaded in their entirety for copyright reasons - while you can download a single page. What could such reasons possibly be for such a very old book? When editions from 1930 thru 1945 were, for many years available via Plimsoll Ship Data in the U.K. But, as a result of website changes there, one now comes to a page which indexes 75,296 items. But I think that if you search there for a particular vessel name you will come to a detailed page re that vessel.

Survey documents etc. re a great many vessels are now available via this link. Click on 'Ship Plans and Survey Reports'  & then type in the name of your vessel of interest in the search box.

As I find them again, I will list where you can access editions said at the first two links to be not available. Hopefully the list below will soon cover many (but not all) years between 1876/77 & 1892/93. They are not easy to find!

1875/76 is available here.
1877/78 is available here.
1881/82 is available here.
1882/83 is available here.
1887/88 there are multiple versions. The English & French edition is available here.
1890/91 (steam only) is available here. 1890/91, steam & sail, is available here.
1892/93 is available here.
1893/94 is available here,
1896/97 (steamers) is available here,
1898/99 re sailing vessels is available here,
1918/19 is available here.


A great many Danish Ship Registers can be found via this page. At present, 125 of them covering the period from 1869 thru 2002. What a resource! 1913, just one of them, is available here.

There are also, quite difficult to find, detailed history data pdf's re Danish vessels. Made available by M/S Maritime Museum of Elsinore, Denmark. I'll add then in below as and when I find them.

Alas, I cannot find them again - sorry about that! Some of them used to be available as follows:-

from B.P. Diana to Borglum,
from F.A. Harder to Foroyingur,
from I.A. Strande to Jorna,
from Ivigtut to Ivar,
from Julie Lynn to Jergen Maersk,
from L.J. Bager to Nueva Roma,
from O.B. Suhr to Qulleq,
from Sigrid S. to Skjoldnaes,
from Uffe to Vest,
from Vesta to Vaering,


1873, 1878, 1884, 1893, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1908, 1974,

May I suggest that you navigate the site via the index on page 001.PRIOR PAGE / NEXT PAGE

Thomas M. M. Hemy Data Pages 01, 02 and 03 are now on site. Plus all of the other image pages, accessible though the index on page 05.


eBay U.K.

Trove - Australian Newspapers

Welsh Newspapers

California Newspapers

New Zealand Newspapers

Southampton City Council / Plimsoll

Sea Breezes editions

To MV Danmark Slider Puzzle page & to the Special Pages Index.

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1860, 1861 & 1862 WRECKS (now complete re all 41 pages re those years above (14 + 14 + 13)

27 Flora, 32 Queen Margaret, 36 Marmion, 49 Norna, 62 Fanny, 68 Caucasian, 97 Orb, 103 Inglewood, 115 Foyle, 125 South Sea, 138 Araby Maid, 140 Aberfoyle, 150 Malvina, 157 Forest Queen, 178 Gem, 206 Ondine, 233 Bristol, 270 Borderer, 283 Lovely Nelly, 289 Jane, 294 True Blue, 317 Princess, 322 Surprise, 347 Africanus, 408 Leo, 420 Britius, 454 Nugget, 470 Loda, 506 Enterprise, 517 Scotia, 525 John King, 530 Royal George, 532 Eliza, 544 Two Brothers, 553 Thomas and Jane, 556 Marianne Walsh, 617 Java, 623 Mary, 642 Harper, 702 Two Sisters, 721 Eden, 724 Harlequin, 743 Elizabeth Radcliffe, 747 Edith, 755 Red Gauntlet, 546 Providence, 586 Perimede, 650 Fair Kathleen, 749 Maria, 766 Breeze, 777 Julia, 799 Harriet, 801 Clyde, 809 John Evans, 812 Paragon, 814 Marion, 831 Express, 833 Fairy Queen, 860 Ann Mitchell, 893 Diolinda, 899 British Tar, 918 Britannia, 919 Prodroma, 924 Gazelle, 931 Clydeside, 937 James Gibb, 937 James Gibb, 943 Cyrus, 953 Lusitania, 959 Ellen, 968 Lady Katherine Barham, 971 Arena, 992 Resolution, 1006 Pryde, 1010 Fanny Gann, 1016 Sarah, 1029 Doctor, 1029 Doctor, 1031 William Hutt, 1033 Warbler, 1072 Sir Walter Raleigh, 1086 Wellington, 1101 Irlam, 1117 Miles Barton, 1120 Yrea, 1127 Kitty, 1131 Eleanor, 1139 Serpent, 1167 Margaret, 1169 Jessie Miller, 1170 Moulin, 1178 Helena, 1187 Cumloden Castle, 1188 Joseph Howe, 1191 Glencaple, 1203 Crisis, 1209 Zitri, 1228 Templar, 1239 Hope, 1242 Rose in June, 1246 Mountain Maid, 1253 Belmont, 1255 Tagus, 1291 George William, 1329 Dart, 1349 Villiers, 1353 Empress Eugenie, 1372 Liberia, 1383 Three Sisters, 1392 Hull Packet, 1412 Springfield, 1445 Jane Dalrymple, 1446 Hebe, 1447 Agnes, 1462 Monarch, 1481 Arabian, 1483 Maria, 1494 Clementine, 1499 Egyptian, 1522 Prima Donna, 1524 Deslandes, 1536 Hope, 1558 Laila, 1559 Ellerslie, 1577 Falcon, 1643 Rodolph, 1651 Conrad, 1669 Wave Queen, 1673 The Duke, 1675 Merit, 1746 Patrick, 1765 Grace Gibb, 1772 Solstice, 1791 Karnak, 1802 Reciprocity, 1809 Vesta, 1817 Jane, 1848 Merlin, 1867 South Pictou, 1881 Marathon, 1892 Mary Anne, 1895 Rajah, 1910 Alice, 1922 William Peile, 1931 Utility, 1943 Queen, 1984 Good Intent, 1995 Raglan, 1996 Christian Charlotte, 1999 Bijou, 2001 Emma, 2003 Fairy, 2015 Gipsey, 2031 Walker, 2033 Guilford, 2043 Queen of the Seas, 2053 British Empire, 2055 Catherine, 2062 Doctor Winterbottom, 2063 Swallow, 2080 Isabella and Dorothy, 2084 Esther, 2093 London, 2099 Sarah, 2100 England's Queen, 2103 Marsden, 2110 Stokesley, 2113 Empress, 2122 McLeod, 2133 Crown, 2136 Kelso, 2147 Helgoland, 2148 News, 2150 Chance, 2151 Renovation, 2160 Coral Isle, 2169 Wansbeck, 2175 John, 2175 John, 2183 Syren, 2192 Isle of Skye, 2196 Falcon, 2205 Navigator, 2210 Amity, 2213 Sir Henry Webb, 2215 Stella, 2217 Phesdo, 2225 Commerce, 2226 Success, 2227 Asphalon, 2244 Mary and Dorothy, 2246 Flying Fish, 2252 Lustre, 2280 Thomas Young, 2291 Melona, 2305 Ocean, 2308 Minna, 2327 Gratitude, 2341 Success, 2357 Nottingham, 2393 Valleyfield, 2394 City of Lincoln, 2403 Eleanor, 2405 Horatio, 2409 Mary Howe, 2437 Cove, 2442 Humility, 2448 George and Maria, 2466 Promise, 2470 Ann, 2496 Fidus, 2503 Dahlia, 2508 Mary Caroline, 2552 William and Jane, 2557 Ceneus, 2572 Susannah, 2574 Arno, 2578 Mary Ann, 2579 Content, 2600 John and Mary (built at the Tyne, not at Sunderland), 2614 Minerva, 2617 Wakefield, 2626 Hendon, 2632 Active, 2633 Elizabeth, 2636 Shincliffe, 2651 Robert & Margaret, 2670 Osprey, 2676 Poultons, 2677 Brother and Sister, 2683 & not 26832 Relief, 2690 Nestor, 2696 William Thompson, 2697 Anne, 2717 Thomas and Hannah, 2726 Lady Lovat, 2728 Lord Hill, 2734 Speed, 2755 Drake, 2767 Orphan's Friend, 2790 Vernal, 2832 North Briton, 2859 Robert and Mary, 2860 Juliet, 2868 Bartley, 2880 Mary, 2883 Autumn, 2889 Matthew, 2897 Page, 2899 Lark, 2905 Yacht, 2910 Snowdrop, 2914 Vigilant, 2917 Mayor, 2923 Lord Mulgrave, 2929 Stafford, 2930 Restless, 2934 William's Adventure, 2943 Triton, 2947 Rotterdam Packet, 2957 Beatrice, 2970 Two Johns, 2980 Ruby, 2983 Flora, 2984 Matilda, 3008 Lady Mona, 3013 Sarah Huntly or Sarah Huntley, 3063 Harmony, 3075 Vigilant, 3092 Princess Victoria, 3126 Hugh Crawford, 3129 Iona, 3134 Widnes, 3249 Albany, 3257 Lord Warriston, 3262 Ellen, 3287 Clydesdale, 3290 Two Friends, 3317 William Kirk, 3341 Port Douglas, 3359 Haidee, 3360 Margaret, 3362 Bucephalus, 3405 Athens, 3417 Memnon, 3424 Lord Teignmouth, 3438 Isabella, 3456 Triton, 3471 Friendship, 3488 Pursuit, 3498 King Fisher, 3501 London, 3518 Harry King, 3524 Eliza, 3527 John and Ann, 3529 Aeolus, 3539 Dove, 3548 Grace, 3564 Maria, 3567 Mary Jane, 3580 Eliza, 3589 Brilliant, 3617 Nancy, 3619 Gallant, 3636 Murray, 3641 Redcliffe or Redcliff, 3652 Gloucester, 3653 Ann & Mary, 3657 Ocean, 3658 Countess of Westmoreland, 3672 St. Lawrence, 3675 Dion, 3676 Bosphorus, 3706 Dispatch, 3708 Star, 3709 Christopher Dove, 3716 Ann Louisa, 3718 Plenty, 3725 Earl Talbot, 3727 Peggy, 3730 Fairy, 3737 Adeline, 3751 Jamesons, 3758 Earl of Moray, 3762 Sarah, 3775 Raby Castle, 3776 Valiant, 3783 Ocean, 3798 Endymion, 3817 Rose, 3870 Abbey, 3894 Timbuctoo, 3902 Defence, 3903 Gem, 3906 Try, 3909 Tweed, 3920 Margaret, 3956 Hornby, 3963 Contest, 3975 Sarah Charlotte, 3982 Cezimpra, 3989 British Queen, 3991 Liverpool, 3996 Phillyra, 4016 Ebenezer, 4023 Ailsa, 4061 Gipsy, 4062 Ajax, 4078 Mary, 4083 Orissa, 4104 Mars, 4125 Daniel, 4127 Don Quixote, 4131 Eliza, 4154 Esther, 4169 George the Fourth, 4193 Newnham, 4197 Lady Ellen, 4227 Four Brothers, 4250 Margaret, 4272 Ellen, 4278 Cumberland, 4284 Bellona, 4288 Nymph, 4301 Lydia, 4304 Glenbervie, 4311 Templeman, 4312 Catherine Ewan, 4326 Earl of Harewood, 4331 William Brown, 4357 Ralph Bernal, 4387 Elizabeth, 4401 Eliza, 4406 Orderly, 4412 Release, 4420 Sagittarius, 4420 Saggittarius, 4422 Caroline, 4443 Providence, 4452 Mary Ann Susan, 4538 Endeavor, 4543 Samuel and Ann, 4545 Ellen, 4592 Caroline, 4596 Henry, 4603 Rechid, 4629 George Marsden, 4639 Stranton, 4642 David Lyon, 4649 Grampion, 4667 Ariosto, 4679 Argyle, 4690 Aurora, 4697 Brunette, 4702 Endeavour, 4716 Ann, 4720 Sympathy, 4766 Charlotte, 4768 Providence, 4807 Ark, 4838 Friends, 4883 Endeavour, 4903 Friendship, 4931 Mary and Anne, 4961 Industry, 4979 British Tar, 4982 Sarah, 4987 Margaret and Ann, 5007 Calla, 5016 Carlisle, 5028 Trial, 5035 Mary Ann, 5041 Unity, 5047 Standard, 5049 Plough, 5058 Prince Regent, 5062 Rover, 5067 Active, 5069 Betsey, 5080 Margaret, 5083 Rebecca, 5085 Gulnare, 5090 Ariel, 5098 Douglas, 5116 Falmouth, 5116 Falmouth, 5124 Conqueror, 5132 Minerva, 5137 Sisters, 5155 Sarah, 5161 Glory, 5162 Friends, 5166 Nicholas Wood, 5174 Robinson, 5176 Indus, 5178 Ebenezer, 5183 Defiance, 5200 Shamrock, 5204 Francis Griffiths, 5209 Sarah and Eleanor, 5212 Orion, 5220 Amelia, 5223 Whim, 5233 Caroline, 5234 Unity, 5237 Violet, 5265 Brothers, 5270 Rose, 5283 Midge, 5288 Don, 5289 Margaret Pryde, 5297 Spee, 5328 Lavinia Mary, 5329 Thames, 5344 Thomas Hodgson, 5367 Columbine, 5369 Emerald, 5385 Jason, 5397 Canton, 5403 Eagle, 5413 Letitia, 5429 Choice, 5432 William Darley, 5433 Henry Turner, 5459 Judith, 5503 Turk, 5540 Express, 5554 Perseverance, 5558 Ann and Louisa, 5581 Saucy Lass, 5605 Roslin Castle, 5607 Iris, 5633 Alpha, 5646 Earl of Fife, 5652 Saltram, 5685 Friend's Endeavour, 5732 Leighton, 5742 Valentine, 5742 Valentine, 5757 Signet, 5758 Lunan, 5780 Glynne, 5790 Belle, 5834 Margaretta, 5853 Savanna, 5862 Sea Serpent, 5868 Change, 5927 Harbinger, 5937 John and Elizabeth, 5944 Undaunted, 5950 Labourer's Increase, 5957 Concord, 5959 Produce, 5960 Zephyr, 5963 London, 5972 Charity, 5981 Lion, 5998 Shuttle, 6026 Swithamley, 6046 Salem, 6047 Sir James Ross, 6053 Mersey, 6055 Birmingham, 6069 Mary, 6072 Strathfieldsaye, 6075 Thalia, 6079 Little Ben, 6080 Alice Gill, 6087 Chase, 6101 Prince Charlie, 6113 William Hammond, 6163 Carntyne, 6196 Sarah and Emma, 6203 Teesdale, 6223 Peace and Plenty, 6249 Newport, 6251 Ann, 6267 Elizabeth, 6275 Thyatira, 6280 Isabella and Jane, 6334 John Sugars, 6416 Asia, 6420 Rebecca, 6454 Hotspur, 6462 St. Margaret, 6463 Whim, 6475 Nettle, 6502 Thomas and Martha, 6511 Betsy, 6520 Conrad, 6538 Gleaner, 6539 Holkham, 6547 Maria, 6548 Volusia, 6581 Hero, 6589 Maria, 6592 Dove, 6614 Creole, 6616 John and Jane, 6643 Fairy, 6649 Lavinia, 6656 Sea Nymph, 6664 Isabella, 6666 Viper, 6674 Vesper, 6675 Providence, 6678 Union, 6692 Lady Williamson, 6739 Two Friends, 6744 James and Ann, 6753 Champion, 6766 Favourite, 6767 Box, 6768 Venilia, 6772 Onesta, 6773 Cruizer, 6783 Attila, 6788 Emerald, 6793 Planet, 6797 Zoar, 6802 Earl of Hopetown, 6812 Mary Read, 6828 New Astley, 6832 Helen, 6833 Undaunted, 6843 Prospect, 6844 Banchory, 6850 Foveran, 6857 Perth, 6861 Henrietta, 6873 Limas, 6901 Mary, 6902 Mary Wylie, 6913 Alma, 6991 Typhoon, 7001 Lindisfarne, 7006 Windermere, 7031 Eliza Pirrie, 7033 Dulcinee, 7038 Eliza, 7044 Eliza and Ann, 7067 Sharon, 7086 Bell, 7087 Geraldine, 7110 George Duncan, 7122 Wave, 7131 Mary Key, 7137 Sheridan, 7138 Amethyst, 7144 Queen, 7150 Rectitude, 7160 Robert, 7161 Fame, 7162 Liverpool, 7167 Indian, 7172 Happy Return, 7188 Newport, 7196 Lydia, 7214 Independent, 7221 Ruthenia, 7223 Lady Kinnaird, 7227 Mary, 7230 Emerald, 7231 William Alexander, 7234 Boomerang, 7248 Alexander, 7258 Providence, 7260 Corbiere, 7277 Mary and Ellen, 7280 Cocidius, 7311 Winscales, 7312 Sprite, 7339 Alice, 7342 John Purdie, 7357 Thames City, 7359 Ashley Down, 7371 Sedgemoor, 7381 Colinda, 7384 Peace, 7387 Water Lily, 7390 Cincinnatus, 7404 Free Trader, 7405 Caldee, 7408 Davidsons, 7410 Lotus, 7413 Restless, 7461 Trojan, 7470 Elizabeth Campbell, 7474 Canada, 7478 Samuel Killam, 7498 Eleven, 7507 Elizabeth Duncan, 7514 Oucanasta, 7622 Three Sisters, 7649 Trump, 7680 Pitton, 7714 Fergus, 7715 Swift, 7718 Traffic, 7737 Major, 7769 Olive, 7770 Swallow, 7780 Pacific, 7790 Good Intent, 7807 Gem, 7814 Sisters, 7830 Rhine, 7840 Earl of Lonsdale, 7896 Manilla, 7929 Allihies, 7935 Sarah, 7942 A. F. Moore, 8054 Mary Ann, 8057 Betseys, 8067 Earl of Durham, 8068 Elizabeth, 8094 Eliza, 8115 Dave, 8117 Richard Brown, 8118 Giles, 8135 Levana, 8139 William Henry, 8149 Parton, 8161 Gulnare, 8168 Alexander, 8174 Brazilian, 8176 Caledonia, 8185 Hinda, 8190 New Milford, 8225 Matchless, 8295 Clarissa, 8304 Barrasie, 8327 Garland, 8337 Castilian Maid, 8358 Emerald, 8359 Maria, 8377 Caledonia, 8381 Florence Dombey, 8384 Leonard Wright, 8392 Collooney, 8407 Request, 8423 Merchant, 8425 James, 8430 Bee, 8433 Kingston, 8435 Economy, 8444 George the Fourth, 8458 Mystery, 8464 Magnet, 8478 Nimrod, 8507 Rattlesnake, 8515 Margaretta, 8548 George, 8575 Stag, 8604 Brothers, 8627 Lune, 8630 Caroline, 8636 Margaret Wilson, 8648 Spey, 8652 Royal Sovereign, 8672 Carrywell, 8690 Sally, 8697 Fisher, 8707 Mary Henney, 8717 Emporium, 8719 Palmer, 8731 Bloomer, 8734 Rowland Hill, 8741 Clunie, 8746 Ellen, 8755 Galatea, 8760 Adventure, 8770 Dawson's, 8835 William Campbell, 8836 Lewis Charles, 8837 Barbara, 8864 Pioneer, 8880 Prosperity, 8886 Cascade, 8887 Leven, 8899 Durus, 8907 Delta, 8911 Seine, 8919 Emma, 8924 St. Andrew, 8928 Mary, 8934 Sunbeam, 8942 Cresswell Packet, 8946 X.L., 8950 Port Glasgow, 8957 Union, 8970 Aid, 8972 Ocean, 8974 Chance, 8979 Violet, 8985 Satellite, 8988 Good Intent, 9002 Good Intent, 9007 Oak, 9012 William, 9032 Linda, 9039 Royal Saxon, 9041 Pax, 9049 Jane, 9053 Laurel, 9101 Aerolite, 9105 Magyar, 9119 Aetna, 9162 James Freeman, 9228 Industry, 9247 Mayflower, 9252 Western Trader, 9264 Young Gipsy, 9288 Ben Mychree, 9295 Nereid, 9305 Bamborough Castle, 9309 Dee, 9313 Agnes, 9316 Catherine, 9324 Jane, 9358 Barbara and Margaret, 9360 British Queen, 9452 Fox, 9473 Industry, 9478 Mary and Kate, 9480 Allington, 9491 Frolic, 9493 Mary Weir, 9592 Rival, 9620 Robert, 9636 St. Croix, 9642 Harriet, 9648 Rubina, 9663 Renard, 9683 Chance, 9697 Antagonist, 9704 Adventure, 9741 Augusta, 9743 Youth, 9779 Samuel, 9809 Industry, 9810 Earl of Lisburne, 9856 Mariner, 9858 Lunaria, 9865 New Hope, 9886 Abigail, 9898 Dinapore, 9969 Express, 10005 Johns, 10025 Ant, 10053 Hope, 10054 Mary Ann, 10103 Trio, 10116 Tryphena, 10121 Sisters, 10148 Vigilant, 10188 Imaum of Muscat, 10199 Dinorwic, 10204 Jessie, 10209 Diadem, 10213 Mary and Anne, 10222 Brothers, 10227 Hydra, 10235 Lovely Maria, 10250 Vision, 10255 Llansaintffraid Trader, 10273 Speedwell, 10314 John, 10316 Stone Mine, 10322 Vigilant, 10325 Tiberias, 10329 Rechabite, 10335 Avon, 10355 Magnet, 10361 Thomas, 10361 Thomas, 10416 Strathbogie, 10431 Magnus Troil, 10439 Mercury, 10483 Cleopatra, 10508 Alma, 10513 Walton, 10517 Lanchester, 10519 Black Eagle, 10535 Dumfriesshire, 10555 Fanny, 10583 Prompt, 10609 Magdalen, 10638 John Knox, 10706 City of Palaces, 10717 Mermaid, 10725 Elmer, 10746 Janet, 10749 Sylph, 10755 Elizabeth, 10792 Rosetta, 10799 Nepaul, 10816 Owen Cambridge, 10821 Friendship, 10848 Comet, 10848 Comet, 10864 Fanny, 10888 Providence, 10894 Abeona, 10902 Romney, 10914 Betsey, 10927 Industry, 10944 Tartar, 10946 Charles, 10975 Alfred, 11009 Hydrus, 11032 Speculator, 11105 Cloud, 11325 General Cathcart, 11352 Eagle, 11368 Express, 11416 Primrose, 11430 Rover, 11453 Elizabeth, 11481 John and Edward, 11490 Zuleika, 11496 Hero, 11507 Sir Colin Campbell, 11529 Aird Lamont, 11549 Sutlej, 11555 Britannia, 11560 George Dillwin, 11565 Thomas and Peggy, 11566 Genova, 11580 Eliza Robson, 11583 Virbilia, 11584 Earl of Durham, 11588 Concord, 11661 Tredegar, 11696 Enterprise, 11699 Trial, 11737 Sister, 11745 Kate, 11763 Queen of the West, 11766 Reserve, 11815 Jeanne d'Arc, 11834 George and William, 11859 Eclipse, 11874 Thrifty, 11893 Alma, 11925 Alexander, 11926 William Marsland, 11934 Colonist, 11953 Queen of the Wave, 11957 Queen of Sheba, 11960 Jane Strong, 11968 Sir John Easthope, 11972 Tamora, 11976 Gundreda, 11978 Remi, 12023 Retreat, 12031 Origen, 12045 Elizabeth Randell, 12057 Little Aggie, 12073 Madam, 12089 Albion, 12095 Neptune, 12096 Perseverance, 12170 New York Packet, 12174 Mary, 12197 Irongray, 12204 Closina, 12228 Demerera, 12245 Laing, 12251 Lillias, 12253 Samuel Boddington, 12255 Ann Garrow, 12256 White Rose, 12316 Augusta Jessie, 12347 Stephen Huntley, 12357 Queen of Freedom, 12369 Edgar Atheli, 12372 Testimonial, 12402 Sarah, 12408 Scotia, 12416 Maria, 12427 Fame, 12429 Gem, 12436 Wanderer, 12461 Catherine Fraser, 12478 June, 12488 Young, 12505 Rose, 12522 Cardiff Lass, 12543 Deva, 12584 Leveret, 12605 Walney Star, 12607 Saint Andrew, 12625 Martha Grace, 12645 Sir A. N. McNab, 12649 Elizabeth, 12665 Sarah and Margaret, 12666 Ann Pitcairn Sharp, 12682 Livingstone, 12701 Ocean Child, 12707 British Empire, 12720 Pilot, 12734 Kirkdale, 12748 Crystal Palace, 12749 Perseverance, 12776 Lockwoods, 12785 Panope, 12809 Isabella Grinly, 12814 Gainsboro' Packet, 12819 King Olave, 12824 James, 12827 Bell, 12830 John, 12834 Cyrus, 12836 Rapid, 12841 Gipsey, 12861 Emma Tulley, 12866 Nelson, 12890 Harpley, 12892 Chieftain, 12894 Thomas, 12895 Carrs, 12897 Sunshine, 12910 Elizabeth and Ann, 12961 Conquering Hero, 12979 Mindoro, 12989 Alberta, 12991 William, 13003 Clementine, 13009 Speedwell, 13009 Speedwell, 13017 Phoebus, 13018 Clyde, 13023 Lady Eleanor, 13024 Onyx, 13026 Leguan, 13038 John Miller, 13044 Red Rose, 13045 Adelaide, 13071 Hero, 13079 Island Maid, 13098 Flora, 13104 Planter, 13114 City of Limerick, 13133 Experiment, 13136 Joseph, 13141 St. George, 13156 Chandros, 13167 Cistus, 13202 Vivid, 13222 Experiment, 13223 Mary, 13274 Jane, 13309 James Lemon, 13349 St. George, 13361 Louisa Marion, 13375 Charity, 13383 Arctic (not Artic), 13434 Wharfinger, 13436 James, 13458 Sally, 13505 Swift, 13520 Belvidere, 13522 Annie McLeod, 13524 Paisano, 13547 Waldensian, 13550 Kezia, 13555 Baronet, 13561 Asiatic, 13562 Hersilia, 13571 Security, 13572 Spectre, 13574 Daniel Jeffries, 13582 Prince Arthur, 13587 Erin Go Bragh, 13589 Melbourne, 13602 Transit, 13608 Sarah Bell, 13609 Galatea, 13612 Elizabeth, 13621 Ellen, 13626 Mary Sharp, 13631 Samaritan, 13651 Eldorado, 13669 Mary Ann, 13673 Admiral, 13674 Lord Hardinge, 13690 Trafalgar, 13708 Parland, 13719 Columbus, 13732 Orbona, 13783 Crystal Palace, 13799 Taymouth Castle, 13801 Jessie Thomas, 13845 Limerick Lass, 13852 Favourite, 13857 Mary Ann, 13874 Llangothland, 13898 James, 13909 Belford, 13915 Francis Yates, 13943 Alma, 13944 Nestor, 13987 Two Sisters, 13991 Dee, 13997 Apame, 14014 Nancy, 14020 Candidate, 14021 Fanny, 14024 Jane Archibald, 14027 Trial, 14033 Duke of Wellington, 14035 Welcome Return, 14055 Little Jenny, 14058 Henrietta, 14087 Hugh, 14088 Sunbeam, 14103 Commodore, 14148 Gardner, 14154 Eliza, 14159 Honour, 14164 Fanny, 14170 Gratitude, 14182 Bosphorus, 14184 Underley, 14186 Grays, 14201 Adonis, 14205 Marion, 14208 Alert, 14209 Mars, 14215 Britannia, 14220 Hope, 14246 Active, 14266 Brothers, 14270 Salacia, 14282 Sarah Ann, 14287 Elizabeth, 14298 Tay, 14320 Emeline, 14323 Prudence, 14325 Summer Hill, 14362 Danube, 14382 Gipsey, 14405 Edmund Pear, 14408 Planet, 14413 Wave, 14448 Eagle, 14452 Anne, 14513 Russian, 14517 Canute, 14559 Thomas Fielden, 14563 Swallow, 14579 Washington, 14607 Ann, 14620 Margaret, 14648 William Panton, 14652 Regina, 14663 Sir Henry Pottinger, 14667 Harvest Home, 14682 Eliza, 14687 Amelia Hill, 14704 George Avery, 14734 Challenger, 14754 Duke of Bronte, 14773 Tyrer, 14774 America, 14775 Ann Lawson, 14793 Morrisons, 14831 Margaret, 14836 Alliance, 14845 Falcon, 14847 Water Witch, 14848 John Wesley, 14853 Joseph, 14855 John, 14858 Phantom, 14865 Acorn, 14879 Eliza, 14881 Quickstep, 14883 Queen of the Isles, 14884 Gipsey Queen, 14892 Amulet, 14896 Gem, 14915 Confidence, 14917 Rising Sun, 14926 Emily, 14941 Arethusa, 14975 Cygnet, 14993 Pauil, 15049 Jane Hudson, 15060 Caroline, 15083 John, 15101 Sister Ann, 15115 Endeavour, 15132 Experiment, 15145 Lydia McHenry, 15162 Blanch, 15177 Atalanta, 15181 William Francis, 15201 Isabella, 15247 Coriolanus, 15261 Flying Childers, 15269 Royalist, 15354 Phoenix, 15416 Prospect, 15437 Kilblain, 15446 Mauritius, 15494 Margaret, 15520 Worthy of Devon, 15526 Hazard, 15555 Thomas and Mary, 15571 Dawn, 15628 Guthrie, 15647 Vindolana, 15663 Alexander Wise, 15671 Bolivar, 15675 Bothnia, 15679 Edward, 15695 Alverton, 15698 Lord George Bentinck, 15703 Brougham, 15704 Watson, 15711 Providence, 15713 Prudent, 15728 Kate, 15758 Stamboul, 15815 Good Intent, 15827 Metropolis, 15835 Euphrosyne, 15857 Neptune, 15869 John Fielden, 15891 Orpheus, 15907 Saint Lawrence, 15939 Rose, 15940 Jenny Lind, 15943 Janet, 15977 Little Joe, 15993 Englishman, 16015 Marion, 16025 Agnes Garland, 16044 Conqueror, 16070 Ann and Maria, 16075 Hero, 16079 William Henry, 16085 Sarah Tennant, 16091 George, 16096 Elizabeth Ann, 16111 Queen of Trumps, 16127 Yivy Lass, 16128 Cygnet, 16146 Marina, 16156 Princess Royal, 16183 Herculean, 16186 Britannia, 16187 Sarah, 16195 Bencoolen, 16205 Jean and Margaret, 16214 Midge, 16217 Zulu, 16227 Beatrice, 16232 Isabella, 16275 Beechworth, 16279 Kangaroo, 16290 Sanderson, 16291 Elizabeth, 16321 Harmony, 16329 Enterprise, 16355 Thomas Ann Cole, 16376 Vistula, 16395 Duna, 16400 Appleton, 16410 Alice and Ann, 16428 Aquila, 16430 Robert, 16445 Gleaner, 16446 James, 16460 Ann, 16464 Lovely Jenny, 16465 Popplewell, 16494 Woodside, 16508 Ark, 16511 Cumberland, 16516 Maid of the Mill, 16521 Adeona, 16522 Olivia, 16573 Sea Lark, 16574 Hope, 16576 Red Rover, 16581 Severn, 16611 Agenoria, 16612 Oriana, 16666 Barnsley, 16669 Yarborough, 16686 Corfu, 16708 Janet, 16722 Alnwick Packet, 16747 Stag, 16782 Aunt Mary, 16782 Aunt Mary, 16799 Jane Greene, 16803 Isabella, 16805 Gem, 16815 Elizabeth, 16819 Spring, 16832 Irishman, 16855 Fingalton, 16860 Panuco, 16876 Bullfinch, 16891 Phoenix, 16893 Prospero, 16927 Forest King, 16939 General Havelock, 16953 Libra, 16974 Waterwitch, 16986 William Wallis, 16987 George Douthwaite, 17000 Hawk, 17007 Ramsey, 17014 Duke of Wellington, 17037 Menam, 17040 Island Queen, 17054 Coquetdale, 17062 Wanderer, 17064 Two Brothers, 17064 Two Brothers, 17068 Grace, 17071 The Coquette, 17072 Speculation, 17097 Phoenix, 17109 Corra Linn, 17111 Elizabeth, 17115 Sardus, 17135 Sarah, 17139 May Flower, 17148 Arwenack, 17149 Gipsy, 17150 Happy Couple, 17192 Warlock, 17194 Enchantress, 17198 Kelpie, 17199 Wellington, 17212 Richard, 17243 Pilot Fish, 17263 Arthur, 17274 Elizabeth, 17289 David Williams, 17297 Jane, 17351 Inkermann, 17381 Edith, 17415 Sisters, 17417 Union, 17421 Amity, 17450 Matanzas, 17451 Eugenie, 17481 Mary, 17490 Deptford, 17511 Jane, 17525 Leander, 17530 Mary & Catherine (not Mary Catharine), 17538 Riverdale, 17562 Guayacan, 17591 Courier, 17607 Ocean's Bride, 17626 Duke of Buccleuch, 17629 Robert, 17634 Agnes, 17639 Hull Packet, 17644 Lillias, 17647 Charles Tennant, 17649 Louisa, 17672 Secret, 17692 Auchincruive, 17698 Twin Brothers, 17708 Lady Alice Lambton, 17711 Hamburg, 17787 Dunraven, 17793 Teal, 17806 June, 17825 Adventure, 17837 Mary Pleasants, 17844 Harriott and Phoebe, 17851 Kingston, 17852 Emmeline, 17872 Julia, 17902 Oak, 17912 Isabella Anderson, 17923 Lord Melbourne, 17928 Jane and Mary, 17935 Liberty, 17940 Blossom, 17950 Comet, 17955 Lady Abercromby, 17965 George, 17972 William and Mary, 17974 Hero, 17976 Highland Chief, 17977 Rose, 17983 Heroine, 17990 Pudyona, 17992 Maria, 18002 Clipper, 18034 Abram, 18035 Chieftain, 18050 Jackson, 18054 Margaret Knight, 18055 George Potts, 18062 John and Mary, 18068 Aires Branch, 18101 George Canning, 18105 Thomas and Mary, 18106 Friend of Africa, 18158 Pioneer, 18187 Ocean Gem, 18209 Jane and Margaret, 18222 Glide, 18224 Isabella Fisher, 18255 Catherine, 18293 Sarah, 18326 Wanderer, 18330 Susan Jane, 18331 Medora, 18359 Susan, 18377 Caroline, 18405 Ann Powell, 18414 Fanny, 18433 Wesley, 18555 Anne, 18556 Saint Andrew, 18559 Lord Gambier, 18573 Lauriston, 18595 Charles Wood, 18613 Gipsy, 18623 Enterprise, 18628 Matilda, 18643 Mary and Sarah, 18676 Commodore, 18694 Blue Jacket, 18699 Malacca, 18719 Honiton Packet, 18733 Jessie, 18774 Sarah, 18775 Bothnia, 18780 Champion, 18791 Ann Perceval, 18792 Lady Mary, 18794 Jane and Mary, 18797 Selina, 18811 Hull, 18812 Imperial, 18815 Jane Baxter, 18817 Minna, 18818 Merchant, 18839 H. W. Bayfield, 18874 Dewdrop, 18880 Echo, 18884 Lord Worsley, incorrectly listed as 18894), 18887 Empress, 18892 Rambler, 18894 Ugie, 18913 William Pirie, 18915 Sovereign, 18930 Coral, 18948 Gipsy, 18951 Sophia, 18957 Horsford, 18958 Eliza, 18966 D'Israeli, 18985 Arethusa, 18988 Fame, 19013 Wesleyan, 19019 Ann, 19105 Elgin, 19112 Catherine, 19119 Hope, 19140 Ann, 19171 Benachie, 19186 Tung Yu, 19190 Colonist, 19229 Mary Ann, 19259 Lovely Cruizer, 19269 Aurora, 19323 Pride, 19372 Devon, 19407 Gleam, 19410 Agnes, 19414 Hotspur, 19423 Warrior, 19426 John Wesley, 19434 Ballark, 19456 Jane and Ellen, 19481 Sedgefield, 19497 Zillah & Rachel, 19499 Hope, 19502 John and Mary, 19523 Alliance, 19531 Resolution, 19539 Commerce, 19541 Enterprise, 19549 Fairy, 19550 Union, 19554 Florence Nightingale, 19562 Arctic, 19564 Louisa, 19575 Echo, 19592 Celerity, 19599 Hersilia, 19601 Miriam, 19613 Queen, 19619 Famous, 19628 John and Isabella, 19633 Victoria, 19642 Speedy, 19648 Cygnet, 19662 Industry, 19669 Panama, 19727 Lucy Long, 19744 Jessies, 19787 Polyxena, 19794 Hercules, 19813 Britannia, 19863 British Merchant, 19870 Eliza, 19898 Tramp, 19918 London, 19920 Hannah, 19936 Diamond, 19938 Cecilia, 20014 Guard, 20083 Britannia, 20101 Hope, 20113 Corsair, 20134 Surprise, 20143 Aspasio (not Aspasia), 20167 Bee, 20180 Eugenie, 20203 Polly, 20220 Alexandria, 20227 Castor, 20243 Pedestrian, 20285 Lady de Crestpigny, 20316 Triumphant, 20330 Mars, 20331 Acadia, 20333 Merlin, 20334 Prince Albert, 20350 Junius, 20364 Malay, 20382 Caroline, 20407 John Field, 20411 Mary Young, 20413 Ilen, 20432 Edinburgh, 20436 John and Isabella, 20442 Pearl, 20570 Martha and Emily, 20570 Martha and Emily, 20584 Empire, 20612 Coral, 20612 Coral, 20629 Luther, 20631 William and Anne, 20636 Eclipse, 20648 Surinam, 20672 John Gaynor, 20701 Mercury, 20702 Lord Nelson, 20750 Cleveland, 20766 Belle, 20769 Emerald Isle, 20790 Pomona, 20825 Test, 20829 Sultana, 20849 Malabar, 20860 Gitana, 20878 Couva, 20881 Guyana, 20886 Yarmouth, 20919 Erin, 20928 John Booth, 20944 Ranger, 20944 Ranger, 20945 Commodore, 20946 Thomas and Mary, 20953 Pearl, 20956 Alexander, 20960 Persian, 20973 Abeona, 21011 Margaret and Ann, 21095 Allies, 21100 Bubona, 21105 Tam O'Shanter, 21108 Orleans, 21110 Jane & Catherine, 21114 Halcyon, 21136 Weasel, 21143 Hope, 21154 Advance, 21158 Phoenix, 21201 Blakeney Trader, 21206 Ulysses, 21211 William the Fourth, 21216 Lady Sondes, 21224 Traveller, 21236 Hannah, 21336 Contest, 21341 Blue Jacket, 21366 Branch, 21371 Staindrop, 21383 Colonsay, 21391 Oaklands, 21422 Billow, 21453 Duchess, 21464 Eclipse, 21467 Huguenot, 21478 Baronsmore, 21486 Eliza, 21501 Sprite, 21505 Alice Smith, 21550 Atlantic, 21574 Evangeline, 21601 William, 21605 Comet, 21646 Fender, 21666 Alert, 21673 Paymaster, 21703 Caledonia, 21705 Elizabeth, 21726 Cheerful, 21738 Wave of Life, 21773 Dominica, 21789 Courier, 21792 Globe, 21826 Hope, 21872 John Middleton, 21931 Perseverance, 22007 Amity, 22008 Hope, 22010 Oak, 22013 George, 22025 Princess Clothilde, 22041 Recife, 22072 Norfolk Lass, 22099 Rambler, 22134 Baltic, 22151 Fanny, 22152 Hero, 22157 Kate, 22193 Julia, 22204 Livingstone, 22215 Fowlis, 22239 Mary Ann, 22247 Catharine, 22255 Corinthian Lass, 22259 Elizabeth, 22262 Ranger, 22275 Energy, 22276 Countess of London, 22277 Jane, 22277 Jane, 22282 Gentoo, 22289 Belvidera, 22296 Java, 22299 Commerce, 22301 George and Henry, 22312 Mariner, 22322 Oregon, 22333 Mary Ann, 22350 Norman, 22351 St. Lawrence maybe ON 23351, 22351 Wetherall, 22353 Mary Frances, 22368 Forester, 22374 Mary Ann, 22415 Ruby, 22442 Eston Nab, 22444 Thorndale, 22449 Lyra, 22459 John and Isabella, 22476 William and James, 22476 William and James, 22478 Eliza Kirkbride, 22481 Emma, 22486 Integrity, 22552 Hebe, 22553 John, 22556 Verbena, 22561 Pallas, 22576 Blackett, 22579 Useful, 22581 Marshall, 22582 Gleaner, 22585 Wanderer, 22588 Spring, 22594 Adonis, 22602 Alexander, 22604 Steerwell, 22613 Jane, 22615 Queen Victoria, 22619 Placidia, 22621 Samuel Spyree, 22628 Rosella, 22630 Rebecca, 22635 Moore, 22639 Cairo, 22644 Earl of Seafield, 22667 Venture, 22723 Mary Ann Eliza, 22738 Sarah, 22748 Cleddy, 22760 Eagle, 22763 Cherokee, 22784 Dash, 22799 Atalanta, 22819 Portland, 22832 Union, 22856 Bellona, 22859 Elizabeth, 22865 Sabrina, 22880 Robina, 22891 Maxwell, 22899 Regalia, 22920 Union, 22928 Mary Ann Gann, 22954 Trio, 22968 Gertrude, 22970 Eliza, 22971 Carrickfergus, 22977 Venus, 22984 Margaret, 22993 Ann, 23003 Token, 23012 James Gibson, 23032 Flora, 23034 Silvia, 23041 William Septimus de Septimo, 23072 Edith, 23080 Trafalgar, 23083 Margarita, 23084 Margaret Lang, 23093 Ann Mitchell, 23096 Old England, 23132 Jasper, 23150 Hero, 23158 Hilton, 23163 Cotfield, 23177 Ann, 23179 Helena, 23187 Petrel, 23207 Eliza, 23208 Anna, 23211 Rhine, 23214 Ivy, 23222 Despatch, 23242 Hero, 23270 Star of the East, 23277 Neath Castle, 23302 Ophelia, 23309 Eliza Stewart, 23321 Egbert, 23327 Earl of Selkirk, 23344 Exemplar, 23361 James Bailie, 23382 Princess Alice, 23386 Julindur, 23387 Isis, 23392 Sir Thomas Gresham, 23414 Rover's Bride, 23438 Vivid, 23460 Cockermouth Castle, 23484 Go Forward, 23487 Lucy, 23491 Aeolus, 23499 Skerryvore, 23507 Frisk, 23511 Xanthe, 23525 James, 23535 Coronet, 23554 Mary and Dorothy, 23604 Copy, 23619 Emlyn, 23620 Walker Lass, 23624 William and Isabella, 23625 Harmony, 23627 Mora, 23637 Sarah Kay, 23638 Corsair, 23640 Flora, 23649 Plough Boy, 23653 Kent, 23655 Levant, 23656 Masaniello, 23670 Sea Bird, 23674 Turner, 23688 Supply, 23699 Brothers and Sisters, 23701 Silistria, 23704 Hope, 23707 Napoleon III, 23708 Allison, 23724 Sinope, 23725 Vibilia, 23740 Ann Mills, 23746 Cadiz, 23749 Zuleika, 23754 Admiral Hood, 23755 William Charles, 23762 Shepherd, 23764 Richard Foley, 23767 Vanguard, 23770 Industry, 23780 Willey, 23788 Gem, 23795 Grange, 23799 Mary Alice, 23807 Tryall, 23841 Progresso, 23939 Shark, 23940 William Owens, 23949 Mariner, 23952 Thomas Sparks, 23962 Emperor, 23964 Jenny Lind, 23965 Queen of the Teign, 23966 James Pilkington, 23974 Effort, 23987 Spankaway, 23998 Venilia, 24027 Alma, 24028 Joseph Steel, 24034 Liffey, 24038 Salus, 24046 Hero, 24066 Sunnyside, 24074 Perseverance, 24077 Sea Bird, 24089 Giaour, 24091 Ellen, 24100 British Flag, 24108 Enterprise, 24112 Branscombe, 24124 Retriever, 24129 Dalemain, 24135 Scotland, 24141 Greyhound, 24169 Proserpine, 24175 Typhoon, 24224 Evangeline, 24235 Hampshire, 24239 Pauline, 24250 Kitty Cordes, 24256 Charles Brownell, 24256 Charles Brownell, 24279 Streonehalh, 24281 Rapid, 24311 Bee, 24330 Mary Stewart, 24331 Palendar, 24334 Frances, 24335 Emma, 24351 Livingston, 24374 Manchester, 24381 Mignon, 24387 Hero, 24394 Joshua Waddington, 24410 Miner, 24412 Pet, 24417 Sir John Rennie, 24434 Herald, 24441 George Andreas, 24444 Martha Miles, 24448 Edward Bilton, 24464 Sarah and Isabella, 24472 Juventus, 24488 Eagle, 24510 Myrtle, 24514 Warburton, 24541 Foster, 24550 Fortuna, 24553 Mersey, 24557 Aire, 24605 Blakely, 24628 Asia, 24635 Sarah, 24636 Marchioness of Bredalbane, 24643 Harbinger, 24666 Eva, 24676 Stamboul, 24689 Henrietta, 24690 Eclipse, 24693 Arthur Gordon, 24695 King Philip, 24696 Maia, 24698 Daniel Wheeler, 24714 Champion, 24719 Black Prince, 24728 Princess, 24739 Corinna, 24745 Alceste, 24752 Albion, 24765 Free Briton, 24766 Elizabeth Morrison, 24772 Victory, 24774 Rapid, 24791 Bellona, 24799 Change, 24808 Race Horse, 24810 Maidstone, 24812 Sarepta, 24815 Empress, 24818 Ocean Monarch, 24846 Tranby, 24847 Thomas Lowry, 24849 Welcome Home, 24850 Phantom, 24851 Lady Emma, 24862 Bromley's, 24863 Zephyr, 24867 Kate, 24880 Viscountess Canning, 24881 Halifax, 24883 Henry Gillespie, 24889 John and Richard, 24898 Lord Petre, 24901 Sterlingshire, 24913 George the Fourth, 24933 Cybele, 24959 Augusta, 24973 Arcturus, 24984 Marys, 25002 Queen Victoria, 25010 Telemachus, 25017 Eliza Rae, 25025 Mary, 25026 Louisa, 25052 Queen, 25052 Queen, 25083 Aegeus, 25088 Margaretta, 25108 Jason, 25124 Colombo, 25142 Tribune, 25145 Betsy, 25166 Marco Bozzaris, 25176 Peri, 25212 Eclipse, 25212 Eclipse, 25226 Timandra, 25266 Hercules, 25289 Racehorse, 25296 Stanley, 25297 Hungarian, 25302 Indus, 25304 Percival Forster, 25305 Amelia, 25327 Penelope, 25338 Minnet, 25342 Charles Henry, 25351 Earsden, 25373 Robert and Jane, 25377 Olive, 25423 Idas, 25429 Lesmahagow, 25440 Hylton, 25447 Eleanor, 25448 Sarah Fleming, 25448 Sarah Fleming, 25513 George & Alexander, 25514 Niagara, 25546 Lady of Mugdrum, 25552 Good Intent, 25558 Olive, 25560 John and Mary, 25628 Salonica, 25635 Gauntlet, 25668 Success, 25670 Senator, 25680 Southampton, 25688 Robert Watson, 25691 Lebanon, 25693 Mary Stewart, 25716 Eagle, 25720 Blessing, 25736 Matrona, 25742 Pandora, 25757 Lyra, 25777 John Cunningham, 25781 Roderick Dhu, 25782 Calumet, 25796 Indian Ocean, 25809 Judith, 25810 Freeman, 25837 Ranger, 25839 Agnes Anderson, 25843 Clymene, 25861 Cassandra, 25877 Golconda, 25887 Autumnus, 25893 Pelican, 25895 Garland, 25898 Mary Bibby, 25900 Juverna, 25904 Florence Graham, 25909 Topsy, 25912 Turon, 25924 Ann and Isabella, 25928 Leicester, 25930 Boadicea, 25937 Owen Glendwr, 25948 Fairy, 25950 North Wales, 25962 Crusader, 25969 Bess Grant, 25977 Sultan, 25988 William Barber, 25998 Scamander, 26083 Lady Bruce, 26092 Silistria, 26093 Paxton, 26096 Eos, 26130 Elizabeth and Sarah, 26133 Euxine, 26151 Jane Brown, 26158 Swallow, 26159 Gleaner, 26180 Lima, 26183 Cairn, 26192 Ancient Mariner, 26202 Sea Gull, 26211 Fortitude, 26222 Mariner, 26224 Charlotte Maria, 26234 Nepaulese Ambassador, 26239 Challenge, 26259 Hopewell, 26268 Zealous, 26280 Salacia, 26332 Lord of the Isles, 26342 May Queen, 26355 Glentanner, 26389 Armais, 26392 Victoria, 26400 Saxon, 26403 New Pelton, 26433 Lord Raglan, 26466 Regina, 26470 Tamerlane, 26485 Dahlia, 26496 George Marshall, 26534 Mooltan, 26542 Terra Nova, 26549 Water Witch, 26557 Prince Albert, 26576 Onega, 26577 Director, 26598 Prince of Wales, 26608 Cicely, 26638 London, 26639 Lion, 26647 Niagara, 26659 Aberfoyle, 26686 Secret, 26698 Earl of Eglinton, 26723 Providence, 26753 Druid, 26755 Norval, 26773 Bee, 26773 Bee, 26774 Doctor Banting, 26781 Atalanta, 26787 Eliza Charles, 26799 Aeneas, 26826 Mechens, 26896 Tower Hamlets, 26902 Helen, 26902 Helen, 26907 Speculation, 26912 Grecian, 26922 Ellen and Mary, 26937 Endeavour, 26939 Coquet, 26940 Mary Ellen, 26942 Penningham, 26947 Sarah & Dorothy, 26980 Moses, 27006 Miss Nightingale, 27035 Eliza Laing, 27048 Kepler, 27062 Williams, 27091 Lady Sarah Bayley, 27094 Satellite, 27095 Carthage, 27096 Ceylon, 27111 Negotiator, 27126 Nemesis, 27176 Fiery Cross, 27264 Windsor Castle, 27270 Japan, 27287 Ella, 27307 Jane and Elizabeth, 27315 Boyne, 27315 Boyne, 27327 Barbadoes, 27329 Maria, 27342 Romance of the Lee, 27343 Emily, 27415 Vesper, 27440 Mary, 27458 Old England, 27461 Vivid, 27466 Idas, 27467 La Cloche, 27509 Elizabeth Dawson, 27515 Cynthia, 27519 Rising Sun, 27521 Sarah, 27523 Volant, 27525 Buchan, 27528 Norna, 27551 Arctic, 27569 Alice, 27576 Mayflower, 27607 South Walian, 27623 Petrel, 27624 Spero, 27647 Angelita, 27654 Mary Bolland, 27686 Montebello, 27728 Sarah, 27782 Bernicia, 27792 Euphrosyne, 27794 Wisbeach or Wisbech, 27795 Elizabeth, 27796 Lord Royston, 27799 Competitor, 27803 Woodcock, 27962 Liberty, 27972 Frances Catharine, 27978 Hilderthorpe, 27991 Aura, 28031 Spring Flower, 28032 Punjab, 28048 Ocean Spray, 28090 A. & A., 28094 Impetus, 28127 Boy Tom, 28142 Honour, 28146 Saranac, 28175 Bassora, 28222 Canadian, 28254 Z. C. Pearson, 28273 Mansfield, 28311 Barbara Davidson, 28320 Port Mulgrave, 28330 Swift, 28343 Amstel, 28368 Harburg, 28371 Cubana, 28385 Calcutta, 28389 Connaught, 28399 Ganges, 28414 James Pratt, 28420 Biferous, 28423 Orange Blossom, 28427 Neptune, 28430 Elizabeth Ferguson, 28433 Leda, 28434 Generosity, 28442 Morning Star, 28448 Ellen Horsfall, 28466 Prospect, 28468 Snake, 28487 Raby, 28517 John and William, 28553 Richard, 28574 Isabella, 28608 Young England, 28630 Colonist, 28631 Longton, 28632 Larline, 28643 Empress of the Sea, 28703 Susannah, 28712 I'll Try, 28727 Sourander, 28751 Prince Alfred, 28778 Louise, 28780 Theodore, 28781 Condor, 28788 Hudsons, 28789 Dirk Arnold, 28790 Vedra, 28792 Onward, 28833 Garibaldi, 28853 Henry, 28856 Lord Byron, 28870 Sparkling Foam, 28882 Natalie, 28888 United States, 28913 Safe Return, 28917 Bothnia, 28927 Edith, 28934 Genevieve, 28970 Europe, 29073 Excelsior, 29110 Mary Ann, 29113 Dorothy, 29123 Fanny, 29223 Sea Queen, 29234 Flower of the Forest, 29243 Deptford (not 29343), 29244 Mary and Isabella, 29260 Elaine, 29285 Atlas, 29311 Leading Star, 29319 Neva, 29355 Alarm, 29399 Neptune, 29481 Onward, 29636 Julia, 29644 Carlotta, 29645 Maggie Carrey, 29666 Colleen Bawn, 29723 President, 29746 Josephine, 29760 Colleen Bawn, 29770 Lina, 29811 Ardgowan, 29824 Splendid, 29876 Chesapeake, 29877 Odd Fellow, 30184 Vittoria, 30314 Thomas Snook, 30335 Therese, 30357 Prince Edward, 30497 Tullochgorum, 30514 Louisa Amelia, 30563 Wadiatool Rahimon, 30677 Rattler, 30706 Nusser Sultan, 30752 Sabrina, 30838 Corcyra, 30858 Rapid, 30902 Britomart, 30945 Lord Hungerford, 30971 Robert and Betsy, 31004 Alert, 31553 Christina, 31569 John Ormerod, 31638 White Swan, 31648 Druid, 31713 Munford, 31771 Golden Spring, 31775 Iris, 31781 Wanderer, 31789 Tornado, 31829 Prince of the Seas, 31910 Hermine, 31917 America, 31917 America, 31981 Fingal, 31988 Harp, 32002 Lucy, 32071 Foster Fyans, 32185 Dobsons, 32193 Macclesfield, 32285 Phantom, 32300 Alexander and John, 32381 Prospector, 32418 Asia, 32424 Speculator, 32448 City of Sydney, 32485 Royal Lily, 32491 Shamrock, 32512 New Forest, 32526 Asa Parker, 32530 Cambrian Packet, 32548 Bronze Wing, 32564 Emily Hort, 32621 Ariel, 32642 Staghound, 32657 Frederick Griffiths, 32718 Earl of Hardwicke, 32728 Janet Willis, 32796 Columbus, 32809 Camden, 32819 Kingston, 32850 Robert Burns, 32865 Favourite, 32875 Premier, 32887 Siam, 32888 Tam O'Shanter, 32890 Hindoo, 32893 Janet, 32895 Hampton, 32902 Caledonia, 32928 Dykes, 32932 Mary Bannatyne, 32944 Arab, 32949 C. S. M., 32951 Ocean Queen, 32964 Olive, 32974 York, 32977 Agnes, 32994 Inkermann, 32995 Acadia, 33014 Elzear, 33017 Ann Davis, 33018 Caroline, 33041 William Reed, 33042 Glenlyon, 33047 Edinburgh, 33057 Frederick, 33073 Doris, 33086 Bravo, 33098 Circassian, 33159 Glen Isla, 33164 Hardy, 33167 Louisiana, 33172 Matilda, 33184 Dream, 33188 Gladiator, 33190 Malakoff, 33203 Sardinia or Sardinian, 33222 Alpha, 33224 Amaranth, 33228 Stentor, 33267 Rimouski, 33271 Marie Primrose, 33293 Sourisquois, 33314 Michigan, 33318 Nanette, 33320 Saphire, 33346 Cygnet, 33356 Storm Queen, 33406 Zillah, 33611 Susan, 33698 Marietta, 33764 Standard, 33790 Hound, 33805 Ann Merrett, 33825 Eliza Grieve, 33834 Idalia, 33880 Ann, 33893 Escape, 33901 Dove, 34206 Henry Thomas, 34216 Falcon, 34430 Kate McLea, 34434 Sarah, 34687 Wapella, 34701 Burita, 34712 Robert Reid, 34737 Lewis Smith, junr., 34779 Majestic, 34785 Peru, 34791 Delhi, 34808 Louisa Melisa, 34826 Jane Levitt, 34861 Mary Ann, 34900 Shepherdess, 34912 Morden, 34930 William Hyde, 34942 Alva, 35011 Levanter, 35018 Vocalist, 35028 Xiphias, 35038 Paoli, 35056 Sarah, 35126 Blue Rock, 35134 Morning Light, 35151 Typhoon, 35152 Prerogative, 35231 Sovereign of the Seas, 35239 Reformer, 35258 Palmas, 35284 Azores, 35321 Wren, 35386 Mary Ann, 35389 Elizabeth & Jane, 35490 Perekop, 35501 Northern Bride, 35543 Brazil, 35574 Annet Lyle, 35584 General Wyndham, 35599 Spray, 35647 Salem, 35740 Martha Sophia, 35798 Maude, 35824 Hudson, 35840 Alliance, 35846 Lilian, 35863 Temisconata, 35885 Ornate, 35930 Martha, 35947 Oxford, 36003 Superior, 36018 Duke of Malakoff, 36032 John Silver, 36077 Algerine, 36080 Mary Balcom, 36094 Medium, 36216 Morning Star, 36247 Vermont, 36250 Effort, 36253 Reliance, 36311 Tom Sayers, 36313 Grace, 36340 Lord Lyons, 36390 Gold Hunter, 36423 Sappho, 36440 Reindeer, 36458 Nairn, 36460 Wenonah, 36509 Storm Cloud, 36559 George Henderson, 36568 Mira, 36601 Magenta, 36612 Nyassa, 36634 Quebec, 36645 Anomia, 36676 Mystery, 36718 Pole Star, 36782 Cedrine, 36822 Minnie Dawson, 36830 Percy Pope, 36909 Kenmore, 36969 Boscarne, 37072 Canada, 37078 Melanie, 37085 Nova Scotian, 37146 Queen of Commerce, 37179 Melbourne, 37181 Neptune's Car, 37226 Henry Livingston, 37241 R. W. Greenwood, 37288 John Pendleton, 37289 J. M. Sigoyne, 37351 A. D. Gamadge, 37352 Princess, 37401 Alton, 37403 Thomas Bayne, 37440 Colonist, 37454 Enterprise, 37503 Jerome, 37688 Mary Ann Duffus, 37710 Light Brigade, 37736 Banshee, 37780 Crimea, 37796 Rambler, 37799 Canrobert, 37814 Acadian, 37829 Daniel Hill, 37900 Village Belle, 37951 Cecilia, 37977 Harriet Cann, 37987 Peregrine, 38009 Samuel P. Musson, 38030 William II. Jenkins, 38038 Zebulon, 38042 Olive Branch, 38049 Norman, 38064 J. P. Rolls, 38087 Ocean Belle, 38088 John Clemens, 38092 Lucinda, 38095 A. & J. Fulton, 38162 Young King, 38166 W. Padmore, 38222 John Hastings, 39594 Marmion, 38610 Livingstone, 38894 Sir Alexander, 38915 Isabel, 38941 Caroline Daly, 39002 Lena, 39045 Robert Barker, 39055 Katy Darling, 39116 Magie, 39127 Elfin, 39136 Julia Deagle, 39151 James Yeo, 39163 Nero, 39171 Rustico, 39175 Alert, 39203 Faithful, 39211 Polly Hopkins, 39213 Ocean Star, 39215 Annie, 39232 Empress, 39242 Triumph, 39258 Marian, 39276 United, 39351 Heartscase, 39512 A. Canale, 39571 Juliet Erskine, 39577 Othello, 39637 General Grant, 39756 Apollo, 39848 Mary Waugh, 40095 Daring, 40106 John Pink, 40115 Argentina, 40279 Township of Touranga, 40283 Emma Eliza, 40427 Susan, 40473 Henry and Mary, 40540 Helen McGregor, 40562 Golden Rule, 40593 Laurina, 40692 Macassar, 40747 Cohota, 40893 Ben Campbell, 40916 Oribe, 41144 Celt, 41389 Major Norton, 41468 Huon, 41476 Emu, 41493 Two Sisters, 41624 John C. Ives, 41625 Ewan Crerar, 41666 Elizabeth D. Cameron, 41739 Blanche, 41767 Royal Bride, 41830 Cranston, 41878 Lord Clyde, 41879 Black Eagle, 41894 Robert McAfee, 41937 Vancouver, 41941 Forest Queen, 41949 W. W. Scott, 41981 Queensland, 41984 Award, 42013 Lois, 42104 Cremona, 42621 Jane, 42657 Kaemeo, 42695 Eleanor, 42751 Ann Heation, 43508 Leith, 43630 Darius, 43656 Gorilla, 43788 Hebe, 43814 Excellent, 43823 Trent, 43838 Star of the East, 43954 Mary Langley, 43977 Matilda, 43986 Bosford Hall or Basford Hall, 43988 Spartan, 44152 David Begg, 44167 Yucatan, 44168 W. H. De Wolf, 44336 Windrush, 44504 Regard, 44674 Maggie, 44802 Hertense, 44825 Elizabeth Jane, 45098 Baron, 45147 Addison Potter, 45581 Johanna & Isabella,


1870, 1871 & 1872 WRECKS (now complete with all 15 of the 1870 pages listed above, & all 14 of both 1871 pages, & 1872)

6 Hurkaru, 31 Zephyr, 35 Early Bird, 42 Rover (ON # incorrect), 58 Sarah and Martha, 110 Mary and Anne, 148 Traveller, 165 Lady Clermont, 174 City of Rochester, 175 Jane, 178 Augusta (ON # incorrect), 184 Two H. H., 223 William & Ann (ON # incorrect), 235 Hotspur, 237 Seaton, 240 Lady Hilda, 254 Friends, 258 Hope, 269 Ring, 277 Thomas Hubbuck, 280 Swan, 285 Gibraltar, 289 Charles, 292 Grocer, 302 Hero, 304 Sovereign, 306 Lucy, 308 Wellesley, 324 Lark, 328 Ocean, 370 Rose, 377 Curlew, 378 Cornwall, 392 Ariel, 393 Matilda, 414 Rose Bud, 433 Lavinia, 441 Emma, 488 John and James, 497 Sir James, 508 Hannah, 534 Rangoon, 536 Maria Hay, 571 Advance, 588 Lord Hardinge, 612 John Bunyan, 622 Favourite, 638 Sophia, 667 Naiad, 671 Prince Albert, 699 Alexander, 719 Ormesby Hall, 744 John, 754 Eburn, 764 Ariel, 830 Blair, 834 Emma, 847 Agenoria, 856 Jane Andson, 866 Sarah, 880 Cambrian, 896 Marchioness of Bute, 920 William Richardson, 949 Victoria, 955 Fantome, 1047 William, 1060 Royal Victoria, 1078 Bombay Packet, 1087 Hector, 1088 John and Charles, 1093 John Bagshaw, 1109 Gipsy Queen, 1116 Volant, 1181 British Trident, 1195 Friendship, 1249 Iris, 1262 Jane Leech, 1264 Thames, 1275 Ripple, 1304 Mary Dickson, 1336 Mary Andrews, 1344 Windsor, 1396 Scipio, 1405 Oromocto, 1426 Lady of Lune, 1439 Ada, 1456 Commerce, 1476 Emilia, 1493 Pursuit, 1502 Cynthia, 1511 Queen, 1514 Rising Sun, 1530 Jean, 1531 Montcalm, 1542 Susan and Margaret, 1544 Conservative, 1550 Speakman, 1565 Hopewell, 1569 Pizarro, 1576 Peter, 1606 Rob the Ranter, 1616 Freedom, 1621 Melbourne, 1628 Lancefield, 1648 Eliza, 1680 Robin Hood, 1687 Hope, 1711 Jane, 1739 Honora, 1748 Rajah Gopaul, 1805 Reform, 1815 William Penn, 1830 Sarah, 1897 Idalia, 1948 Energy, 1956 Two Brothers, 1971 George, 1974 Aurifera, 1989 Tiber, 1998 New Diligence, 2005 Integrity, 2026 Jabez, 2037 Mystery, 2050 Meg Lee, 2069 Glasgow Packet, 2076 Diadem, 2077 Horta, 2088 Thomas and Joseph, 2105 Elizabeth & Sarah, 2137 Savanna (rather than Sevanna), 2170 Glencoe, 2176 Agility, 2286 Balmoral, 2300 Duchess of Beaufort, 2303 Alice Thompson, 2334 Maria Burris, 2339 Moultan, 2348 David McIver, 2359 Propontis, 2407 Isabella Heron, 2408 Gleaner, 2413 Rosehill, 2414 Caroline, 2424 Widdrington, 2472 Carley, 2523 Percy, 2529 Vectis, 2533 Susannah, 2534 William and John, 2542 Miaza, 2564 Perseverance, 2575 Hippogriff, 2593 Lavinia, 2595 William, 2596 Economy, 2607 Abbotsford, 2625 British Queen, 2638 Cynthia Ann, 2652 Taurus, 2658 Marion, 2672 Russell, 2689 Hartley, 2708 Brunette, 2709 Eliza, 2713 Mary Jane, 2714 Julia, 2741 Mearns-shire (or Mearnsshire), 2750 Wynyard, 2753 Peacock, 2810 Robert and Mary, 2812 Thornley, 2836 Nina, 2850 Thomas Gales, 2885 Florence Nightingale, 2893 Spring, 2894 Favourite, 2918 Telegraph, 2928 Admiral Nelson, 2933 Panope, 2942 Mary Clark, 2963 Thomas Varcoe, 2988 Phoenix, 3005 Savoyarde, 3006 Ann, 3018 Alnwick Castle, 3020 Margaret (as ON 8020), 3040 Hope, 3041 Gipsy, 3050 Elizabeth, 3097 Helen and Jean, 3117 Hero, 3119 Dart, 3141 Susan, 3179 Mona's Queen, 3182 Rosina, 3207 Saghalien, 3243 Margaret, 3252 Isabella (not Anonyma), 3269 Courser, 3288 Myrtle, 3300 Flora Stuart, 3312 Jane and Elizabeth, 3314 Ina, 3352 Janet, 3441 Frankfort, 3449 Ospray, 3472 Sylphe, 3479 St. Leonard, 3493 Halcyon, 3526 Raven, 3531 Veracity, 3553 Coronation, 3565 Hector, 3595 Venus, 3598 Harmony, 3603 Henry and Harriott, 3610 Hudgill, 3612 Starling, 3614 Prince of Wales, 3638 Mary and Elizabeth, 3642 Eagle, 3659 Revolution, 3722 Fury, 3744 Elizabeth Taylorson, 3745 Bilbao, 3757 Hector, 3779 Hart, 3783 Westmoreland, 3786 Weardale, 3787 Harrisons, 3812 Packet, 3821 Disney, 3823 Lady of the Lake, 3875 St. Clare, 3880 Lord Stanley, 3893 Jane Catherine, 3900 Mary Matthews, 3930 Premier, 3958 Surprise, 3972 Portia, 3993 Prospero, 4001 St. George, 4042 Love, 4086 Locomotive, 4098 Viola, 4122 British Queen, 4150 Halcyon, 4151 Olive Branch, 4153 Luther, 4163 Pearl, 4164 Liza Brinley, 4179 Penman Castle, 4218 Content, 4220 Margaret and Jane, 4231 Two Brothers, 4248 Amity, 4263 River Forth, 4281 Violet, 4289 Claudia, 4342 Abdul Medjid, 4407 Victoria, 4445 Agenoria, 4481 Tavistock, 4484 Renovatio, 4527 Racer, 4540 Queen Esther, 4542 Hope, 4555 Sharon, 4581 Vulcan, 4597 Coral Queen, 4626 Washington Irving, 4652 Julia, 4680 Mary, 4723 Perkins, 4740 Henry, 4779 Mystery, 4867 Hope, 4886 Benjamin and Sarah, 4911 Collingwood, 4917 Melita, 4951 John and Mary, 4954 Albatross, 4955 Henry, 4955 Henry, 4962 Ino, 5013 William Chapman, 5021 Rapid, 5031 Arab, 5032 Trial, 5043 Wellington, 5050 Palestine, 5055 Corsair, 5084 Pilot, 5086 Wanderer, 5087 Look-Out, 5099 Ivanhoe, 5106 Ceres, 5126 Isabella, 5131 Veronica, 5133 Friendship, 5141 Glenora, 5142 Russell, 5172 Friendship, 5180 Jane and Ann, 5187 Romp, 5189 Emulous, 5195 John Myers, 5199 Londonderry, 5203 Naiad, 5217 Martindale, 5222 Vedra, 5224 Leonora, 5229 Ancona, 5231 Clifton, 5250 Coundon, 5262 Venus, 5266 Alice, 5273 Rebecca & Elizabeth, 5290 Admiral Codrington, 5291 Stanley, 5299 Northumberland, 5340 Nonpareil, 5392 Bee, 5393 Industry, 5405 Industry, 5406 John, 5417 Iona, 5441 Oriental, 5455 Tinto, 5469 William Pitt, 5518 Secret, 5521 Emma, 5608 Selina, 5638 Eliza Blake, 5667 Dove, 5683 Britannia, 5748 Cesar, 5753 Cornwall, 5759 Lavinia, 5771 Mischief, 5772 Queen Victoria, 5782 Harbinger, 5817 Bee, 5925 Hero, 5952 Pelion, 5958 True Abstainer, 5964 Champion, 5982 York, 6027 Adeliza, 6059 Norway, 6119 Castle Eden, 6134 Regina, 6146 Medora, 6149 Regina, 6151 Corsair's Bride, 6205 Samuel Bernard, 6242 Friendship, 6284 Teresita, 6296 Undine, 6316 Hero, 6331 Richard and Harriett, 6335 Colonist, 6338 Water Lily, 6364 Arabian, 6394 Amelia, 6426 Sea Gull, 6497 Prima Donna, 6505 Peace, 6527 Eleanor, 6554 Sybil, 6583 Ex, 6586 Elizabeth, 6620 Caroline, 6621 Cadmus, 6627 Verbena, 6640 Yare, 6641 John Clue, 6684 Hero, 6713 Rosanna, 6716 Sailor's Friend, 6756 Norfolk Hero, 6770 Rochdale, 6787 Swift, 6813 Lord Metcalfe, 6826 Star, 6845 Cruiser, 6847 Fifeshire, 6878 William, 6892 Lady Duff, 6898 Kelpie, 7019 Chance, 7034 Antilla, 7051 Lady Ebrington, 7079 Lanercost, 7080 Georgiana, 7085 William Ash, 7124 Isabella, 7178 Britannia, 7183 Eclipse, 7195 Thalia, 7206 Victoria, 7216 Peri, 7238 Thomas Chalmers, 7281 Queenstown, 7291 Mary Hall, 7310 Jane, 7332 Bolton, 7341 Hope-on, 7353 Newton, 7414 Mary Leonard, 7425 John Ferguson, 7479 Isabella Hercus, 7500 Robert, 7513 Charlotte, 7579 Saucy Lass, 7598 Intrepid, 7617 Rousabout, 7624 Prince Kung, 7673 Sebastapol, 7677 Maria Isabella, 7681 Spy, 7698 Mary Eleanor, 7732 Collingwood, 7781 Ebenezer, 7813 Princess Royal, 7822 Rebecca, 7854 Copse, 7928 Bessy, 7934 Lily, 8020 Hero, 8020 Margaret (likely correctly ON 3020), 8035 Mary Thomson, 8038 Thomas, 8044 Trusty, 8047 Speculation, 8048 Jessie, 8063 Industry, 8069 Lime Cobb, 8098 Rover, 8103 Richard, 8105 Elizabeth, 8127 Rock, 8186 Vienna, 8227 Robert and George, 8232 Friendship, 8280 Aurora's Increase, 8286 Thomas and William, 8319 George Laurence, 8367 Glanmire, 8369 Dartmouth, 8376 Hebe, 8382 Mary Sweet, 8419 Olive, 8447 Elizabeth, 8474 Earl of Carlisle, 8484 Anne, 8496 Blyth, 8501 Landscape, 8523 England, 8571 Arrow, 8619 Cherub, 8624 James, 8629 Mary Ann, 8633 Manley, 8655 Creole, 8673 Hammond, 8681 Favorite, 8713 Princess Victoria, 8716 Ranger, 8718 Astrea, 8721 Ranger, 8749 Mary, 8805 Miss Douglas, 8816 Falcon, 8853 Primrose, 8867 Favorite, 8929 Jason, 8973 Dart, 8991 Fly, 9014 Squirrel, 9043 Wild Rose, 9079 Venus, 9153 Camilla, 9184 Humility, 9189 William Gillies, 9250 Capella, 9251 Ospray, 9256 Richard, 9308 Manxman, 9326 Unerigg, 9342 Jessey, 9343 Jessie Stewart, 9353 Countess of Cassillis, 9362 John, 9380 Orontes, 9460 Mary and Ann, 9469 Doris, 9489 Thames, 9497 Friendship, 9516 Prince of Wales, 9520 Elizabeth, 9568 Napier, 9629 Eliza and Jane, 9630 Nonpareil, 9641 Richard, 9644 Childers, 9650 Phoenix, 9712 St. Aubin, 9733 Quiz, 9785 Eleanor, 9801 Nymph, 9851 Bee, 9917 George Ann, 9930 Caprice, 9953 Walter Hood, 9967 Ben Muick Dhui, 10051 Eagle, 10055 Martha Gertrude, 10056 Prince Albert, 10095 Penguin, 10159 Ripple, 10215 Innes, 10216 Union, 10232 Bee, 10240 Choice, 10259 Connivum, 10266 Jane, 10298 Baltic, 10372 Sarah Elizabeth, 10415 Blossom, 10432 Eva, 10433 Watsons, 10442 Earl of Seafield, 10444 Orient, 10512 Radnagore, 10516 Coromandel, 10526 Helen Wallace, 10527 Black Swan, 10554 Sunshine, 10586 Alexander, 10622 Cyrus, 10628 Wakefield, 10629 Ann, 10690 William, 10691 Phoenix, 10707 Challenger, 10797 Cornubia, 10810 Nelly, 10823 Prudence, 10883 Lively, 10889 Ellen, 10955 Janet, 10958 Agness, 10963 James Russell, 10966 Cuban, 11010 Pearl, 11011 Alarm, 11015 Breeze, 11027 John and Jane, 11067 Eliza Corry, 11089 Oracle, 11091 James, 11101 John and Christiana, 11154 Queen Charlotte, 11175 Kate, 11192 Adelaide, 11199 Pyrenee, 11203 Kent, 11322 Bondicar, 11437 Margaret, 11439 Little Liz, 11455 Newhouse, 11468 Patriot, 11477 Ann and Elizabeth, 11483 Good Intent, 11548 Duke of Wellington, 11568 Mexicana, 11608 Success, 11623 Affo, 11624 Cornist, 11674 Betty, 11703 Brothers, 11717 Anne, 11757 Leda, 11821 Lady Leighton, 11824 Gipping, 11854 Mary Ann, 11865 Betsey and Ann, 11868 Unity, 11948 Three Bells, 11997 John and Susannah, 12007 Warner, 12038 Albion, 12067 Nancy Roger, 12078 Hope, 12079 Argyle, 12085 Isabella, 12122 Isabella, 12159 Maria and Isabella, 12176 Berwick Packet, 12202 Margaret, 12203 Primrose, 12206 Cynthia, 12226 Eliza, 12232 Lord Raglan, 12260 Isabella Davidson, 12324 Bucton Castle, 12359 Dakotah, 12370 Melancthon, 12371 Carausius, 12376 William and Mary, 12454 Dove, 12460 Agabus, 12485 Ocean Monarch, 12519 Exley, 12529 Ida, 12537 Mary, 12549 George and Ann, 12591 William Mitchell, 12617 Nancy, 12619 Brothers, 12623 Lady Huntley, 12633 Hope, 12639 Henry, 12642 Arethusa, 12662 George and Margaret, 12686 Moldavian, 12709 Diana, 12750 Sunshine, 12753 James, 12768 Lady Clarke, 12771 Golden Spring, 12783 Evadne, 12789 Agamemnon, 12852 Emigrant, 12907 Express, 12918 John Scott, 12962 Mirage, 12976 Kent, 12995 Star, 12999 Beaver, 13040 Intrepid, 13130 John and Mary, 13161 Nimble, 13206 Hand of Providence, 13230 James Manlaws, 13244 Crescent, 13253 James, 13257 Hope, 13269 Flora, 13280 John, 13315 Alacrity, 13342 Georgiana Grenfell (rather than Georgina Grenfell), 13345 Alcyone, 13348 Vigilant, 13376 Henrietta, 13409 Susan, 13410 Ayr, 13433 Antigua Planter, 13445 Grace, 13495 Mary, 13497 Edward, 13515 Ceres, 13525 Hermione, 13576 Bacchante, 13603 Dido, 13614 Ann, 13633 Kirtons, 13639 Lizzie, 13725 Benvenue, 13729 Kennington, 13735 Faith, 13743 John Temperley, 13806 Star, 13840 Waters, 13905 Ostrich, 13906 Clara, 13931 Ellen, 13933 Ellen, 13959 George, 13960 Titania, 13968 Alfred, 14028 John, 14042 Eliza Hunter, 14053 Cardiff Packet, 14074 Father Matthew, 14079 Nina, 14080 Pearl, 14119 Superior, 14140 Aglae, 14160 Stately, 14166 Hero, 14173 Law Ogilby, 14224 Resolution, 14249 Pacific, 14294 John, 14295 Margaret, 14302 Faugh a Ballagh, 14327 Edward Jones, 14331 Minorca, 14358 John Davies, 14397 Simon Peter, 14401 Commerce, 14433 Robert James Haynes, 14441 Layard, 14488 Wycliffe, 14498 Elizabeth, 14500 Samuel, 14567 Lotus, 14576 Princess, 14577 John Robinson, 14591 Mary, 14593 Victor, 14628 Queen of May, 14651 Refuge, 14673 Sapphire, 14700 Sarah Metcalfe, 14742 John Phillips, 14755 City of Quebec, 14760 Lochiel, 14761 Margaret and Jane, 14765 William, 14821 Dublin Lass, 14832 Elizabeth, 14844 Laura, 14880 Eclipse, 14898 Mischief, 14909 Helena, 14942 Jannet, 14977 Brilliant, 14994 Burlington, 15025 Limena, 15050 Maria, 15069 Eliza, 15081 Tadmor, 15106 Ann, 15118 Novelty, 15144 Mary, 15169 Amity, 15171 John Paul, 15270 Nimrod, 15277 Sea Flower, 15291 Refuge, 15344 St. Branock, 15368 Fanny, 15408 Brenda, 15413 Ocean, 15421 Good Intent, 15423 Judith, 15457 Strathmore, 15474 Morning Star, 15491 Salamanca, 15492 Alpha, 15499 Nazarene, 15529 Sarah, 15548 Bacchus, 15566 Sarah Newman, 15617 Thistle, 15624 Precursor, 15627 John Watson, 15680 John Banks, 15686 Ratcliff, 15717 Snipe, 15718 Hero, 15749 Traveller, 15752 Reindeer, 15763 Heart of Oak, 15784 Margarets, 15821 Surprise, 15832 Robina, 15848 Australia, 15897 Harrier, 15898 George, 15910 Friends, 15922 Favourite, 15942 Mary, 15944 Lavinia, 15949 Arctic Hero, 15957 Whim, 16024 Symmetry, 16031 Index, 16035 John, 16038 Branstone, 16069 Defender, 16071 Raisbeck, 16080 Czarina, 16178 Nelson, 16200 Sovereign, 16256 Shakespere, 16269 Defender, 16270 Zephyr, 16335 Four Brothers, 16338 Helen Scott, 16344 Union, 16348 Maize, 16377 Romulus, 16425 Ann and Elizabeth, 16427 Alice, 16431 Peggy, 16469 James, 16484 Mary, 16498 Mersey, 16605 Triton, 16643 Fidelity, 16698 John Bardon, 16705 Brigand, 16739 Eliza and Jane, 16741 Echo, 16742 Sherlock, 16753 Stedfast, 16763 Elizabeth, 16776 Twin, 16792 Solway, 16810 Rapid, 16824 Thomas, 16847 Merrie England, 16870 Susannah, 16895 Wanderer, 16924 Thetis, 16932 George, 16936 Qui Vive, 16950 Flower of the Arun, 16966 Iris, 16984 Amaranth, 16998 Albatross, 17013 Mary Stewart, 17020 Sir William Wallace, 17073 Queen and Craft, 17075 Odessa Packet, 17077 Chryseis, 17083 Clarendon, 17126 Thomas, 17134 Concord, 17291 Elizabeth, 17296 Sisters, 17302 Agnes, 17321 William, 17330 Mary Ann, 17335 Cormorant, 17371 Rose and Elizabeth, 17410 Britannia, 17429 William and Hannah, 17441 Phoenix, 17463 Wave, 17526 Sarah, 17559 Eliza, 17576 Elizabeth Nicholson, 17612 Elliot, 17625 Clyde, 17627 Belina, 17713 Arrow, 17747 Rebecca, 17769 Harvard, 17779 Twin Sisters, 17780 Calder, 17783 Valparaiso, 17863 Shark, 17885 Excel, 17958 Elizabeth, 17973 Brahan Castle, 17984 Anna Rose, 17985 Oxalis, 18012 Catherine, 18016 Stewarts, 18021 Maggy Lauder, 18043 Commerce, 18051 Flora, 18056 Jane Almond, 18110 Henry and Mary, 18164 St. Cyran, 18188 Braes of Enzie, 18192 Christina, 18214 Mary Ann Craik, 18226 Margaret Porter, 18300 Violet, 18306 Mary, 18328 Dove, 18336 Samuel and Elizabeth, 18341 Flora, 18344 Cornish Diamond, 18349 Ellen Ann, 18352 Maria and Betsey, 18363 Elizabeth, 18380 Cygnet, 18387 Scotia, 18417 Wonder, 18420 Donna, 18446 Sunium, 18455 Elizabeth Martha, 18465 Emma, 18469 Susan West, 18605 Britannia, 18671 Ann, 18672 James, 18723 Avonvale, 18736 Eliza, 18740 Morning Star, 18752 Billow Crest, 18759 Alfred, 18795 Eleanor, 18820 Pomona, 18843 Hawk, 18937 Dee, 18940 Anns, 18972 Prince Albert, 19017 Ada, 19029 Turtle Dove, 19050 Little Western, 19054 Watchful, 19065 Diamant, 19143 Blanche, 19151 Little Nell, 19187 Defiance, 19195 Adelaide Ray, 19255 Unity, 19268 Queen of the West, 19270 Morning Star, 19312 Ann, 19319 Jane, 19329 Swift, 19369 Gabalva, 19386 Perseverance, 19395 George and Emily, 19406 Sir Robert Preston, 19436 John and May, 19437 Eliza, 19441 Iris, 19464 Cupid, 19490 Dove, 19512 Liberal, 19520 Driver, 19521 Active, 19558 Grace, 19653 Duff, 19656 Jessy, 19692 Apollo, 19694 Eliza, 19702 Margaret Pollok, 19723 Hecla, 19735 Susquehanna, 19781 Olive, 19824 Victory, 19828 Briton, 19838 Blackburn, 20009 Alfred, 20010 Providence, 20018 Bebside, 20032 Mary, 20037 Doune Castle, 20051 Viscount Lambton, 20064 Grace, 20064 Grace, 20202 Lamplighter, 20261 Calliope, 20277 Glaramara, 20279 Peerless, 20293 Eliza, 20305 Ann Banfield, 20336 Restless, 20342 Westburn, 20359 Emma Jane, 20362 Frances and Ann, 20367 Augusta May, 20369 Albania, 20418 Enoch, 20455 Eliza, 20464 Glendoveer, 20475 Airedale, 20481 Artizan, 20490 Mary, 20503 Russia, 20522 Islesman, 20523 Leith, 20578 Utility, 20583 Bard of Avon, 20588 Pride of the Thames, 20614 Magheramore, 20635 Bolderaa, 20653 Ellen Morris, 20659 Laura Williams, 20716 Isabella, 20749 St. Dunstan, 20757 Anne Marina, 20773 Clarendon, 20775 Jenny, 20823 Millbrook, 20876 Virginia, 20917 Fleur de Marie, 20926 Laura, 20929 Anna, 20932 Brothers, 20938 Friends Adventure, 20965 Union, 20966 Elizabeth, 20977 Jack Tar, 21021 Timandra, 21052 North Star, 21058 Aracaty, 21065 Honor, 21072 Orilla, 21081 Restless, 21083 Proserpine, 21113 Welcome Home, 21177 Dona Anita (not Donna Anita), 21187 Bee, 21290 Edward Hawkins, 21295 Caledonia, 21332 Dunmail, 21334 Colima, 21376 Lucretia, 21423 Daniel O'Connell, 21434 Brothers, 21443 Swift, 21445 Handy, 21463 Ella, 21494 Mersey, 21502 Humility, 21516 Factor, 21526 Liberty, 21541 Grace, 21582 Ocean, 21620 Pearl, 21630 Admiral Napier, 21731 Saxon, 21793 Blue Jacket, 21801 Sportsman, 21880 Crested Wave, 21929 Hope, 21958 Amelia, 21968 John James, 21976 Fancy, 22002 Maria, 22039 Grace Peile, 22055 Moidart, 22057 Hannibal, 22100 Aid, 22182 Westmoreland, 22202 Edinburgh, 22207 Margaret and Mary, 22218 Harbottle Castle, 22233 Sarah, 22250 Scotia, 22254 Vortex, 22265 Wasp, 22270 Mabel, 22345 Jessie, 22363 Ann, 22407 Reward, 22414 Sarah, 22428 Veracity, 22430 Ant, 22452 Mary Ann Mevile, 22474 Dorothea, 22479 Margaret Cook, 22482 Liberty, 22529 General Havelock, 22542 Midge, 22554 Minerva, 22563 Palladium, 22566 Industry, 22589 Merchant, 22610 Pilot, 22614 Redwing, 22632 Margaret, 22671 Isabella, 22675 Isabel, 22690 Chance It, 22724 Aurora, 22729 Hope, 22747 Nell, 22750 Mary, 22782 Catherine, 22797 Malcolm Brown, 22804 Nelson, 22808 City of London, 22813 Elizabeth, 22838 Jean, 22887 Daniel Huntley, 22894 Princess Victoria, 22901 Henrietta, 22931 Ardbeg, 22934 Cochran Hendry, 22956 Neptune, 22961 William the Fourth (William IV.), 22989 Christiana, 22995 Worthy, 23023 Wellington, 23081 Sir Robert Seppings, 23100 Thomas and Ann, 23134 Jane Sawyer, 23139 William Maitland, 23140 Peter, 23144 Jane, 23145 Spring, 23176 Alfredo El Grande, 23229 Investigator, 23233 Canopus, 23236 Adelia Ann, 23238 Sussex, 23243 Eagle, 23267 Eva, 23275 Volante, 23289 Charles, 23329 City of Manchester, 23359 Sarah, 23360 Accommodation, 23368 Tartar, 23369 Chamois, 23394 Friendship, 23409 Kennett, 23413 Prince of Wales, 23448 Caroline Brown, 23481 Tyro, 23531 Ann and Mary, 23541 Mary Black, 23548 Hermione, 23551 Coringa, 23561 Bywater, 23564 Alster, 23568 Bowes, 23576 Leo, 23594 Witch of the Seas, 23602 Elizabeth Harrison, 23607 Mary, 23632 Aurora, 23657 Star, 23662 Caroline Coventry, 23663 Esk, 23709 Lobelia, 23733 Balaklava, 23744 Lapwing, 23748 Ravenswheel, 23772 Oronoco, 23828 Harvest, 23842 Delta, 23848 Maida, 23874 Lily, 23888 Dart, 23993 Historia, 24006 Indian Queen, 24019 Bentinck, 24030 Vale, 24044 Intrinsic, 24088 Ocean Bride, 24121 Unity, 24132 Glencairn, 24136 Angora, 24146 Jane, 24177 Lady Westmoreland, 24195 Ceres, 24203 Maria, 24214 Runnymede, 24215 Sally, 24218 Oberon, 24228 Arequipa, 24245 Greyhound, 24254 Penrhyn, 24255 Ann and Catherine, 24257 Florence Nightingale, 24266 One, 24291 Fortune Teller, 24297 Talavera, 24319 Curraghmore, 24348 Jane Heward, 24376 Guiding Star, 24384 Flora, 24399 Ruby, 24419 Supply, 24422 Mary, 24423 Isabella Sarah, 24430 Cambyses, 24457 Euroclydon, 24458 Sterling, 24493 Light of the Harem, 24532 McDonnell, 24537 Catherine Morrison, 24543 John Clemens, 24544 Cleopatra, 24548 Allerton, 24555 Lady Sale, 24563 Dale, 24585 Europe, 24588 Jessie, 24596 Glenelg, 24618 Claudia, 24630 Wandsworth, 24646 Sovereign, 24657 Edward Boustead, 24683 Tropic, 24704 Active, 24707 Rockcliff, 24708 Fidelity, 24734 Good Intent, 24781 Scio, 24794 City of Paris, 24831 Nymph, 24836 Matanzas, 24839 British Empire, 24852 Coaster, 24853 Sirocco, 24869 Medway, 24873 Legatus, 24876 Vixen, 24878 William and Charles, 24884 Friends' Increase (or Friends Increase), 24896 Temperance Star, 24903 Zygia, 24907 Cassandra, 24914 Royalist, 24927 George and Jane, 24931 Irene, 24943 Robert Cottle, 24950 America, 24961 Automatia, 24971 James Booth, 24979 Courier, 24980 Ark, 24993 Zuma, 25012 Arabella, 25031 Ann, 25037 Emerald, 25049 Good Intent, 25067 Siren, 25074 Knight Errant, 25143 Star of the Sea, 25160 Union, 25189 Blue Jacket, 25236 Palmerston, 25238 Calliope, 25264 Neptune, 25284 Hannah, 25319 Jane Spoors, 25333 Effort, 25386 George and Mary, 25398 Schiedam, 25436 Clemanthe, 25438 Monsoon, 25439 Majestas, 25486 Liberty, 25504 Eleanor, 25510 Johns, 25515 Sir George Brown, 25535 Admiral, 25570 Valiant, 25598 Brothers, 25638 Storm King, 25645 Lahore, 25659 Zibiah, 25681 Euphemia, 25713 Maid of Athens, 25733 Rialto, 25734 Arve, 25737 Kinderton, 25756 Prince Albert, 25780 Borneo, 25802 Produce, 25818 Caroline, 25840 Dasher, 25868 Sarah M., 25869 Wellington, 25872 Margaret, 25907 Lord Hardinge, 25916 Mary, 25921 Margaret Deane, 25972 Ocean Breeze, 25989 Woodman, 25994 Pomona, 26004 Excelsior, 26054 Tippoo Saib, 26056 Ava, 26061 Georgiana, 26068 Victoria, 26084 Golconda, 26105 William Watson, 26141 Osiris, 26166 Wings of the Morning, 26184 Lizzie, 26188 Derwent, 26190 Jordan, 26201 Waverley, 26251 Chester, 26254 Robert Nicol, 26257 Dido, 26264 Ceres, 26265 Amelia, 26269 Azoff, 26275 Rover, 26285 Vixen, 26329 William Tucker, 26363 City of Bristol, 26372 Ealing Grove, 26380 Anglo-Saxon, 26390 Land o' Cakes, 26420 Prince Rupert, 26421 Thames, 26455 Hope, 26473 Eliza, 26507 Countess of Seafield, 26545 Cassibelaunus, 26561 Asia, 26620 Sydney, 26622 Gambia, 26668 Pacific, 26678 Henrietta (the webmaster believes that the data at the link in fact refers to a different Henrietta - see ON 13376 above), 26744 Charlotte, 26749 Eaglet, 26750 John, 26763 Fame, 26825 Effingham, 26843 Queen of the Isles, 26859 Quiver, 26867 Matilda, 26882 Swan, 26889 David and Maria, 26903 Beccles, 26913 Gem, 26925 Lily, 26945 Caroline, 26952 Bertholly, 26974 Jas. & Grace Gregory, 26988 Earl of Arran, 27029 Emilie, 27031 Lady, 27033 William and Jane, 27043 Eglantine, 27047 William Harper, 27053 Henry Lawson, 27086 Captain, 27092 Rover, 27118 Taptee, 27129 Zegria, 27151 King Lear, 27153 Amy, 27155 John Romilly, 27158 Sarah Prinsep, 27164 Wild Wave, 27180 City of Glasgow, 27189 Panama, 27280 Camilla, 27294 Ajax, 27356 Algernon, 27409 Alice, 27422 Mezerium (not Medzerium), 27472 Wigtownshire, 27487 Ellen, 27512 Hawthorn, 27518 Cereal, 27583 Thomas Hope, 27596 Wide Awake, 27612 James, 27622 Albion, 27637 William, 27639 Illimani, 27725 Grampus, 27729 Grace Evans, 27797 Petrel, 27808 Phoenix, 27813 Britannia, 27881 Sea Queen, 27885 Harriet Dobing, 27935 Mary Ellen, 27938 White Jacket, 27994 Halcyon, 27996 Gannet, 28004 Clara Brown, 28028 Queen's Own, 28037 Accord, 28042 Heron, 28063 Sir George Grey, 28126 Fearless, 28136 Terminus, 28148 Queen of the Taff, 28154 Thomas Edwards, 28163 John and Henry, 28276 John and Grace, 28283 Thought, 28295 Eleanor Francis, 28307 Harriet, 28379 Belvidera, 28406 Hephzibah, 28409 Kathleen, 28418 Spray, 28424 Four Brothers, 28463 Kanagona, 28464 Freedom, 28543 Zenobia, 28544 Simon, 28565 Princess Alice, 28577 Staffa, 28578 Lothian, 28593 Cruizer, 28633 Elizabeth Hargrove, 28634 Wayfarer, 28743 Gambia, 28750 Renown, 28770 Elizabeth, 28772 Lady Beatrice, 28775 Diadem, 28782 Cerealia, 28796 Mary Cumming, 28900 Beta, 28931 Peerless, 28936 Pilgrim, 28938 True Blue, 28953 Lady Lopes, 28969 Commerce, 29016 Clarenden, 29040 Mary Annie, 29051 Ocean Ranger, 29053 Enterprise, 29060 Lively, 29111 Cabinet, 29120 Battalion, 29138 Unrivalled, 29182 Sublime, 29232 Maid of Foyers, 29257 Chaturanga, 29270 Florence, 29277 Molly Bawn, 29281 Nyassa, 29298 Annie, 29344 Good Advice, 29350 Cruizer, 29351 Collina, 29362 Peace, 29383 Bombay, 29384 Clarendon, 29393 Carolina, 29478 Shakespeare, 29514 Telegraph, 29551 Edith Smith, 29559 George Reed, 29571 Inchdairnie, 29573 Volunteer, 29612 Little Edith, 29613 Eliza, 29634 Avis, 29656 Janet, 29672 Village Belle, 29685 Gambia, 29834 Eudoxy, 29848 Trial, 29855 Osprey, 29858 Teesdale, 29903 Vanda, 29958 Delaware, 29990 Retriever, 30103 Falcon, 30136 Arianna, 30386 William Shaw, 30387 Congune, 30527 Sarah, 30611 Eliza, 30619 Dhollerah, 30623 General Outram, 30630 General Havelock, 30639 Lady Nyassa, 30675 Armenian, 30700 Mongyne, 30815 Stree Kristnamoorthy, 30817 Stree Vencatayswerloo, 30818 Stree Vencatayswerloo or Stree Veucataysiverbo, 31272 Sultana, 31282 Aurora, 31501 Louisa, 31562 Lauceston, 31579 Sturt, 31768 Waterwitch, 31772 Indus, 31792 Callender, 31841 Janet Dickson, 31864 Notion, 31908 Sarah, 31993 Fox, 32009 Eucalyptus, 32053 Ann, 32073 Isabella Brown, 32098 Culloden, 32104 Struggler, 32121 Constant, 32123 Sussex, 32125 Marie Louise, 32179 Clarence, 32197 Mariposa, 32237 Esther, 32263 Percy, 32298 Martha, 32318 Yarrow, 32327 Black Dog, 32346 Exodus, 32370 Deva, 32385 Freak, 32402 Angus and Henry, 32461 Bella Vista, 32495 Victoria, 32617 Huntress, 32624 Flying Fish, 32626 Maria, 32688 Blackfriar, 32795 Argo, 32802 Royal Adelaide, 32803 Port Glasgow, 32820 Chieftain, 32847 Phoca, 32854 Credo, 32856 Margaret, 32869 Independence, 32881 Beacon, 32884 Oriental, 32898 India, 32920 Retriever, 32925 Allan, 32948 Adelaide, 33006 Marie Julia, 33076 Oregon, 33080 Redan, 33083 Johns, 33084 Daedalus, 33085 Surinam, 33088 Clutha, 33104 Ardmillan, 33105 Marie Seraphine, 33137 Maldon, 33186 Hiawatha, 33205 Midas, 33207 Admiral Lyons, 33242 Indiana, 33260 Myrtle, 33310 Frenchman, 33357 Electric, 33373 Campbell, 33395 Bannockburn, 33401 Erromanga, 33416 Fawn, 33429 Golden Grove, 33435 Vulture, 33517 Magnet, 33593 Lady Maxwell, 33626 Trial, 33643 C. T. Sutton, 33718 Seaflower, 33776 Palermo, 33797 Christopher, 33840 Dolphin, 33970 Charles, 33980 Hunstman, 33993 Pactolus, 33994 Jane White, 33995 Trial, 33999 Brothers, 34002 H. N. Hutchings, 34130 Rival, 34135 Bridgewater, 34144 Alarm, 34155 Spy, 34207 Mary Jane, 34211 Magic, 34214 Scottish Chief, 34218 Charles, 34293 Huntress, 34321 Mary, 34326 Hebe, 34328 Marian Ridley, 34329 Stranger, 34359 Medora, 34367 Superb, 34374 Sally Ann, 34394 Othello, 34435 Mina, 34479 Kate Cummins, 34486 Bloodhound, 34488 Wolf, 34564 Julia Ellen, 34599 John Nichols, 34601 Sophia, 34609 United Brothers, 34611 Jessy, 34699 Cygnet, 34804 Concord, 34831 Louise Jewett, 34960 Elizabeths, 34998 Dove, 35019 Elizabeth Ann Bright, 35030 Levant, 35031 Oceanica, 35065 C. H. Dyer, 35093 Ocean Wave, 35095 Falkland, 35112 Carleton, 35121 Florine, 35178 Gertrude, 35188 Venus, 35200 Sarawak, 35208 Abbey Craig, 35265 Cassina, 35282 Sir Colin, 35324 Julia, 35329 Lady Milton, 35339 Nell Gwyn, 35356 Pacific, 35365 David Campbell, 35408 Bachelor, 35418 Edinburgh, 35428 Mary Kelly, 35446 Alice, 35450 Fred Warren, 35476 Warren, 35486 Summer Cloud, 35493 Kertch, 35517 McLeod, 35518 Pericles, 35553 Almira, 35564 Mary Lucy, 35570 Ondara, 35615 Eclipse, 35621 Experiment, 35633 Effort, 35735 Nictaux, 35770 Ellen Nancy, 35822 Resident, 35864 Ad Valorem, 36024 Frank, 36044 John Wallace, 36128 Village Belle, 36142 Barrington, 36203 Dreadnought, 36277 Matthew Mooney, 36304 Abilene, 36323 Chebucto, 36348 Reindeer, 36394 Caroline, 36399 Cecilia, 36406 Jane, 36412 Eliza, 36417 Artaxerxes, 36422 Maid of Erin, 36459 Chatsworth, 36466 Glenara, 36491 Ready, 36528 Victory, 36577 Angelina, 36624 Nagasaki, 36635 Spray, 36637 Devonshire, 36652 Storm Bird, 36654 Brisk, 36696 Village Belle, 36732 Rifleman, 36824 Wild Wave, 36828 Five Sisters, 36839 Heroine, 36845 Hackmatac, 36859 Lola Montez, 36862 Caroline, 36867 Sylvanus, 36905 John Bull, 36907 Teresina, 36951 Folly, 36977 Juliet, 36987 Friend, 37044 Telegraph, 37051 Eliza, 37074 Otago, 37152 Great Australia, 37188 S. V. Coonan, 37195 Elizabeth Fry, 37247 Elizabeth, 37293 Caroline, 37321 Fashion, 37350 Rossway, 37357 William, 37484 Albicore, 37518 Starlight, 37559 Active, 37569 Hiram, 37589 Emily Jane, 37598 Stella Marie, 37639 Achilles, 37670 Stromness, 37684 Will o' the Wisp, 37703 John Duffus, 37711 Voltigeur, 37722 Charlotte, 37723 Elizabeth, 37802 Alma, 37803 Meteor Flag, 37833 Richmond, 37860 M. T. Ellsworth, 37881 Onward, 37895 Thames, 37905 Annie Geldert, 37946 Clare, 38029 Levanter, 38033 Alice Franklin, 38090 Ajax, 38094 Return, 38129 Lamartine, 38135 Frank Lovitt, 38185 Jeanie Moody, 38188 Hero, 38202 Monitor, 38225 Bidwell, 38234 Danish Princess, 38243 Stella, 38245 Prowess, 38277 Victoria Ursula, 38349 Mary-le-Blanc, 38386 Smith Eldridge, 38403 Saint Peter, 38427 Charlot, 38433 Atlantic, 38437 Britannia, 38443 Mary Brown, 38458 Le Noire, 38469 William Bowen, 38471 Alice Long, 38602 Teaser, 38628 Candour, 38630 James, 38668 Omega, 38670 Alpha, 38678 Napier, 38682 Edwin, 38733 M. A. Forbes, 38740 Harker Brothers, 38752 Pawnee, 38760 Napier, 38766 Java, 38771 Seriole, 38800 Panic of 1866, 38830 Father Maria, 38855 Fanny Louis, 38862 Waimea, 38864 Tim Whiffler, 38873 Ulmarra, 38951 Rake, 38955 Ellen Gisborne, 38997 Mara, 39036 Mercury, 39039 Seaflower, 39046 George, 39048 Amyntas, 39050 Margaret, 39063 Huntress, 39073 Leo, 39107 Shooting Star, 39109 Diana, 39111 Saxon, 39133 Dove, 39178 Chebucto, 39186 Nimrod, 39189 Percy, 39233 Annie, 39248 Dauntless, 39271 J. Stanfield, 39299 Albion, 39385 Atlantic, 39400 Lily, 39448 Wm. H. Cleare, 39588 Berbice, 39591 Ocean, 39643 Jabez, 39681 Muscavado, 39710 Delaware, 39731 Minx, 39773 Jane Hardman, 39958 St. Michael, 40007 Canouan, 40085 John Edney, 40124 Falcon, 40148 Ant, 40260 Kate, 40262 Lizzy, 40276 Eclair, 40282 Shamrock, 40299 Marwell, 40331 Spray, 40360 Caledonia, 40368 Jane, 40403 Two Sisters, 40406 Nina, 40407 Three Sisters, 40418 New North Star, 40503 St. Lawrence, 40534 Walrus, 40824 Burlington, 40825 Como, 40884 Penang Queen, 40924 Frolic, 41019 Carobel, 41029 Stree (or Shee) Vencatas-werloo, 41038 Avenir, 41044 Stree Lutchmi Narsimulu, 41115 Sarah Ann, 41116 Ellen, 41149 Plover, 41155 Ellen, 41200 Alicia, 41203 Lan Tong, 41213 Lebanon, 41238 John and Mary, 41263 Andes, 41268 Lottie Maria, 41282 Topsy, 41324 Ten Sisters, 41388 Alkmaar, 41419 Iona, 41432 Patriot, 41471 Hercules, 41537 Farewell, 41540 Magdalene, 41562 Britannia, 41586 General Neill, 41591 Cameronian, 41598 Pearl, 41639 Kate, 41652 Mary Joyce, 41654 Mary, 41667 Lord Clyde, 41732 Aime Maria, 41755 Urchin, 41762 Neanthes, 41846 Frederick, 41862 Bella, 41865 Ocean Home, 41888 J. S. Dewolf, 41900 Fanny Palmer, 41934 Maria, 41986 Salmon, 42021 Mary E. Walker, 42024 Solferino, 42055 Conflict, 42085 Jessie Campbell, 42088 Catherine, 42141 Thomas Dallett, 42172 Sarah Caroline, 42180 Ianthe, 42219 Janet, 42227 Fearless, 42244 Flash, 42278 Union, 42312 Daring, 42342 Norn, 42350 Haidee, 42351 Cleo, 42392 Sharon, 42399 Eolus, 42415 Topaz, 42443 Black Prince, 42479 James Welsh, 42514 Conquer-all, 42530 Octa, 42591 Young Australia, 42604 Governor General, 42612 Minnesota, 42631 Barbara, 42634 Sailors Home, 42643 Chariot of Fame, 42653 Louisa, 42655 Silver Oar, 42679 Volunteer, 42700 Europa, 42737 Earl Russell, 42781 Maggie, 42791 Mischief, 42807 Eliza, 42809 Scio, 42810 Scotland, 42894 Christina, 42897 Daring, 42916 Express, 42943 Constance, 42977 Frank W., 42998 Zuma, 43022 Advance, 43065 Dunkeld, 43069 David Cannon, 43072 Agnes Fraser, 43073 Iona, 43077 W. Greenough, 43108 Glendevon, 43111 Alert, 43114 Premier, 43125 Our Hope, 43126 America, 43149 Providence, 43159 Kulnine, 43161 Eliza Musson, 43235 Camden, 43305 Hydra, 43319 Hilander, 43322 Favourite, 43323 Katheraw, 43329 City of Newcastle, 43330 Enterprise, 43333 Lotus, 43334 Emerald, 43338 Chikken Hazard, 43366 Annie, 43382 White Wing, 43404 Challenger, 43407 John Bullock, 43448 Cordelia, 43469 White Rose, 43506 Belhaven, 43524 James and Ann, 43543 Sally, 43555 Star of Hope, 43557 Hero, 43560 Clara Sayer's or Clara Sayers, 43588 Ocean Child, 43599 Annie Comrie, 43624 Doon, 43627 Recompense, 43629 Industry, 43633 Cromwell, 43635 Isabella Atkinson, 43663 Iser, 43679 Volunteer, 43694 Blairmore, 43718 Haitienne, 43722 Earl of Elgin, 43756 Gresham, 43764 John and Elizabeth, 43779 Thomas Haden, 43789 Chieftain, 43791 Lizzy, 43804 Gamester, 43807 Tally Ho, 43847 Escape, 43861 Crown, 43878 Mary and May, 43916 Perseverance, 43920 Teetotaller, 44006 Macgregor Laird, 44020 Gibraltar, 44054 Perseverance, 44067 Isabella Hunter, 44131 Jane Campbell, 44135 Percy Douglas, 44145 Ivanhoe, 44158 Aquila, 44181 Crusader, 44204 Susannah, 44209 Fashion, 44236 Garibaldi, 44242 Infanta, 44243 Emma Annie, 44254 Caroline, 44315 George Avery, 44323 Volant, 44375 Charles Whiteway, 44408 James Murchie, 44415 Eliza Reed, 44452 Lizzie Anne, 44460 Warden Law, 44472 Scotia's Queen (not Scotias Queen), 44476 Viking, 44480 Nil Desperandum, 44507 Aunt Lizzie, 44510 Blackwood, 44521 Mount Carmel, 44558 Volante, 44560 Esk, 44584 Charity, 44622 Vanguard, 44664 Crusader, 44706 St. Thomas Packet, 44719 William Dixon, 44809 Arima, 44817 Sparkler, 44821 May Flower, 44831 Rona, 44860 Artemisia, 44911 Normandy, 44958 Balmacarra, 44960 Fingal, 44981 Glendevon, 45046 John Lidgett, 45067 Nil Desperandum, 45087 Speedwell, 45156 Marion, 45158 Mulgrave, 45178 Psyche, 45179 Apphia, 45194 Scotia, 45221 Bonny Belle, 45240 Belle, 45255 Barwon, 45286 Chance, 45308 Elver, 45347 Ellen Ball, 45364 Mercara, 45389 Haimlota, 45403 Lorton, 45417 Sindbad, 45428 Helen Nicholson, 45460 Cossipore, 45497 Forest Flower, 45539 Jack, 45542 A. A. Drebert, 45572 Levanter, 45584 Sea Flower, 45613 Boatswain, 45629 Eglantine, 45630 Victoria, 45662 Sunshine, 45674 James Duckett, 45686 Blue Bell, 45709 Osiris, 45712 Cormorant, 45717 Gloucestershire, 45718 Henry Brain, 45745 Princess Elfleda, 45752 Princess of Wales, 45759 Utinia, 45784 Shamrock, 45796 Mary and Jessie, 45812 Akindo, 45859 Thomas Seddon, 45943 Moulin, 45945 City of Sydney, 45978 Lucibelle, 45980 Scarba, 45991 Catherine, 45997 Tripoli, 46002 Valiant, 46004 Hutoka, 46008 W. H. Bigelow, 46024 J. W. Hatfield, 46032 Ruby, 46034 Cornwallis, 46084 Metz, 46085 Lord of the Isles, 46086 Startled Fawn, 46088 Minnie Arnold, 46123 Travancore, 46127 Cilminar, 46133 Empire Queen, 46202 Humberstone, 46206 Europa, 46215 Cromwell, 46249 Braunstone, 46271 Carmela, 46284 Saint Thomas, 46298 Uncas, 46319 St. Joseph, 46362 British Lion, 46387 Mozart, 46388 Florence, 46400 Jenny Bertaux, 46436 Mary & Edith, 46470 Dashing Wave, 46488 Ocean Bird, 46535 Charlotte, 46550 Rapid, 46581 Falcon, 46601 Eclipse, 46605 Josephine, 46616 Icon, 46617 Mistress of the Seas, 46635 Annie and Ellie, 46647 Weldford, 46659 Highland Nancy, 46803 Laura, 46811 Polla, 46812 Florence Pope, 46835 Fairy, 46840 Zillah, 46845 Bellona, 46874 Cecil, 46896 Carrie M. L., 46900 Constant, 46904 Evergreen, 46916 Aberdeen, 46933 Albatross, 46946 Sarah Payson, 46955 Empress of the Seas, 47069 Elizabeth, 47079 T. C. B., 47080 Hope, 47089 Champion, 47095 Kitten, 47096 Eliza and Maria, 47105 Maori, 47176 Phillis, 47180 Southampton, 47209 Scottish Maid, 47245 Garibaldi, 47261 Agnes Banfield, 47263 Pride of the West, 47265 Abbey, 47266 Erme, 47286 Fairy Queen, 47293 Blandina Dudley, 47301 Saxony, 47307 Golden Empire, 47310 Auckland, 47374 Yeddo, 47376 Rangoon, 47386 Mediator, 47411 Alexandra, 47454 Stirling Castle, 47482 Eleutheria, 47483 Cestrian, 47506 North East, 47518 Anonyma (not Isabella), 47523 William, 47532 Jeff Davis, 47537 Star of the West, 47540 Baringa, 47557 Silvia, 47586 Caractacus, 47597 William Dent, 47611 Clara Wheeler, 47619 Napier, 47645 Noor Jehan, 47657 Mary Jane, 47660 Susan Pardew, 47687 Argo, 47688 War Cloud, 47691 Emerald, 47703 Nearchus, 47708 Lily of the Valley, 47733 Tasso, 47738 Ethelwin, 47773 Defence, 47775 Charles Ward (as Chas. Ward), 47780 Heaton Hall, 47792 John Bell, 47832 South-Easter, 47842 Taeping, 47869 Ida, 47871 Peri, 47885 Lone Star, 47899 Elizabeth, 47900 Impulse, 47907 Julia, 47919 Herald, 47992 Sway, 48000 Dove, 48031 Venus, 48043 Export, 48047 Eliza and Alice, 48077 John Spear, 48109 Maggie, 48112 Maria Moore, 48152 Ocean Spray, 48162 Abergeldie, 48188 Indian Chief, 48202 G. Palmer, 48230 Astarte, 48242 Mineola, 48246 John Byers, 48249 Sea Pink, 48257 John S. Wainright, 48259 Roseway, 48261 Charles Albert, 48338 Speedwell, 48352 Express, 48361 Garnet, 48370 Ann, 48390 Heathcote, 48386 Alarm, 48400 Salamander, 48405 Trio, 48420 Alexandra, 48429 Jane Ann, 48431 Regina, 48432 Pembroke, 48435 Reward, 48451 Branch, 48500 Favorita, 48511 Marshland, 48531 Yang Tsze, 48546 Compeer, 48555 Canvass Back, 48574 Matagorda, 48578 Cosmopolite, 48579 Pride of the Ocean, 48620 Countess of Eglinton, 48624 Lorena, 48638 Valdarno, 48667 Delhi, 48673 Rangoon, 48687 Toby, 48696 Emperor, 48727 British Crown, 48760 Royal Arthur, 48772 Lesbia, 48790 Harry Warren, 48793 Calabar, 48794 Miranda, 48801 Hecuba, 48804 Haidee, 48808 Ladye Love, 48817 Ansel, 48819 Woburn Abbey, 48824 Cordillera, 48836 Kenilworth, 48838 W. H. Haselden, 48840 Nonpareil, 48893 Julia Ann Gale, 48910 Ahuriri, 48974 Star of the West, 48994 Standard, 49013 Gondolier, 49028 Dove, 49071 Willy Rescue, 49083 Ellora, 49092 Bertha, 49109 Dundanah, 49130 Galatea, 49138 Gleaner, 49142 Stampede, 49224 Elina, 49248 Willie, 49263 Lizzie Coleson, 49266 Isle of Thanet, 49268 Dauntless, 49276 Walter and John, 49277 Westward Ho, 49278 Black Diamond, 49289 Harriet King, 49290 Maid of Riverton, 49293 Fanny, 49323 Koladyne, 49402 B. Rogers, 49421 Highland Mary, 49422 Kate Smith, 49430 C. C. Horton, 49435 Stephen Johnson, 49443 Annie, 49447 Island Gem, 49448 M. and E. Robbins, 49451 Mary, 49454 John B. Campbell, 49460 Mira, 49470 Progress, 49476 St. Mary, 49496 Dunkeld, 49505 Lily, 49539 Norval, 49542 Rosina, 49547 Rapid, 49567 Aberfeldy, 49576 General Lee, 49629 Saida, 49649 Chipchase, 49658 Sarah Phillips, 49669 Ocean Dart, 49700 Amy Serena, 49703 Prairie Rose, 49724 Mary Ann, 49737 Ida, 49742 Sarepta, 49745 Rosa Gray, 49778 Newbiggin, 49790 Coquetdale, 49794 Monas Pride, 49801 Greatham, 49810 George Pyman, 49854 Terpsichore, 49865 Clytemnestra, 49930 Bella, 49956 Margaret, 49976 Lady Jane Stewart, 49987 St. Austell, 50012 Albert Victor, 50035 Lincoln, 50058 Madagascar, 50092 Minnie, 50108 Glenmark, 50136 Himalaya, 50172 Morning Glory, 50205 Rhoda, 50242 Jerry, 50264 Sam Cearns, 50281 Thermutis, 50288 Rinaldo, 50323 Jane Cameron, 50327 Pioneer, 50340 Alexander Turner, 50396 Yarrow, 50410 Wallace, 50437 Stranger, 50469 Castiglione, 50509 Charlie Wood, 50516 Sarah King, 50523 Volant, 50530 Mackay, 50539 Active, 50545 Martha, 50549 Hector, 50590 Emma G., 50611 Volta, 50666 Fruiter, 50679 Sultan, 50703 Golden Eagle, 50707 Violet, 50719 Jenny Lemelin, 50748 St. Cecile (listed as ON 5748), 50765 Thames, 50779 Ottawa, 50794 Lillie M., 50795 Ocean Star, 50814 Constance, 50844 Lone Star, 50857 Andromeda, 50862 Cerealia, 50869 Aggie M., 50873 Swordfish, 50899 Archibald, 50909 Emily Anna, 50911 Fannie Gordon, 50918 Western Queen, 50950 Orion, 50958 Jane, 50965 Banshee, 51002 Chilian, 51008 British Prince, 51011 Clifford, 51033 Kenilworth Castle, 51114 Tongoy, 51147 Corypheus, 51150 Amazon, 51156 Ulleswater, 51165 Adalia, 51170 Advance, 51197 Lumley, 51206 Victoria, 51221 Maria, 51237 River King, 51245 Hull, 51260 Cambria, 51262 Harvest Maid, 51267 Georges, 51284 Mauritius, 51299 Cameleon, 51320 Champion, 51326 Eliza, 51339 Waif, 51380 Fairwater, 51385 St. Bede, 51392 Martlet, 51402 Panuco, 51421 City of Boston, 51428 Cingala, 51462 Royal Adelaide, 51474 River Mersey, 51480 Lilibeo, 51489 Jaques de Molay (or Jacques de Molay), 51498 Wayfarer, 51501 Oriental, 51515 River Dee, 51530 Lady Bird, 51604 Hornet, 51606 Progress, 51609 Annie Benn, 51610 Stella, 51617 Alabama, 51667 Oneida, 51701 Laughing Water, 51705 Fisherman, 51714 Dayspring, 51750 Anglo-American, 51773 J. E. Smith, 51805 Consul, 51879 Euphemia, 51898 D'Auvergne, 51905 Annandale, 51927 Ottawa, 51928 Edward, 51930 Edith May, 51940 Anna, 51953 Edward Everitt, 51967 J. R. Amiro, 51975 Black Brothers, 51977 Flora, 51979 Albatross, 51981 Sydenham, 51986 Warrior, 51995 W. H. Moody, 52001 William Muir, 52050 Lequille, 52052 Bonetta, 52074 H. J. Burton, 52083 Foyle, 52087 Newcastle, 52102 Julia D., 52104 Jeannie Clark, 52112 Navita, 52123 Lizzie Billings, 52186 Callie Allie, 52199 Kate Winifred, 52201 Aurora, 52218 Alice, 52225 Lincoln, 52256 Rapid, 52275 Selina, 52289 Alice Hilton, 52299 Queen, 52305 Princess Royal, 52310 Rover, 52342 Aparina, 52348 Waihopai, 52355 Elizabeth, 52364 Dora, 52376 Cleone, 52411 Nautilus, 52425 Woodstock, 52433 Flying Cloud, 52434 Onehunga, 52466 Rothesay, 52467 Strathavon, 52513 Aldourie, 52534 Moelwyn, 52539 Minerva, 52545 Isabella, 52547 James Curtin, 52552 Chloe, 52581 Tweedsdale, 52658 Charente, 52659 Jane Kilgour, 52675 Robin Hood, 52693 Catherine Apcar, 52736 Fusi Yama, 52737 Yatala, 52738 Natalian, 52743 Ariel, 52771 Ashford, 52811 Ravensbury, 52877 Citadel, 52882 Mary Nickson, 52915 Volunteer, 53006 Storm, 53016 Thomas Snowdon, 53027 Ontario, 53075 Alexandra, 53088 Rebecca, 53097 Sanderson, 53110 Onward, 53120 Rosetta, 53122 Leader, 53133 Asenath, 53159 Fanny, 53198 Edith Banfield, 53234 Germany, 53242 City of Aberdeen, 53246 Douglas, 53254 Florence Barclay, 53270 Triumph, 53271 Quanza, 53327 Poppet, 53341 Cora, 53359 Mary B., 53375 Kinsale, 53420 Theban, 53450 Horton, 53459 Ceylon, 53475 Nenthorn, 53519 Seaman's Bride, 53552 Topsy, 53563 Tiber, 53575 Joseph Weir, 53616 Cricket, 53617 Fortitude, 53623 Springham, 53636 Ethelred, 53639 Maud, 53641 Artistic, 53667 Flora, 53677 Martha, 53679 Beatrice, 53683 Gertrude, 53760 Elizabeth Christopher, 53793 Jeffray, 53801 Medway, 53805 Eunice Dexter, 53865 Homer, 53918 Mary Maria, 53957 Persevere, 53960 Japan, 53974 Ocean Bride, 53984 Emma Paterson, 53991 Challenge, 54083 Amiral Protet, 54090 Lathella, 54097 Rainbow, 54127 Isabell, 54135 Sentinel, 54163 Dominion, 54191 Evadne, 54230 Anne Laurie, 54241 Orient, 54270 Louisa, 54310 Hock Kien, 54336 John Armstrong, 54343 Anna Bell, 54373 Prince George, 54387 Gem, 54390 Ida Cutten, 54391 Wealth of Nations, 54406 Joshua S., 54408 C. T. Tomkins, 54411 Trojan, 54412 Agenora, 54413 Southern Cross, 54423 Hipparchus, 54431 Sceptre, 54433 Alva, 54434 Rough Diamond, 54436 Artisan, 54441 Sarah Sloan, 54450 Catharine John, 54454 M. R. G., 54456 Fleetwing, 54458 Malvia Jane, 54464 E. B. Haws, 54508 Emma Sharp, 54525 Olive, 54540 Dove, 54549 Underley, 54583 M. E. Clarke, 54625 Anne Smith, 54628 Sado, 54717 Nant-y-glo, 54793 Champion, 54823 Valetta, 54826 Colorado, 54827 Royal Berkshire, 54834 Caradoc, 54835 Brinkburn, 54836 Ancestor, 54841 Three Sisters, 54891 Concordia, 54954 Clara Lamb, 54956 San Carlos, 54962 Jesse Forest, 54970 Jemsetje Curstje Botelbbe or Jemsetjee Curstjee Botelhoe, 55003 Arrow, 55007 British Flag, 55017 Zarco, 55042 Dorset, 55064 Joseph Sprott, 55071 British Admiral, 55080 Ina, 55082 Triumph, 55092 Balcarry, 55123 S. M., 55132 Don, 55203 Whiff, 55209 Fonmon Castle, 55231 Haddock, 55241 Pawnee, 55245 Duke of Edinburgh, 55254 Bessie, 55287 Virgilia, 55334 Racer, 55349 Quiver, 55417 Lady Ida Duff, 55449 Peiho, 55452 Phasma, 55457 Geraint, 55459 Douro, 55497 Gannet, 55508 Annie, 55520 Walker Moody, 55598 Lady Fergusson, 55607 Walter and John, 55637 Ann McRae, 55659 Friends, 55716 Revenge, 55722 Prosperity, 55726 Flora, 55730 Lily, 55739 Kate, 55743 Kingfisher, 55749 Sweet Home, 55756 Edwin Duder, 55786 Star of Hope, 55808 Joanne White, 55811 Frank Churchill, 55823 Adelaide, 55903 Algonquin, 55907 Avon, 55922 Gaspé, 55947 Barbados, 55983 Goodman, 55997 Day Break, 56042 John Middleton, 56060 Mushroom, 56118 Elaine, 56173 Elizabeth Fleming, 56186 City of Venice, 56187 Elizabeth, 56202 Gratitude, 56254 George, 56267 Niobe, 56298 Amanda, 56340 Fiery Cross, 56373 Anglo-Norman, 56386 Eureka, 56394 William and Mary, 56397 Triton, 56410 M. A. Jones, 56441 Amelia, 56448 Craig Ellachie, 56449 Wave, 56463 Leander, 56468 Alpine Crag, 56488 Windflower, 56492 Star, 56504 Thomas Knox, 56517 Hays, 56523 Esther, 56540 Lady Guendolen, 56573 Newry, 56611 Helen Black, 56637 Busy Bee, 56652 Rose of Sharon, 56684 Hermit, 56695 British Workman, 56730 Annie Scott, 56744 Ocean Chief, 56750 Florence, 56752 Scanderia, 56753 Rose and Mary, 56818 Electra, 56848 Howard, 56853 Sea Queen, 56869 Optima, 56885 Aid, 56921 Alfred, 56940 Duke of Buccleuch, 56943 W. and M. J., 56951 Ellen Clifford, 56977 Elizabeth and Jane, 57024 Verena, 57026 Indian Queen, 57031 William Allen, 57035 Amanda, 57046 Polar Star, 57050 New Dominion, 57064 Express, 57076 Linden, 57090 Gladstone, 57098 Theresa, 57099 Great Deceiver, 57121 Wilfred, 57123 Annie McCann, 57142 John Bright, 57148 Cordelia, 57187 Rhea Sylvia, 57195 Mary Givan, 57208 Phebe Ellen, 57253 La Have, 57271 Vincent J. Wallace, 57274 Mary, 57377 Willie, 57431 Fanny, 57461 Emma Gilliat, 57465 Juno, 57466 T. W. Chesley, 57498 Ida, 57519 Edith Emily, 57676 Crescent, 57680 Marcella, 57705 Amy Carter, 57745 Marita, 57786 Twilight, 57817 No-Noba, 57913 Deer Hound, 57917 Elizabeth, 57922 Dove, 57924 Fanny Smallwood, 57929 John & Elizabeth, 57941 Portia, 57942 Ebenezer, 57957 Dominion, 57959 Diana, 57972 Messenger, 57979 Primus, 57985 Star, 58003 Clymping, 58007 Royalist, 58010 Eliza Sherris, 58028 Ant, 58046 Lochleven's Flower, 58062 Aber, 58069 Mary, 58081 Clarissa, 58091 Mangosteen, 58092 Clematis, 58096 Brothers and Sisters, 58102 Cyrene, 58113 E. R. J., 58114 Robert Fletcher, 58143 Sarah Jane, 58151 New Fashion, 58187 Miriam, 58197 Maggie Woodburne, 58217 Mary, 58233 Deodara, 58238 Amoor, 58281 Miranda, 58317 Spitfire, 58330 Lahloo, 58340 Lake Constance, 58360 Deerhound, 58366 Jane and Mary, 58404 Little Mountain, 58547 Lapwing, 58550 Widgeon, 58554 Jacana, 58562 Carrick Maid, 58568 Scotia, 58603 Reliance, 58615 Dragon, 58701 Veronica, 58725 Kate, 58756 Eleanor, 58856 Eaglescliffe, 58861 Katharine, 58901 Annie Fawcett, 58903 Ben Lomond, 58920 Deva, 58922 Fanquai, 58926 Ripple, 58947 Polyxena, 58951 Aculeo (or Acules), 58987 Mercurius, 59009 Sea Nymph, 59025 Mary and Ann, 59114 Olive L. Rourke, 59133 Welcome Home, 59153 Igoma, 59160 Rosilla B., 59179 Hannah H., 59216 Lemira M., 59219 Angelique, 59232 Asteriana, 59236 J. R. Lawrence, 59254 Senator, 59265 Beacon Light, 59270 Vincent White, 59288 Cleora, 59401 Maria Ferguson, 59413 B. F. Chandler, 59461 Emma, 59546 Mary Cosgrove, 59571 Never Despair, 59647 Fanny Alice, 59665 Alexandra, 59673 Esperanza, 59691 Peerless, 59692 Pearl, 59703 Gem, 59704 Aladdin, 59726 Echo, 59733 Ricardo, 59739 Brudenel, 59749 Alecto, 59756 Confederate, 59763 Kelpie, 59782 Benita, 59791 Isabella, 59815 Adelaide, 59873 Josephine, 59877 City of Quebec, 59882 Victoria, 59891 Phoenix, 59897 Harriet, 59898 City of Kingston, 59899 Cherokee, 59912 Black Duck, 59918 Versailles, 59933 Geneva, 59941 Wasp, 59960 England, 59993 Peter Mitchell, 60007 Rees Lewis, 60048 Denmark, 60059 River Jumna, 60071 Kentville, 60094 Beau Ideal, 60102 Flying Fish, 60118 Lizzy, 60132 St. George, 60143 Kestrel, 60144 Plato, 60146 Ino, 60154 Three Brothers, 60159 Juno, 60166 Edgar, 60178 Emma Ash, 60212 Bates Family, 60238 Spindrift, 60269 Firm, 60286 Prospect, 60292 Wave, 60302 Exe, 60324 Sharp, 60333 Jane Davie, 60372 Minerva, 60378 Glenallan, 60379 Loudown Castle, 60401 Dacian, 60421 Cambria, 60429 Melrose Abbey, 60433 Lake Huron, 60483 Falcon, 60493 Goodwood, 60498 Sorrento, 60519 Malvina, 60544 Blyth, 60558 Minos, 60572 Victoria, 60592 Wind's Eye, 60638 Gauntlet, 60639 Bessie Mitchell, 60641 Ripple (incorrectly listed as ON 6641), 60649 Seadog, 60654 Una, 60685 Mary Davidson, 60689 Glenavon, 60761 Empire, 60825 Spark, 60844 Arcot, 60896 Kingdom of Belgium, 60898 Borneo, 60936 Wild Curlew, 60947 Hamlet, 60960 Malta, 60967 Lismore, 60973 Burriana, 60989 Tonbridge, 60993 Knightsbridge, 60999 Grand Duchess, 61000 Sailor, 61045 Trader, 61047 Sarah Ann Blanche, 61136 Windsor, 61311 Shaool Hameed, 61360 Omaha, 61377 Mermaid, 61389 Sarah Macleod, 61455 Wabeno, 61459 Three Sisters, 61460 Stafford, 61473 P. Grant, 61507 Marion, 61508 Ida E., 61519 B. P. King, 61530 Paria, 61676 R. V. H., 61793 Royal Charter, 61794 Manitobah, 61887 Clifford, 61920 Switch, 61958 Edward, 61962 Nimrod, 61968 Breamish, 61991 Forest Chief, 62068 Sinde, 62073 Malabar, 62108 Doorie, 62115 Earl of Moray, 62131 Merit, 62160 Corunna, 62188 Aline, 62218 Wickham, 62248 Geiser, 62275 Breadalbane, 62284 Magdala, 62295 Hazard, 62331 Jesmond, 62333 Sphinx, 62345 Collingwood, 62347 Hannah, 62350 Louisa, 62351 Owen Wallis, 62365 Westenhope, 62374 Consort, 62381 Compeer, 62382 Commander, 62392 Assyria, 62423 Viscount Macduff, 62426 Lord Napier, 62439 May Queen, 62454 Gleaner, 62482 Zoe, 62492 Sling Law, 62532 White Rose, 62556 Halyma, 62566 Stafford, 62585 Lanoma, 62612 Fairy Dell, 62617 Oriental, 62632 Anglesea Lass, 62635 Marc Antony, 62636 Launceston, 62727 Economy, 62802 Aline, 62839 Druid, 62906 Louisa, 62908 Guess, 62910 Fleet Wing, 62929 Estrella, 62934 Erato, 62936 Reliance, 62975 Mary Chorley, 62989 Aquiline, 62998 Meggie, 63035 J. B. Watt, 63037 Magdala, 63153 Hirondelle, 63160 Paraense, 63205 Bogota, 63227 Madras, 63236 Harlech Castle, 63251 Margaret Menear, 63256 Marion, 63261 Leeming, 63271 Oceola, 63273 Burns, 63291 Lagos, 63298 Constance, 63314 Crescent City, 63315 Caradoc, 63341 T. W. Rhodes, 63397 Mima Thomas, 63442 Violet, 63457 Lorne, 63508 The Caliph, 63515 Norwich, 63539 Inflexible, 63541 Chu Kiang, 63544 Equator, 63547 Albany, 63551 Otterburn, 63552 Invereshie, 63555 Admiral, 63559 Fuh Le, 63564 John Dryden, 63569 Evora, 63599 Menam, 63617 Lothair, 63649 Asia, 63676 Queen of the Thames, 63677 Huelva, 63678 Flying Dutchman, 63683 Retriever, 63706 South Gyle, 63713 Sarah, 63759 Loch Leven, 63762 Africa, 63813 Agnes Campbell, 63846 Hematite, 63863 Florence, 63928 Manchester, 63997 John Vaughan, 64003 Thomas Daley, 64244 Snowdrop, 64352 Fanny Campbell, 64358 James Merriman, 64446 James Landels, 64471 Viola, 64504 Princess Louise, 64528 Sea King, 64533 Sharon, 64566 Hibernia, 64596 J. C. Lamb, 64637 Summer, 64775 Hokitika, 64837 Amelia Ann, 64858 Regina, 64991 Marie Eliza, 65002 Ulster, 65011 Eskdale, 65031 T. S. Webb, 65040 Norton, 65053 Mont Blanc, 65057 Swiftsure, 65126 E. S. Judkins, 65139 James Marychurch, 65171 Two Sisters, 65224 Little Nell, 65253 Aurora, 65255 Shannon, 65309 Sarah Cooper, 65383 Counsellor, 65395 George Peabody, 65419 Cresswell, 65492 Satellite, 65507 Streatham, 65510 Isa, 65513 Norham, 65517 Ada, 65563 Ispahan, 65568 David Burn, 65571 Lunefield, 65585 Annie Broughton, 65603 Caspian, 65615 Marcus, 65616 Flora, 65652 Frances, 65658 Raby Castle, 65665 Young George, 65672 Dover Castle, 65683 Aral, 65737 Devon, 65771 Parnassus, 65900 Faith, 66249 Maggie P. S. Lord, 66285 Railway King, 66482 Berwick, 67123 Leonora, 67142 Marquis of Lorne, 67304 Jane Bingham, 67313 White Sea, 67321 George Carins, 67522 Florence, 67532 Reindeer, 67533 Emmy, 68005 Saxon, 68352 Chillingham Castle, 68443 Firth of Clyde, 68774 Flora,

















1867 thru 1872 WRECKS where loss of life resulted. Re i) vessels built at Sunderland as best I can determine. And also ii) those other vessels where I was able (best efforts) to determine their Official Numbers - which numbers are not referenced on the wreck data pages as published.

From all 5 pages of 1867.

131 Mystery, 160 Lady Napier, 402 Alkali, 662 Belle, 705 Brothers, 882 George, 915 Commodore, 1578 Blackburn, 1745 Araminta, 2029 Aln, 2149 Queen Victoria, 2180 William Shepherd (as Wm. Shepherd), 2428 Ann, 2520 Union, 2720 Lady Aberdour, 2763 Pearl, 2784 Lady Louisa Stuart (as Lady Louisa Stewart), 2987 Zenith, 3144 Lark, 3154 Rose, 3436 Friendship, 3639 Elswick, 3714 Prince of Saxe Coburg, maybe Cobourg, as Prince Saxe-Coburg), 3723 Enyo, 4141 Cevn Amlwch (as Ceon Amlwch), 4670 John Brown, 4810 Spring Rice, 5103 Spring, 5165 Zior, 5258 Preceptor, 5655 Nadir, 5974 Prince Albert, 6036 Saint George (as St. George), 6550 Medora, 6858 Commerce, 7354 Wearmouth, 7464 Scotland, 8328 Enterprise, 8601 Oporto, 8662 Adline Cann (as Adeline Cann), 8702 Argent, 9001 Sclavonia, 9083 Ulysses, 9136 Earl of Chester, 9272 Lively Lass, 9853 Conovium, 10409 Ophelia, 10915 Gem, 10956 Cora, 11395 Grand Trianon, 11851 Cater, 12640 Ben Brace, 13058 Bristol Packet, 13259 Chepstow, 13261 Standley, 13380 Crimea, 13414 Pencalenick, 13441 Union, 13487 Thames, 13628 Rover, 13899 Gipsey, 13922 Ann, 14130 William, 14730 Peace, 14990 Ocean Queen, 15226 Ann Buckle, 15552 Eclipse, 15552 Eclipse, 15559 Maria Alice, 15603 Barnard Castle, 16241 St. Elmo, 16687 Charlotte, 17059 Jollys, 17110 Teaser (as Teazer), 17209 Thomas Whitworth (as Thos. Whitworth), 17712 Lavinia, 17773 Dora, 18028 Iddo, 18171 Osprey, 18758 Pilar, 18945 Ellen Glynne, 18974 Fortitude, 19006 Laura & Ellen, 19253 Princess Charlotte, 19425 Isabella, 19597 City of Brussels, 19714 Marmion, 20060 Britannia, 20124 Sicilia, 20218 Hero, 20598 Albertus, 21196 Queen of India, 21241 Seaflower, 21296 Rose, 21403 Undine, 21573 Cobrero, 21612 Azur, 22054 Caberfeigh, 22166 Queen, 22246 Earl Cromartie, 22342 Courier, 22384 Alexander Stewart, 22409 Albion, 22554 Minerva, 22681 Queen Hortense, 22727 Mary Elizabeth, 22788 Elizabeth Barter, 23000 Marquis of Lorne, 23184 Jemima, 23288 Elizabeth, 23318 Hind, 23612 Navarino, 23686 Forerunner, 24471 Newcastle, 24530 G. Walker (as George Walker), 25178 J. W. Morris, 25267 Lady Phillips, 25508 Georgina, 25942 Bonita, 26028 Robinson, 26038 Sultana, 26086 Miriam, 26127 Yarm, 26366 John Gray, 26631 Sandford, 26696 Protector, 26705 Miriam, 27042 Emily, 27169 Tudor, 27507 Fessonia, 27967 Gem, 27983 Phoebe, 28075 Burman, 28111 Bethesda, 28200 Edith, 28391 Annie Archbell, 28482 Falcon, 28525 Julia, 28568 Saint Oswin, 28690 Royal Charlie, 29171 Ambrosine, 29183 Monmouth, 29190 Scotland, 29318 Nautilus, 29741 Amelia, 29838 Lightning, 29857 Wild Huntress, 30031 Fire Fly, 31600 Tiger, 32340 Cyclone, 32435 Sea Gull, 33758 Twenty Ninth of May (as 29th of May), 34875 James Bales, 35022 Alida, 35068 S. L. Tilley, 35201 Zambia, 35481 Nellie Townshend (as Nellie Townsend), 35545 Nimrod, 35567 Elizabeth Morrow (as Elizath Morrow, 35591 Flora McIvor, 37483 General Williams, 38966 Venus, 39081 J. W., 39160 Perilla, 39161 Sybil, 39243 Merghee, 39251 Douglas, 39594 Marmion, 40555 Wye, 40555 Wye, 41192 Borderer, 41441 Ellen Simpson, 41606 Brandon, 41847 Ocean Home, 43239 Adelaide, 43545 Tally Ho, 43735 Caprera, 44154 Queen, 44378 Charter, 44551 Newton Colville, 44626 Bellissima, 44708 Peep o'Day, 45531 Sir Robert Calder, 44660 James Crosfield (as James Crossfield), 44910 Palmyra, 45676 Fanny Slater, 45927 Tiptree, 45974 Campsie, 46468 Star of the Evening, 46636 Tirzah, 46832 Pride, 47108 Ruby, 47217 Catharine (or Catherine) Porter, 47290 Harrier, 47491 Zitella, 47543 Coya, 47621 Strongbow, 47625 Golden Sunset, 47876 Mary Blake, 48204 Orcadian, 48527 Albreda, 48566 Fanny Lambert, 48697 Queen of the East, 48913 Tana, 48949 County of Renfrew, 49272 Arthur, 49282 Cawarra, 49296 Slippery Charlie, 49453 Ella, 49658 Isabella, 49825 Oanita, 49969 Canadian, 50016 Lochalva, 50049 Henry Ashford, 50116 Polly Robbins, 50492 Mary Lawson, 50670 Genkai, 50912 Lena, 51060 Bosphorus, 51091 Como, 51186 Zoe, 51229 Lincolnshire, 51341 Carry on, 51342 Annie, 52133 Ramonja, 52597 Uruguay, 52623 Taymouth Castle, 52654 Stanley, 52792 Rhone, 53008 De Lank, 53024 Astrea, 53210 Leo, 53899 Kingston, 54847 Dignus, 54864 Arkansas, 54887 Jane Alice, 54940 Emilia Lamb, 55101 Bristol, 55282 Flash, 55435 Ceylon, 56467 Pearl, 57946 Admiral, 60022 Guardian Angel,

From all 4 pages of 1868.

458 William (line 21), 564 Heroes of Alma, 958 Canada, 1455 Sampson, 1517 Jane, 1639 Queen's Hill, 1916 Jane, 2230 Lucy, 3076 Elizabeth, 3492 Albion, 3579 Ellen Highfield, 3778 Hesperus, 4133 Emily Jane, 4144 Elizabeth, 4515 Arbitrator, 4528 Elizabeth, 5191 Concord, 5313 Stag, 5460 Ocean Queen, 5645 Mount Edgecombe, 5814 Greenock, 6328 Lord Brougham and Vaux, 7717 Ivanhoe, 8109 Midas, 8151 Electric, 8379 Albion, 8727 Sarah, 8757 Amethyst, 8854 Sealby, 9276 Diana, 9302 Amelia & Hannah (as Amelia and Hannah), 9379 Gleaner, 9476 Chaseley, 9862 Margaret & Ann, 10018 John and Barbara, 10084 T. F. Gates, 10125 Bee, 10645 Princess Amelia, 10716 Stamboul, 10766 Melody, 10796 Sea Bird, 10824 Garside, 11425 Caroline, 12201 Thomas, 12224 Norma, 12508 Edward, 12517 Spring Flower, 13072 Kinloss, 13143 Mantura, 13684 Omega, 13827 Sarah Ann, 14054 Devonia, 14082 Chelydra, 14122 Croxdale, 14268 Selina, 14691 Auchneagh, 15149 William (line 60), 15225 Trym, 15475 Three Sisters, 15820 Cora, 17065 Pandema, 17523 North Star, 17669 Therese, 17924 Woodman, 18239 Michael John, 18382 Shamrock, 18454 Idwal, 18498 Vanguard, 18784 Fleetwing, 18938 Elizabeth, 18978 William (line 19), 19558 Grace, 19633 Welcome, 19924 Johns, 20260 Robert, 20291 Harriet Hamlet, 20796 Mary & Martha, 21373 Mary and Elizabeth, 21568 Ann, 22421 Neptune, 22777 Maria Fanny, 23250 Helen, 23399 Browns, 23408 Elizabeth, 23555 Marwood, 23573 Devon, 23684 Margaret, 23685 Sophia, 24054 Jabez, 24207 Tara, 24712 Highlander, 25518 Jane Ferguson, 25520 Euphrates, 25551 Valiant, 26132 Alma, 26145 Rebecca, 26212 Jenny Jones, 26250 Comorn, 26362 Goshawk, 26399 Constance, 26815 Woodstock, 27057 Pharamond, 27276 Maria Louisa, 27645 Japanese, 27867 Ann & Margaret, 27924 Smyrna, 28369 Rocket, 28798 John and Ann, 29150 Chanarcillo, 29168 Sulina, 29536 Brian Boiroimhe, 29735 Electric Flash, 29957 Margaret Longton (as Margt. Longton), 29971 Mersey, 30330 Admiral, 32220 Star of Tasmania, 32479 William Miskin, 32575 Fortune, 32905 Swordfish (as Sword Fish), 32989 North Britain, 33781 E. M. Dodd, 34108 Sikh, 34673 Mary, 34928 Lancaster, 34932 John Duncan, 35500 Sydenham, 36808 Clyde, 37738 Susan E., 38059 Delhi, 38807 Catherine Hill, 39044 Kate, 39206 Banshee, 39957 Colonist, 40193 Albion, 40359 Lombard, 40481 Brothers, 41574 Havelock, 41754 Elease, 41980 Kelvin, 42178 Liffey, 42266 Empress of India, 42490 Edward Allison (as Edward Alison), 42887 Billow, 43112 Hooyland, 43353 Lady of the Isle, 43868 Mary Fanny, 44147 Oasis, 44224 Anne Lowther, 44679 Margaret, 44709 Belle of the Mersey, 44877 Jem, 45085 Hammersmith, 45261 Serica, 45368 Eliza Bencke, 45612 Herald, 45929 Queen of the South, 46159 Vectis, 46370 Craigrownie, 46680 Julia Maxwell, 46807 John Brewster, 47061 Gertrude, 47093 Harvest Lad, 47118 Gem, 47243 Vienna, 47514 Wallasea, 47596 Ullswater, 47665 Amethyst, 47721 Harvest, 47861 Mystery, 48351 Novascotian (as Nova Scotian), 48585 Fy Chow, 49085 Lord Clyde, 49547 Myrtle, 50146 Westminster, 50265 Gossamer, 51115 J. T. A., 51323 Onward, 51381 Halicore, 51929 Queen, 52189 Alice May, 52231 Lass of Geraldton, 52607 Hibernia, 51097 Mary Ann, 51941 Ariadne, 52793 Niphon, 53138 Isabella Dobson, 53184 Staverton, 53911 Mary T. Trueman (as Mary S. Trueman), 54859 Florence, 54873 Norfolk, 54880 Lasborough, 54937 Tom Vokes, 54993 Garonne, 55005 The Picture, 55283 Jeune Celine, 55876 Albina, 56131 Winchester, 57122 New Era, 58059 Angler, 58071 Canaradzo, 58098 Pyrrha, 58127 Venice, 58273 Peace and Plenty, 61083 Emily,

From all 5 pages of 1869.

56 Violet, 213 Friends, 376 Triune, 1508 Elephant, 1517 Jane, 2065 Acastus, 2234 Providence, 2419 Hamsterley Hall, 2813 John, 2966 James, 2972 Richard Mount, 2991 Adam Clarke, 3026 Violet, 3226 Gipsy King, 3236 Gala, 3566 Ann, 3568 Mystery, 3732 Marsden, 3868 Matchless, 3910 Mary Sparks (as Mary Sparkes), 4080 Elizabeth, 4174 Leith Packet, 4440 Dart, 4722 Three Betseys, 4961 Shallett, 4976 Choice, 5002 Isabel, 5236 Echo, 5256 Dawson, 5492 Marvel, 5809 Ithuriel, 5863 Merida, 6252 Schiedam, 6559 Earl Grey, 7106 Lorina, 7176 Queen, 7796 Haidee, 7798 Jeanie, 7836 Hermes, 8320 Sutcliffe, 8882 Ellen, 9515 Ocean, 9713 Harmony, 9815 Salathiel, 10531 Ann Longton, 10550 Araxes, 10700 Jane Frances, 10804 Eliza, 11339 Eliza, 11409 Forager, 11971 Colgrain, 12103 Nelly, 12302 Eagle, 12825 Inverness, 12915 John Bunyan, 13412 Sylph, 13448 Bristol, 13496 Nancy, 13768 Providence, 13803 Dispatch, 13818 Harriet, 13964 Golden Fleece, 13998 Ford Mill, 14061 Diamond, 14174 Pascoe Grenfell, 14223 Elizabeth, 14932 Glaslyn, 14984 Expedient, 15485 United Kingdom, 16261 Anna Maria, 16293 Cleadon, 16469 James (line 39), 17350 Frances Poole, 17801 Citizen, 18051 Flora, 18426 Padarn, 18479 Laurel, 18588 Henry Miller, 19783 Clara Novello, 19893 Cock of the Walk, 20340 Integrity, 20971 Ocean, 20987 Vesper, 22167 Maravi, 22209 Jane and Margaret, 22391 Aid, 22477 Mary, 22528 Harmonia, 22605 Shardlow, 22669 Josephine, 22843 Vesper, 23137 Gemini, 23540 Clifton Hall, 23591 Friends, 23670 Emily, 24139 Blue Jacket, 24152 Neptune, 24240 Mary, 24496 Thomas Rusbridger, 24749 Countess of Leicester or Countess Leicester), 24761 Inca, 24809 Cuthberts, 24814 Cashmere, 24922 Paragon, 24962 Clas Merden (as Clasmerden), 25040 Star of the Sea, 25094 Bombay, 25275 Ion, 25415 Newnham, 25421 Gleaner, 25557 Unity, 25655 Mary Ann, 26029 May, 26031 Francis, 26449 Babthorp, 26521 Zetus, 26726 George, 26794 Florence Nightingale, 27641 Plantagenet, 28101 Test, 28522 Topsy, 28561 Rosebud, 28576 Home, 28899 Tipperary Lass, 29000 Teaser, 29167 Oregon, 29503 Constantia, 29533 Inchiquin, 29631 Windsor Castle (initially Emily St. Pierre), 29648 Italian, 29674 T.C., 29849 General Slade, 29914 Santiago, 29970 Alcaig, 30705 Atalanta, 31832 Reliance, 32375 Fancy, 32860 China, 33862 Mary, 34394 Othello, 34756 Tuscarora, 35400 Frank Shaw, 35582 Great Northern, 35847 Margaret, 36286 Delta, 36432 Afton, 37332 Brill, 37442 Rosanna, 37847 Architect, 37899 Wabash, 39126 Ronaldes, 39138 Ann Jones, 40816 Imperial, 41152 Elfrida, 41991 Venetia, 42561 Voelas, 42603 Protector, 43548 Harkaway, 43852 Bud, 44490 John Hunter, 44498 Lucerne, 44533 Caravan, 45246 Willing Lass, 45269 Othello, 45857 Spirit of the Sea, 45932 West, 46124 Brilliant, 46291 Tecumseh, 46658 Walrus, 46833 Gypsey, 47067 Kate Sophia, 47298 Carnatic, 47306 Highland Chief, 47355 Fleetwing, 47507 Tabasco, 47534 Aline, 47558 Royal Standard, 47615 Formby, 47755 Ardudwy, 48366 Leah, 48385 Crest, 48584 Tempest, 48799 Mary C. Campbell (as Mary E. Campbell), 48812 Spray, 49753 Sisters, 49925 Alfred Storer, 50367 St. Vincent, 50449 Edith, 50572 Golden Pledge, 50879 R. Wark (as R. Wart), 51034 Innisfallen, 51399 Thomas Gillespy, 51901 Lochaber, 51991 Jacob Hatfield, 52161 Ezra, 52165 Rockwood, 52259 Elizabeth, 52477 Michigan, 52839 Union, 53134 Mary Martha, 53162 Caradon, 53192 Avonmore, 53500 Refuge, 53605 John G. Paint, 53608 William John, 53642 Anna, 53660 Lizzie, 53792 A. R. Dunlap (as A. R. Dunlop), 53983 Lucy Lee, 54870 Gem, 54913 Cape Clear, 55015 Gertrude, 55354 Sisters, 55441 Alceste, 55543 George Ormerod, 55652 Mary, 55977 Oneida (as Oneidi), 56075 Edith, 57032 Charles Napier, 57199 Simcoe, 58070 Thornhill, 59208 W.D.B., 60004 River Hoogley (as River Hooghly), 60016 Harlech Castle, 60024 Valdivia, 60421 Cambria, 60810 Daring, 62498 Gloria,

Pages 1, 2 & 3 re 1870.

622 Favourite (as Favorite), 1093 John Bagshaw, 1264 Thames, 1439 Ada, 1606 Rob the Ranter, 1998 New Diligence, 2076 Diadem, 2303 Alice Thompson, 2533 Susannah (as Susanna), 2534 William & John, 3018 Alnwick Castle, 3228 Catherine Hodges, 3269 Courser (as Coarser), 3526 Raven, 3603 Henry & Harriot, 3702 Mars, 4042 Love, 4484 Renovatio, 5135 Fortitude, 5229 Ancona, 6205 Samuel Bernard, 6338 Water Lily, 6364 Arabian, 8619 Cherub, 8816 Falcon, 8867 Favourite, 9256 Richard, 9629 Eliza & Jane (as Eliza and Jane), 10055 Martha Gertrude, 10432 Eva, 10433 Watsons, 10442 Earl of Seafield, 10963 James Russell, 11067 Eliza Corry, 11703 Brothers, 13161 Nimble, 13931 Ellen, 14880 Eclipse, 16178 Nelson, 16247 Alice, 16924 Thetis, 18016 Stewarts, 18192 Christina, 20749 Saint Dunstan, 22207 Margaret & Mary, 22218 Harbottle Castle (as Hurbottle Castle), 22956 Neptune, 24781 Scio, 25264 Neptune, 26190 Jordan, 26763 Fame, 27092 Rover, 27151 King Lear, 27729 Grace Evans, 27881 Sea Queen, 28121 Saltash, 31599 Agnes, 32847 Phoca, 34934 Herald, 35847 Margaret (as Margaret of Aberdeen), 36394 Caroline, 36643 Sydney, 36654 Brisk, 36951 Folly, 38684 Sancho, 40349 Pearl, 40816 Imperial, 41040 Nymph, 44166 Orient, 44480 Nil Desperandum, 44728 Emily Agnes, 45460 Cossipore, 45478 Favourite, 45630 Victoria, 45686 Blue Bell, 45939 Dashing Wave, 47244 Flash, 47733 Tasso, 47860 John Bright, 47899 Elizabeth, 48817 Ansel, 48856 Industry, 49448 M. & E. Robbins (as M. and E. Robbins), 49460 Mira, 49567 Aberfeldy, 49742 Sarepta, 50217 Harvest Queen, 50340 Alexander Turner, 50679 Sultan, 50695 Bay, 50779 Ottawa, 51380 Fairwater, 51701 Laughing Water, 53507 Jhelumi, 54823 Valetta, 54508 Emma Sharp, 55092 Balcarry, 56386 Eureka, 56943 W. and M. J. (or W. & M. J.), 58987 Mercurius, 59665 Alexandra, 59763 Kelpie, 59933 Geneva, 60159 Juno, 60421 Cambria, 63256 Marion, 63649 Asia,

1873 THRU 1880 WRECKS (just a start - all 16 steamship pages above, plus the first 47 sail pages, thru 130/131)

No number Bombay, No number British, No number Coostamoody, No number Futteh Ahman, No number Gowrieprasat, No number Hurreepussa, No number Lancaster (incorrectly listed as 54427), no number Louisa, No number Louisa, No number Luckmepursad, No number Lutchmee, No number Medina, No number Mohamed Bux, No number Mughool Ahmeed, No number Mymoonah, No number Narayana Prasaud, No number Paraveddy Persad, No number Rohomania, No number Sacree Salamati, No number Samadany, No number Sevasundavapuravy, No number Sophia, No number Stree Ramooloo, No number Waitse, No number Yan-Gan, 64 Magnet, 154 Tweed, 220 Thetis, 267 Louth, 282 Grecian Daughter, 341 Diana, 345 Emily, 523 Duke of Cornwall, 545 Viscountess Arbuthnott (as 543), 660 Iris, 745 Catherine, 760 Jane, 808 Deborah, 849 Conway, 902 Hope, 996 Star (as 999), 1043 Golden Dream (previously Timour), 1276 Gazelle, 1283 Ellen, 1357 Lady Louisa Kerr, 1366 Arthur, 1488 Pwllheli Packet, 1554 Eleanor and Mary (as Eleanor & Mary), 1596 Esther, 1771 Fox, 1797 Eskham, 1915 Earl Grey, 1991 Brownfield, 2000 Orontes, 2078 Catherine and Hannah, 2197 Ann, 2211 Catherine, 2251 Pomona, 2530 Ivestone, 2594 William and John, 2701 Hester and Hannah, 3053 Ariel, 3199 Marie, 3215 Polly, 3276 Friends, 3413 Paragon, 3740 Merchant, 3772 Mariner, 3824 Eliza, 3849 Prince, 3899 Saint David (as St. David), 3970 Barbara, 4051 Falcon, 4100 Patriotess, 4175 Alice, 4185 Columbia, 4198 Prince of Wales, 4215 Speedwell, 4306 Ferozepore, 4319 Caroline, 4325 Anna Maria, 4518 Swift, 4558 Billow, 4684 Hannah Hicks, 4735 Joseph and Ann, 4747 Paragon, 4832 Laura, 4878 May Flower (or Mayflower), 5039 British Queen, 5045 Fortitude, 5151 May Queen (previously Ward Jackson), 5333 Arethusa, 5365 Souvenir, 5570 Marquis Wellington (as Marquis of Wellington), 5635 Anne, 5702 Speculation, 5725 Mary, 5730 Princess Alexandrina, 5768 Taffvale, 5805 Halton, 5986 Olive Branch, 6195 Shand, 6786 Constantia, 6863 Falcon, 6964 Alarm, 7245 Heath Park, 7251 Minerva, 7506 Borussia, 7637 Mary Ann and James, 7761 Avenger, 7839 Martha James, 8052 Patriot, 8136 Susanna and Anna, 8147 Repealer, 8340 Unity, 8391 Jane Innes, 8695 Sir Edward, 8706 Lady Proby, 8736 Triton, 8792 Ellen, 8822 Mary Banfield, 8838 Sarah Anne, 8977 Thomas, 9210 Jane, 9237 Jane Ellen, 9660 Alarm, 9736 Fox, 9819 Malvina, 9859 Amity, 9926 Rio, 10029 Times, 10068 Devonvale, 10112 Susan, 10302 Chalco, 10321 James and Mary, 10451 Industry, 10620 Eleanor Alice, 10635 Reindeer, 10668 Thomas and Ann (as Thomas and Anne), 10872 Stamford, 10899 Fame, 10903 Lass of Courtown, 10930 Gannet, 10945 Great Britain, 11041 Perseverance, 11329 Chanticleer, 11543 Zarah, 11587 Messenger, 11692 Friends, 11843 Iola, 11883 Esther, 12100 James Annand, 12153 Lavinia, 12219 Portia, 12368 Auxiliar, 12914 Pantaloon, 12920 Mary Garland, 12984 Columbine, 13069 Mary Ann, 13233 Annabell, 13344 Sarah Love, 13601 Spring, 13727 Herne, 13824 Young Man's Endeavour, 13954 Euxine, 14022 William, 14108 Laura, 14149 Rambler, 14198 Haswell, 14387 Gem, 14415 Commerce, 14509 First Borwin III, 14556 Janet, 14627 Highland Chief, 14659 Olive, 14756 Dunsandle, 14894 Watt, 15000 Temple, 15058 Cambridge, 15256 Virgilia, 15302 Ann and Elizabeth, 15332 Star of Brunswick, 15362 Kerelaw, 15432 Margaret Ridley, 15575 Coronation, 15637 Juventa, 15666 Witch of the Tees, 15795 Wave, 15967 Accra, 16140 Rachel, 16188 Rhone, 16215 Imogene, 16303 Queen, 16361 Pembroke, 16608 Good Design, 16637 Robert, 16963 Eliza and Caroline, 17347 Mary Anne, 17370 Hope, 17465 Mary Stuart (as Mary Stewart), 17496 Ionia, 17561 Mary Jane, 17900 Fanny, 17919 James (as Janus), 17931 Augusta, 18033 Windhover, 18120 Nora, 18281 Herald, 18286 Theresa, 18308 Fly, 18412 Humility, 18419 William Frazer (as William Fraser), 18439 Avena, 18580 Clifton, 18590 Pirate, 18648 Mary Ann, 18837 Willing Trader, 18844 Sir John Tyrrell, 18964 Antelope, 19101 Annsbro, 19302 Arab, 19313 Hurrell, 19362 Scotia, 19449 Margaret Anne, 19468 Pilgrim, 19538 Agostina, 19706 Ailsa, 19716 Duchess of Sutherland, 19766 Bloomer, 19969 James Kennedy, 20366 Eagle, 20583 Bard of Avon, 20679 Mary Anne, 20755 Excel, 20927 Elizabeth and Mary, 20961 Fairy Queen, 21013 Uzella, 21129 Fanny, 21197 Breeze, 21301 Edwin, 21421 Edward, 21511 John Mowlem, 21554 Sisters, 21775 Price Alfred, 21959 Prosperity, 22184 Alpha, 22291 Burmah, 22294 Amelia, 22307 Brenda, 22471 Number Two (or No. 2), 22495 Symmetry, 22503 Enterprize, 22574 Elba, 22657 Robert Irving, 22704 Williams and Mary, 22824 Petrel, 22829 Jacobina, 22834 John, 22886 Ambassador, 22988 Severn, 23044 Elizabeth, 23117 Orion, 23235 Brothers, 23317 Eustace, 23397 Active, 23478 Saint Croix (as St. Croix), 23600 Helen Cook, 23839 Star, 23873 Venus, 23994 James Armstrong, 24003 Ann, 24058 George Kendall, 24107 Mary, 24118 Enthusiast, 24231 Satellite, 24261 Champion of the Seas, 24309 Mary Ann, 24440 Era, 24500 Saint Peter (as St. Peter), 24527 Anne Forster (maybe Annie Forster), 24590 Triumph, 24670 Ann, 24699 Beatitude, 24861 Palestine, 24875 Ituna, 25187 Harriet and Eliza, 25307 Jane and Maria, 25323 John & Thomas, 25365 Ann & Maria, 25488 Emma Little, 25507 Olive, 25517 Henry Woolley (maybe Henry Wooley), 25698 Exchange, 25706 Persian, 25727 Ino, 25823 Eureka, 25834 Hope, 25860 Albatross, 25880 Vine, 25903 Jenny, 25949 Sarah Horne, 26021 Thorwaldsen, 26027 Eagle, 26126 Lancaster, 26296 Jane, 26619 Gloucester, 26679 Prompt, 26720 Orwell, 26764 Sarah, 26819 Providence, 26955 Siam, 27240 Telegram, 27258 Laxey Mines, 27659 Blencathra (maybe Blencathea), 28176 Joseph Cape, 28301 Favourite, 28387 Raleigh, 28441 Vencedora, 28754 Brick, 28760 Tirzah (as Tirsah), 28787 John, 28817 Geraldine, 28859 Josephine (ex Regas Ferreos), 28867 Rangoon, 29050 Belle, 29152 Talisman, 29364 Tretherras, 29466 Azuline, 29620 Grecian, 29633 Gertrude, 29798 Tien Tsin (previously Tientsin), 29904 Emily Augusta, 30407 Australia, 30578 Oriental, 30594 Golden City, 30614 Alabama, 30924 Virgin Maria Saint Anthony (as Virgin Maria St. Anthony), 31520 Gem, 31628 City of Hobart, 31846 Emu, 31859 Swallow, 31924 Swansea Packet, 32241 Ripple, 32243 Rover's Bride, 32282 Gloriana, 32296 Yarra Yarra, 32492 Storm King, 32836 Agamemnon, 32849 Acadia, 32859 Triton, 32879 Jessy, 32908 Toronto, 32917 Aurora, 33236 Zuleika (as 32236), 33270 Marie Louise, 34302 Favourite, 34347 Britannia (as Brittannia), 33375 Confidence, 34841 Inkermann (as Inkerman), 34877 Rowena, 35064 Mansanito, 35154 Sultan, 35156 Mornington, 35280 Sealkote (previously Brothers Pride), 35300 Antelope, 35346 Augusta, 35432 Emma Pemberton, 35444 Ceres, 35460 Sea Chief, 35467 Hesperus, 35467 Hesperus, 35483 Talisman, 35556 Sarah Jane, 35571 James Jardine, 35581 Impulse, 35827 Tyro, 35953 Planet, 36309 A. W. McLellan, 36597 Charles, 36650 Belle Isle, 36713 Flora Macdonald (as 36173), 36715 Margaret, 36860 Eliza K. Bateson (as Eliza F. Bateson), 37003 Sophia, 37047 Aurora, 37105 Una (ex Star of the South), 37160 Africana, 37184 Sarpedon, 37526 Napier, 37758 Balaklava, 37793 Kate, 37885 China, 37954 Gertrude, 37983 Jerome, 38040 Onward, 38045 Elizabeth Cann, 38058 Queen of the Fleet, 38154 J. C. Shaw, 38279 Ellen, 38478 Sabina, 38712 Braemar, 38724 Elizabeth, 39042 Atlantic, 39709 Fairy, 40265 Kate, 40288 Jupiter, 40597 Emporium, 40952 Alma, 41018 Benares, 41677 Victress, 41730 Eva, 41867 Richard Thompson, 42079 Emeline (as Emmeline), 42143 Roanoke, 42527 Oder, 42584 Keldhead, 42669 Duke of Newcastle, 42716 Ocean Empress, 42750 Western Empire, 42793 Tubal Cain, 42929 Carrie M., 42999 James, 43101 Tangier, 43113 Index, 43448 May Queen, 43448 May Queen, 43474 Arctic, 43607 Agenoria, 43665 Jessie Scott, 43677 Westcroft, 43760 James Riddell, 43826 Jones Brothers, 43870 Janet, 43979 City of London, 44048 Constance, 44132 Drogheda, 44281 Eleanor Isabella, 44345 James R. Bayley, 44380 Laurel, 44383 Wanderer, 44493 Ann Mills, 44522 Belle, 44794 Lyle, 44815 County of Lanark, 44941 Jessie, 45009 La Plata, 45023 Audax, 45027 Viceroy (previously Dwina), 45070 Nancy Brysson, 45131 Princess of Wales, 45361 Briarley, 45370 Mary Grant, 45420 Southern Empire, 45427 Hampden, 45453 Waverley, 45537 Look Out, 45557 Onward, 45608 Island Queen, 45693 Alice Jane, 45707 William Anning, 45783 Meteor, 45840 Alexandra, 45869 San Rafael (as 45689, previously maybe Mary Warren), 45897 Eastham (previously Bird of Paradise & Eastham), 45920 America, 46011 Star of the Sea, 46119 Aracana (listed with no number), 46197 Staffordshire, 46273 Cognate Apap, 46377 L. W. Eaton, 46389 J. Morton, 46632 Jura, 46655 Anna Frances (maybe Anna France), 46771 Camilla, 46791 Trelawney, 46837 Albion, 46843 Courier, 46905 Mary Jane  McMillan (as M. J. McMillan), 46913 Princess Beatrice, 46941 C. H. Soule, 47039 Pomaron, 47084 Courier, 47097 Cesarea, 47382 Madge, 47462 Kate Gregory, 47476 Childwall Abbey, 47581 Roodee (as Roodie), 47587 Star of the Mersey, 47599 Mexican, 47610 Assam Valley, 47644 Silver Cloud, 47666 Accidental Star, 47779 Mercury, 47797 Squire, 47858 Admiral Fitzroy, 48222 New Lampedo, 48236 Arnica, 48244 Bernice, 48262 Mary E. Jones, 48265 Amelia (as Amelie), 48450 Wild Horse, 48464 Sussex, 48478 Gazelle, 48516 Flora, 48568 Syria, 48610 Jane Mary, 48756 Bayswater, 48798 Sumatra, 48834 Mooresfort, 49005 Abie Perkins (maybe Abie Parkins), 49080 Kezia, 49096 Glenalladale, 49123 Esk, 49164 E. Beckwith, 49314 Muscat Merchant, 49439 Francis Bourneuf, 49468 Lizzie, 49478 Athlete, 47485 Pensacola, 49486 Two Marys (as Two Mary's), 49489 John Good, 49535 Macedon, 49538 Cardross, 49696 Prairie Flower, 49770 Lucy, 50099 Wigoline, 50283 Damietta, 50339 Rhoda, 50352 Flying Meteor, 50358 Eumenides, 50478 Fille de L'Air, 50528 Afton, 50582 Lizzie Raymond, 50661 Poyang, 50683 City of Niagara, 50711 Calcutta, 50712 Queen of the Lakes, 50753 Robert Boak, 50797 Mai, 50840 Vinco, 50925 T. H. Haviland, 51163 Geraldine, 51191 Ceylon, 51211 Moss Trooper, 51231 Killala (ex Fruiterer), 51252 Advance, 51293 Virago, 51334 Pickwick, 51365 Wentworth, 51487 Union, 51508 Wimbledon, 51513 Steuart Lane, 51570 Mary, 51588 Flirt, 51723 Channel Light, 51776 Excelsior (maybe previously Mazeppa), 51952 Florence Baker, 51959 Howard, 51992 W. J. Hatfield, 52023 Willie Coe, 52043 Veritas (as 52073), 52054 James Coffill (or James Coffil), 52071 J. R. Hea, 52076 Oak Point, 52169 Harmony, 52172 Victoria, 52191 Ida E., 52258 Atalanta, 52452 Dunedin, 52463 Marie Beatrice, 52483 John Elliott (as John Elliot), 52493 Sparkenhoe, 52527 Magna Charta, 52538 Catherine and Eliza, 52584 Saint Mungo (as St. Mungo), 52672 Dandenong (ex Stella), 52698 Cromwell, 52910 Hemaja, 53005 Clyde, 53067 Zuleika, 53098 Chimborazo, 53197 Invererne (previously Anne (or Ann) Laity Banfield), 53199 Emma, 53349 Richard Cowell (previously R. H. Jones, later rebuilt as Caledon), 53502 Evening Star, 53638 Rebe, 53650 Athlete, 53674 Dagmar, 53729 Curlew, 53753 Rozallina, 53809 Isle of Skye, 53814 Alice Abbott, 53854 Oliver Cromwell, 54126 La Cayenne, 54213 Try Again, 54347 Halcyon, 54351 J. R. E., 54362 Melita, 54389 Ida J., 54392 Little Fury, 54469 Prairie Bird, 54568 Mary Ann, 54591 Lady Derby, 54833 Emmeline, 54860 Hendon, 54876 Rinaldo, 54894 Jane Emily, 54917 Pioneer, 55029 The Foundling, 55118 M., 55129 William Lindsay, 55338 Precursor, 55420 Leader, 55489 Lady Turner, 55534 Minnie Cameron, 55553 Linda, 55688 Hope, 56100 Criterion, 56217 Jessie May, 56277 Brownlow, 56281 Emmaus, 56364 Josephine, 56425 Fleetwing, 56444 Maggie, 56466 Amadine, 56534 Minnie Graham, 56538 Herbert Graham, 56728 Elwin Hawthorn, 57112 Mary Mag, 57836 Trade Wind, 56873 Isle of Wight, 56934 Chrysolite, 57057 Constance, 57200 Roderick Rose, 57242 Belvidere, 57462 Brother's Pride, 57529 Clematis, 57743 Dauntless, 57790 Florence, 57793 Strathnaver, 57918 Nellie, 57947 Scotia, 57981 Minnie A. Lake, 58018 Sultan, 58023 Prince Alfred, 58122 Imogen, 58183 Betsy Bateman, 58185 Rivulet, 58236 Mary, 58289 Vesper, 58327 Trojan, 58533 Edith, 58716 Robin Hood, 58723 Emily, 58784 Monkshaven, 58785 Nellie, 58788 Kate, 58792 Alice, 58859 Kate, 59015 Julia, 59138 John Macdonald, 59161 Louisa D., 59267 Jacob V. Troop, 59275 Morocco, 59279 Martin, 59283 Nereus, 59432 Benjamine Young (as Benjamin Young), 59482 Druid, 59530 Maa Fu, 59539 Terrigal Jack (as 58539), 59563 Maud Helen, 59685 Arrow, 59813 Volta, 59818 Moselle, 59894 Aurelie, 59922 Manila, 59976 Eleonore (as Eleanore), 60020 Bengore (previously Lancaster), 60070 Annie Richmond, 60086 Clevedon, 60228 Wells, 60288 Premier, 60303 Kathleen Mary, 60330 Jessie, 60351 The Prince, 60425 County of Nairn, 60441 Helena, 60444 Teviotdale, 60506 Sophia Jane, 60555 Galeed, 60627 Sunshine, 60640 Smile, 60651 Ino, 60922 Margaret, 60977 Cavalier, 61065 Lillian, 61242 Kim Swee Hin, 61372 New Wabeno, 61403 Gordon, 61449 Ellen F., 61451 Scottish Bride, 61471 Jessore, 61480 Le Baron, 61531 Castilian, 61539 Grecian Bend, 61548 Minnie Cronan, 61558 Ranger, 61728 Ann and Susan (maybe Ann & Susan), 61751 29th October 1867, 61796 Nova Scotian, 61810 Tidal Wave, 61923 S. P. Musson, 62000 Hound, 62014 Freddy, 62054 Walter Baine, 62210 Lady Heathcote, 62285 Albatross, 62310 Harbottle, 62376 Emblehope, 62378 Canadian, 62461 Bengalese, 62509 Argonaut, 62588 William, 62589 The Barton, 62620 Goshen, 62631 Senior, 62679 Lizzie Male, 62757 Woodham, 62786 Mary Moore, 63012 Hilton Philipson, 63426 Jane Lyon, 63455 Juan Ferrin, 63474 Moonlight, 63482 E. A. Carrington, 63518 Surbiton, 63530 Scorpio, 63535 Dromedary, 63628 Corinna, 63662 Banner, 63670 Berar, 63697 Clairellen, 63781 (and here) Liberia, 63782 Ismailia, 63822 Violet, 63853 Leander, 63878 Govan, 63926 M. E. Seed, 63941 Wave, 63990 Lindisfarne, 63998 Eaglescliffe No. 2, 64020 Harley John, 64035 Arthur L., 64072 Berthe et Marie, 64110 Wan Loong, 64200 Nimrod, 64227 Post Boy, 64351 Peri, 64458 Iris, 64466 Annie Martha, 64468 Pampero, 64476 Sappho, 64540 Florence Oulton, 64553 Emma L. Oulton, 64555 George V. Richards, 64557 Beaver, 64564 Tempo, 64589 W. J. Starkie (or W. J. Starkey), 64603 Thetis, 64613 Willie S. Thomson (as Willie S. Thompson), 64706 Express, 64797 Kitty Coburn, 64831 Minerva, 64831 Minerva, 64841 Liscomb, 64910 Briton, 64924 Uamvar, 65051 Agnes Wyllie, 65073 Arabia, 65086 Benachie, 65095 Bride, 65134 Ormesby, 65198 Precursor, 65210 Cambridge, 65235 Rose, 65236 Walamo, 65243 Alpha, 65252 Zeno, 65399 Clifford, 65409 Lincoln, 65438 Coromandel, 65456 Danae (correctly Danaë), 65458 Cerdic, 65461 Cortes, 65469 Kin Shan (previously Borneo), 64483 Rockport, 64656 Saint Joseph, 65524 Breeze, 65547 Henrietta, 65583 Pallion, 65593 Caledon, 65602 Bothnia, 65621 St. Helen's or St. Helens, 65631 Richmond, 65699 Chanonry, 65721 James Mason, 65725 Thornaby, 65739 Martin Wiener, 65746 Durham Castle, 65874 Southampton, 65908 Jurist, 65951 Mino, 65962 Albert Gallatin, 65986 Peru, 66004 Picton, 66110 Ethy, 66121 Sallie, 66296 Florence, 66308 Jane Harrison (previously Rosslyn), 66325 Lucy, 66353 Louisa, 66409 Sylvia, 66644 Rajah of Tongkah (as Rajah of Tongka), 66712 Mary B. Gardner, 66717 N. W. Blethen, 66726 Etna (as Aetna), 66895 Live Oak, 66939 Percy Thomson, 67221 Maria Lee, 67282 Blende, 67335 Woolsington, 67350 The Princess, 67364 King Leopold, 67529 Lufra, 67553 Constance, 67624 Sophia and Emily, 67825 Ralph Creyke, 67919 Arracan, 67997 Advance, 68017 Knight Templar, 68019 Alice, 68096 Fay, 68118 County of Perth, 68149 Hellespont, 68196 New Cornwall, 68205 Eleanor Wheatley, 68207 Clara, 68230 Gabrielle, 68250 Dhoolia, 68253 Hindoo, 68262 Celerity, 68440 George Batters, 68489 Industry (as 68487), 68655 Colombo, 68822 American, 68886 Friendship, 68887 Norma, 68892 Clifton, 68900 St. Peter, 68949 Prometheus, 69064 Oseco, 69208 Susie E. Smith, 69275 Caroline, 69289 Tacna, 69561 Edith Mary, 69587 Adgillus, 69617 Emma, 69759 Tuspan (previously Mary Ellen), 69870 Bernina, 69887 Baron Skene, 69917 Voluna (previously City of Gloucester), 70101 Flash, 70233 Zampa, 70249 Copia, 70250 Dunsany, 70399 Hailey, 70424 Armstrong, 70587 Stad Brugge (previously John David, as Stadt Brugge), 70607 Tiara, 70640 Aurora, 70643 Capella, 70843 Workington (listed with no number), 70849 Stuart Hahnemann, 70880 Pardo, 70884 Kashgar, 71203 Pacific, 71414 Quango, 71461 Medusa, 71469 Hollywood, 71675 Mary, 71717 Norseman, 71756 Rose, 72121 Assecuradeur, 72149 Senator, 72489 The Planter, 72554 Maggie, 72609 Annie Putnam, 72642 Aberfeldy, 72664 Zanzibar, 73007 Windsor, 73071 Champion, 73579 Tamar, 73583 Genoa, 73606 Athenian, 73629 Tunstall, 73705 Henry Coxon, 73728 Joseph Pease, 73788 Vingorla, 73824 Scotstoun, 73856 Terrier, 73922 Milo, 74164 Leander, 76197 Ireshope, 76206 Stallingbro, 76239 Bayard, 76363 Tagus, 76386 Bavaria, 76633 Stamfordham (as 76663), 76728 Inch Kenneth, 76950 Surbiton, 76953 Elsie, 76978 Telford, 77005 Albert and Edward, 77016 Homer, 77036 Joseph Ferens, 77097 Kensington, 77199 Llanedarne, 78401 Alfonso, 78831 Rathmore, 79461 Marlborough, 79615 Yoxford, 79691 Roscommon, 79697 Heimdall,

JUL. 1, 1876 THRU JUN. 30, 1877 (a start - just pages 072, 073, 074 & 079)

Unknown Agnes, Unknown Annie Young, Unknown Banks of Spey, Unknown Blanche et Marie, Unknown Charles and Henry, Unknown Jane Strachan, Unknown Mohamed Bux, Unknown Tuspan, Unknown Waitsa, Unknown William and Susan, 902 Hope, 1276 Gazelle, 4185 Columbia, 5969 Eliza, 6195 Shand, 6595 Friends Endeavour rather than Friend's Endeavour, 8736 Triton, 9926 Rio, 10302 Chalco, 11587 Messenger, 12100 James Annand, 13824 Young Man's Endeavour, 14387 Gem, 14756 Dunsandle, 17347 Mary Anne, 17561 Mary Jane, 17931 Augusta, 22495 Symmetry, 23000 Helen Cook, 23044 Elizabeth, 23235 Brothers, 24440 Era, 25307 Jane and Maria, 25323 John and Thomas, 25834 Hope, 28301 Favourite, 31520 Gem, 31859 Swallow, 31924 Swansea Packet, 32243 Rover's Bride, 32372 William and Betsy, 32411 Flirt, 32492 Storm King, 34302 Favourite, 34344 Rising Sun, 34877 Rowena, 36860 Eliza F. Bateson, 37003 Sophia, 37983 Jerome, 38478 Sabina, 40265 Kate, 40288 Jupiter, 42143 Roanoke, 45537 Look Out, 46377 L. W. Eaton, 48464 Sussex, 49486 Two Marys, 51191 Ceylon, 51293 Virago, 51513 Steuart Lane rather than Stewart Lane, 52672 Dandenong, 53098 Chimborazo, 53778 Sevasondrapuravy rather than Sevasundavapuravy, 54351 J. R. E., 54860 Hendon, 56425 Fleetwing, 57200 Roderick Rose, 57529 Clematis, 57793 Strathnaver, 57918 Nellie, 58185 Rivulet, 59432 Benjamine Young, 59563 Maud Helen, 60627 Sunshine, 61449 Ellen F., 61548 Minnie Cronan, 64458 Iris, 64603 Thetis, 64797 Kitty Coburn, 65206 Joseph and Elizabeth, 65409 Lincoln, 65831 Agnes, 66296 Florence, 66717 N. W. Blethen, 69064 Osaco, 69208 Susie E. Smith, 71469 Hollywood, 73007 Windsor, 73629 Tunstall, 73824 Scotstoun rather than Scotstown,


















































































































