May I suggest that you navigate the site via the index on page 001.
Copyright? (17 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 47) Test.
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On this page ... Iliff, Mounsey, Jobling & Co., James Johnson, Jopling & Willoughby, King J., Kirkbride, Kish Boolds, John Knox, page bottom (Peter's Railway & Duchess of Sunderland).To search for specific text on this page, just press 'CTRL + F' & then enter your search term. A general site search facility is here.
Corrections in any of the material which follows, however tiny, would be most welcome. And additions, of course!
OF SOUTH DOCKCan you help with the history of this shipbuilder? Because I so far know absolutely nothing at all about them. Even if the names above are fully accurate. And if they are all related.
I note, however, that Miramar in its references to the 'South Dock' shipbuilder refers to a number of names - John Haswell, Iliff and Mounsey, Mounsey, Mounsey and Foster, & Sunderland SB Co. Vessels built by 'Iliff' seen to have their own short numbering system commencing in 1872. The Iliff & Mounsey partnership was, it would seem, dissolved in Mar. 1873. The last reference to Mounsey seems to be in 1879.
The reference to 'South Dock' is a puzzle to the webmaster. It would seem that George Bartram retired from his business in 1871 & that after he retired the 'Bartram' business moved to what I termed on page 25 'a new shipbuilding yard' at South Dock. Which sounds as though the site to which they moved had not been previously occupied by other shipbuilders. But in 1882, at a site described also as being South Dock, Sunderland Shipbuilding Company took over a site previously operated by Haswell, Iliff, Iliff & Mounsey & Mounsey & Foster. So it would seem that there were 2 shipbuilders at South Dock at least from 1871? We can see on page 25, where the Bartram yard was located. I wonder exactly where the 'Haswell thru to Sunderland Shipbuilding Company' yard was located? There are words about the situation in 'Where Ships Are Born' & since those words have a relevance to this matter, I repeat them here."Sunderland Shipbuilding Company, known locally as The "Limited" Yard, took over a South Docks site where wood ships were built in the eighteen-sixties by John Haswell. Iliff and Mounsey were launching little iron sailing ships and steamers there in the early 'seventies, after which the business was conducted as Mounsey and Foster. This latter firm built several large iron sailing ships from 1873, among them being the Duchess of Edinburgh, Eastern Monarch, Roderick Dhu, Senator and Kingdom of Sweden, each of which was famed among the medium clippers of the period.
After Mounsey retired, Robert Foster continued for only a very short time and then the business passed into the hands of the Sunderland Shipbuilding Company. Commencing about 1882, their record was a splendid one in the steamer class, and included ....."Later words make it clear that the Sunderland Shipbuilding Company site & hence the Iliff & Mounsey site, was on the beach since the text refers to broadside launches into the open sea.
Lists, 4 pages, (highest hull number on page). It used to be that you could click on the links that follow & get to the relevant Miramar page. But no longer! The new procedure must be to go to Miramar (here) & log in (you must be registered to view any page). And once you are logged in, return to this page & all the following links should work for you:- 39, 66, 96, 99. The list continues on page 83 re Sunderland SB Co. (86)Names of just a few of the vessels constructed by 'Iliff', 'Mounsey', & 'Foster' of Sunderland - as I happen to spot references to them. In a table in build date sequence.
1 ![]()
398 tons
Hull 29
5388 (Swedish)
Tomaso Drago
Diego1868 A 3-masted iron barque, that had an amazingly long life.
Per 1 (extensive data, thanks so much!), 2 (Italian page, data, image), 3 (English translation of 2), 4 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
145 ft. (44.2 metres) long, signal letters HLDQ, later JTBM.
Originally a military ship? The vessel was built for J. (John) Russell, of Cork, however I have also read G. B. Wadsworth, of Liverpool, the managers perhaps? Employed in the Mediterranean trade.
In 1879/80, the vessel was owned by 'McKellar, Carr & Co.', (J. (John) M. McKellar) also of Liverpool.
The Mercantile Navy List of 1890 reports Charles Hooper of Swansea as the vessel's then owner.
And in about 1900, the vessel was sold to F. C. (Frederick Charles) Johansen, of Goole, an inland port in Yorkshire.
In 1907, or perhaps in 1909, the vessel was sold to 'E. Consigliere Ved. Drago', (F. Drago), of Genoa, Italy, renamed Tomaso Drago & registered at Genoa. Used in the Atlantic & Caribbean trade. Described as a 'logwood trader'.
On May 31, 1912, the vessel was sold to 'Rederi AB Janes' (And. S. Cronberg), of Landkrona, Sweden, for £825 & renamed Janes. And in Oct. 1924, the vessel was sold again, to 'J. R. Lionnet & Co.', of Port Louis, Mauritius, for SEK 41.600 & renamed Diego.
On Jun. 20, 1935, the vessel was wrecked at Eagle Island, Chagos Archipelago, (a group of 7 atolls, roughly in the middle of the Indian Ocean, due S. of the Maldives). No loss of life.
Do you have more data?2 ![]()
1442 tons
Hull # not known
608511868 An iron cargo/passenger ship.
Per 1 (data, Niger), 2 (Temperley Line, Niger), 3 (Feb. 1872 court case, tow of Seagull in Red Sea ex 4), 5 (wreck & map of location), 6 (4 Quebec voyages), 7 (three 1871 passenger manifests), 8 (S. Haaks), 9 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
The webmaster has a number of editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books - see left - but in its lifetime the webmaster can see only two Lloyd's listings for the vessel.
250 ft. 7 in. long, speed of 10 knots, two masts, single funnel & screw, signal letters HGRK.
Built for C. M. Norwood & Co. ('Norwood') of London. The vessel traded to the Far East - a few references to the vessel at Singapore.
A court case was held in London, in Feb. 1872, involving the vessel. Niger, under the command of W. C. Nisbet, was en route from Calcutta to London via the Suez canal with a cargo of indigo, cotton, tea, silk etc. She came across Seagull, a steamer owned by George S. Seater & Co. of Leith, Scotland, aground on a coral reef not far from the Ushruffe Islands, nearly abreast of Mount Akrab, in the Red Sea. Seagull was not under steam & fired guns to invite assistance. Niger towed Seagull off the reef & onwards to Suez. Norwood, Niger's owners, claimed salvage rights & was awarded what sounds like the modest sum of £1,400 by the court. I cannot tell you on what date that all happened but it likely was in late 1871.
But maybe earlier since from May 1871 to Aug. 1872 the vessel was chartered by Temperley Line, of London, for 6 voyages to Quebec & Montreal, Canada.
On Nov. 23, 1877, while en route to London with a cargo of grain, Niger ran aground & was wrecked at 'S. Haaks', Holland, in a violent storm. At 52.57N/04.43E. Do you have more data? The Dutch words at 5 may contain more data as to the state of the wreck today than I was able to understand. Unfortunately that site does not permit copying of the Dutch text for translation via a WWW translation site. An image perhaps?3 ![]()
520 (or 538) tons
Hull 39
625641869 A 3 masted iron barque.
Per 1 (An 1877 voyage to Australia, crew data), 2 (Peabody, Sep. 1880 data, image, 80% down), 3 (related image re 2 ), 4 (a Jun. 1893 New Zealand arrival), 5 (1894 artwork reference), 6 (a 1913 image), 7 & 8 (images, Ione), 9 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
The webmaster has a number of editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, thru 1889/90 - see left.
165.0 ft. long, signal letters JMNK.
Built for F. Ritson ('Ritson') of Sunderland.
In the 1873/74 edition of Lloyd's, the sale of the vessel by Ritson to H. McEwan (Hugn M. McEwan), of Ayr, Scotland, is recorded. Mercantile Navy List ('MNL') of 1880. Registered at Ayr.
In the 1890/91 edition, the further sale of the vessel to 'J. (James) Hardie' of London, is recorded (MNL of 1890). I had previously advised in this listing, the data originating in expired eBay listings, that at or about 1880 the vessel was owned by Henry W. Peabody & Co., 'Australian Line', for Boston, U.S.A. to Melbourne, Australia, service. I now think that was incorrect & Peabody were just the Boston agents for the vessel. I similarly advised that in 1889, the vessel was owned by L. P. Rogers of Port Louis, Mauritius. Neither statements seem to be evidenced in the Lloyd's Registers you can read at left.
It would seem that on Nov. 22, 1894, the vessel ended up on the rocks at Mouille Point, Cape Town, South Africa, the entrance to Table Bay. David Watts has kindly brought to my attention the verdict of the Court of Inquiry, held at Cape Town, into 'the striking and abandonment' of Ione by its Captain & crew. The court is scathing of the conduct of Lawrence Reid, the vessel's long term captain & recommended that his certificate be cancelled. And similarly they chastised Frank S. P. Porter the ship's mate. It would seem that both were totally derelict in their duties as officers & prematurely abandoned the ship.
The MNLs of 1900 thru 1915 (MNL of 1910) record Lewis Powell Rogers of Port Louis as the vessel's owner & the 1920 edition reports The Ione Navigation Co. Ltd., also of Port Louis, as the vessel's then owner.
A watercolour by T.? Williams, sold at auction in 1999 by Stephan Welz & Co., of Cape Town & Johannesburg, South Africa, would seem to depict the vessel with tugs Alert, John Paterson, Tiger & Enterprise in attendance towing her off. Alas I cannot provide an image of the work.
Dave Tranter advises (thanks Dave!) that Lloyd's Register of 1904/05 records L. P. Rogers to be the owner of the Port Louis registered vessel.
In 1924, I had read that the vessel was still owned at Mauritius. Can anybody tell us what later happened to her? Or correct the above text, as may be required and/or add additional data or images?4 ![]()
519, later 540/519 (gross/net), later 502 tons
Sant' Antonio or San Antonio1869 An iron barque, 3-masted, completed in May 1869.
Per 1 (San Antonio, grounded), 2 (NY Times 1903 article).
The vessel is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed, it would seem, from 1869/70 thru 1874/75 at least - LR of 1875/76 is not available to the webmaster. Was initially owned by E. Gourley of Sunderland, with 'Winchester' & briefly 'W. Schearer' serving as her captain. For service (where LR indicated) to Cape of Good Hope or to Algoa Bay (both South Africa) in 1869/70, ex London from 1870/71 thru 1872/73, & from Amsterdam to Rangoon, Burma, in 1873/74.
Am grateful for this 'pdf' (on page 2) which advises that Amity became Olga, Carmen & finally Sant' Antonio & was lost off Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on Nov. 14, 1903.
The Mercantile Navy List ('MNL') of 1870 (& also that of 1875) reports Amity as owned by Edward Temperley Gourley of Sunderland. The barque it would seem, 'had a well established reputation in the China trade as a British merchantman'. I presume that the vessel ceased to be British in or about 1875 - the vessel is not recorded either as Amity or Olga in MNL of 1876.
I located via Trove, Australia, a reference to Olga, then of Hamburg, Germany, & both owned & captained by Captain Krohnke, arriving at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on Nov. 22, 1887 with a general cargo for Sydney & 300 tons of salt for delivery at Newcastle, NSW. I cannot see that the vessel actually went on to Newcastle. It left Sydney on Jan. 29, 1878, having been chartered to carry wool to Antwerp, Belgium, & having had new decks fitted presumably for that purpose. On Feb. 02, 1889 Olga arrived at Brisbane, via Warrnambool, Victoria, with a general cargo ex Hamburg (left Sep. 20, 1888, a voyage of 134 days) & on Feb. 21, 1889 left Brisbane for Apia (Navigators' Islands, now Samoa, South Pacific). Her captain's name is variously spelled - as G. H. Kroncke, Krohnakes & Krohnke as above. I could not spot additional voyages to Australia but I may be wrong - there were quite a number of barques of the name.
I am not aware of when the vessel became Carmen & who became Carmen's owner. Carmen is, however, I am delighted to find, listed in LR of 1891/92 (but not in 1889/90) then owned by 'A. Postel & ses fils' & registered at Le Havre, France, with 'Lordonne' her captain.
As per my attempted image of the LR entry. I do not know when 'G. Lubrano di Scampamorte', of Naples, Italy, became the owner of the vessel now named Sant' Antonio. However 'G. & E. Lubrano di Scampamorte' were the registered owners, with A. Lubrano her captain, in LR of 1899/1900. Before moving on to the final chapter of the vessel's life, it seems to me that the correct final registered name of the vessel, certainly in 1903/04, was Sant' Antonio. It clearly was also known as San Antonio, presumably an anglicised version of the registered name.
I have for a long time indicated here that on Jul. 05, 1903, the vessel left Marseilles, France, for Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, under the command of Captain Astario, with a cargo of bricks & tiles. It had arrived at Algoa Bay in Oct. 1903 & was anchored there on Nov. 14, 1903 when she & five other ships (including County of Pembroke) were driven ashore & wrecked in a SE gale. A 7th vessel was dismasted. The storm which hit at night time was massive - high winds, mountainous seas & torrential rain. The pre-eminent sources for definitive data about the wreck of County of Pembroke are two superb 'pdf' files (1 & 2) that document her loss at Port Elizabeth, both prepared by Vanessa Maitland, wreck archaeologist, of Durban, South Africa. Those 'pdf' files make many references to San Antonio, advise exactly where she was driven ashore (N. of Dynamite Jetty), that the crew 'came ashore by themselves', (also that 'the crew landed this morning by the breeches buoy'), & even (Fig. 26) an image (at left) that Vanessa argues can only be of San Antonio. It was thought that one young seaman, a crew member of San Antonio, had been lost in the disaster, but he was found exhausted on the beach & later fully recovered. The name of San Antonio's captain is a bit unclear - variously reported as being Astario, Astartio, J. Asterita, Astarita.
165.0 ft. long, later 167.7 ft., signal letters JWTG, later SDVW (per LR of 1903/1904).
Clearly there is much more to learn about this vessel. Do you have additional data about the vessel's history? Another image perhaps?
Vanessa Maitland seeks more information her. Can you help in that regard?5 ![]()
742 (or 744) tons
Hull 43
623731870 A 3-masted iron barque.
Per 1 & 2 (data), 3 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
186.5 ft. long, (56.8 metres long perpendicular to perpendicular).
Built for Joseph Steel & Son (or Sons), of Liverpool. But may first have been registered (Jan. 25, 1871) in the name of H. F. Swan, of Newcastle.
In 1904, the vessel was sold to Gaetano Olivari, of Italy, likely of Genoa. No change of vessel name.
Miramar indicate that the vessel was reduced to a lighter in 1915, while an expired eBay item stated that the vessel was scrapped that year at Genoa.
WWW data about the vessel is most modest. Can you help with more? Another image perhaps?6 ![]()
952/1454 (N/G) tons, later
1039/1567 (N/G) tons
Hull 48
Bengala1871 The following listing will surely need correction - the available data is both limited & confusing.
A cargo & passenger steamer, brig rigged, that was launched on May 06, 1871 & first registered, at Sunderland, on Jul. 07, 1871 (scroll to #62626).
Per 1 (ref. Bengala), 2 (page in Italian), 3 (link 2 translated by Google), 4 (Mogul Line, Mecca), 5 (, data), 6 (wreck site video), 7 (an extensive & detailed 'pdf' history of the vessel), 8 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
246.1 ft. long, later 246.0 ft., later 243.1 ft., 170 HP engines by George Clark of Sunderland, later 254 HP engines by 'Comp. N. Odero Sestri', speed of 10 knots, signal letters QGFT (p.217), NHCH. An 1871 crew list is (or used to be) available here.
First the Lloyd's Register ('LR') record. So far as I can see, the vessel is not LR listed as Mecca. It is LR listed as Livorno, owned by Lloyd Italiano, in 1876/77 & 1877/78.
LR of 1879/80 notes that the vessel's name had been changed from Livorno to Bengala but did not list either name. It is LR listed, as Bengala, from 1880/81 thru 1889/90.
LR first references the vessel as being built by Iliff, Mounsey & Co. in 1886/87.
The vessel was launched, on May 06, 1871, for Ralph M. Hudson, Jr., of Sunderland, but would seem to have soon become owned by Bombay and Persia Steam Navigation Co. perhaps known as Mogul Line. Is that really true?
Later in that same year, i.e. 1871, Lloyd Italiano (Societe di Navigazione Lloyd Italiano), of Genoa, Italy, became the owner of the vessel, renamed Livorno.
I read that in Aug. 1875, Livorno broke her transmission shaft twice when in the Red Sea. And that on the 2nd occasion, Hutton (built by Doxford in 1871) came to her rescue & towed Livorno to Aden. As per this extensive 'pdf' which I should note, refers rather to James Hutton, in error.
Later, at a date unknown to the webmaster (perhaps in 1876 when Lloyd Italiano collapsed), the vessel, renamed Bengala, became owned by R. Rubattino, also of Genoa. The vessel was soon maybe transferred to 'Soc. per la Navigazione a Vaporo Raffaele Rubattino & Co.'.
In 1881, Navigazione Generale Italiana ('NGI'), of Genoa, became the vessel's owner (Link 1 says the vessel became part of NGI Line when I & V. Florio of Palermo & R. Rubattino amalgamated in 1881).
In 1881, the original George Clark of Sunderland 170 HP engines were replaced with 254 HP engines supplied by Cantieri Navali Odero of Genoa/Sestri. Such change was not referenced in LR until 1886/87 & the vessel became 243.1 ft. long & of 1567 gross tons.
I read that in Mar. 1882, the vessel entered service on NGI's Messina-Naples-New York route. Mystic Seaport, via this page (Record of American ...), tells us that the vessel, from 1883 to 1889, had A. Govino as its captain but LR states different names. 'Registro Italiano' of 1886 lists 'U. De Mecheli' as the vessel's then captain.
LR of 1889/90 notes that the vessel had been 'Wrecked'. On Apl. 30, 1889, (or maybe (7) on Apl. 10, 1889), Bengala hit a shoal or sandbank & sank at Cape Rizzuto (Cannelle di Isola Capo Rizzuto), Calabria, Italy. While en route from Trieste to Genoa, under the command of A. Govino or A. Galvino but LR states Marchini, with a cargo that included port wine in bottles. 2 lives were lost. A dive site today, it would seem.
Can you provide more info?
Luca Derosa, of Cape Rizzuto, Italy, is researching the history of the vessel & would welcome any assistance you can provide. Including data from the 1871 crew list or a scan of it. You can reach him here.
7 Meredith
753/960, later 634/976 (N/G)tons
Hull 50
655891871 The vessel, an iron steamship which was launched in Feb. 1871, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1874/75 thru 1890/91. And Mercantile Navy List ('MNL') listed from 1872 thru 1891. Always registered at London & first registered there on Jun. 20, 1871.
I have previously noted, in this spot, from a source today unknown, that Meredith was initially owned by J. W. Mounsey & others. MNL of 1872 rather records C. J. Fox, of London, as the vessel's then owner or managing owner, however MNLs of 1873 & 1874 rather record John Wilfred Mounsey of Sunderland.
It would appear that in the years following from 1875 thru about 1881, the vessel was owned by a group of mainly London owners & the 'owner' per both MNL & LR, probably the 'managing' owner, moved within that group. LRs of 1874/75 thru 1875/76 list G. N. Wilkinson, 1875/76 thru 1877/78 records J. White, 1877/78 thru 1878/79 lists J. Chapman, 1878/79 & 1879/80 lists H. Steele, & 1879/80 & 1880/81 lists C. N. Wilkinson. Mainly all of London. Those names are largely confirmed by MNLs of 1875 thru 1880, which record, in sequence, Wilkinson & Watt, John White (1876 & 1877), John Chapman, Hugh Steele (of Jarrow), & Geo. N. Wilkinson.
In or about 1880, Meredith became 'managing' owned by Robert Thorman of Seaham Harbour. Who clearly owned it for the rest of the vessel's life - per MNLs of 1881 thru 1891 & LRs of 1881/82 thru 1890/91.
Her captains? LR does not tell us any names except in 1888/89 thru 1891/92 where R. Humble is noted to have been her captain. There would seem to have been, in fact, a great many Meredith captains. A 'best-efforts', but probably incomplete list, in time sequence - Hunter, Clarke or Clark, C. Broad (William Cornish Broad), Sellers, Beaver, Hartley, Reed or Read, Ryner, McDowall, McTavish, Robson, Beaver, Swartvick, Gibb, Fletcher, a 3 year silence from Apl. 1884, Humble.
Some events in the vessel's life that the webmaster happened to spot - i) On Sep. 21, 1871, the vessel (Hunter), en route from Lisbon, Portugal, to London, put into Portland Roads, Dorset, with damaged boilers.
ii) On Jun. 04, 1872, the vessel (Clarke), put into Malta with damage to her engines.
iii) On Dec. 05, 1876, the vessel (Hartley), en route from Shields to Dublin, Ireland, put into Portsmouth with 'deck swept, boat smashed and one man lost overboard'.
iv) On Mar. 08. 1877, the vessel, leaving Kingson, Jamaica, for Jacmel (S. coast of Haiti) got ashore in the harbour off Fort Augusta. She was later got off, likely having suffered no damage. An advertisement re her then service to the Caribbean incl. to Jamaica.
v) On Aug. 10, 1877, the vessel (Reed) en routre from Riga, Latvia, to Bordeaux, France with a cargo of oats, put into Sunderland with her machinery out of order.
vi) On Jan. 16, 1878, the vessel (Read) arrived at Jeremie ex Aux Cayes & Jacmel (all Haiti) with & to load additional bags of coffee & cocoa. She stranded in the harbour there on Jan. 18, 1878, during a gale, & only on Mar. 12, 1878 was she again seaworthy & ready to depart. Per these reports.
vii) An advertised voyage to Singapore in Aug. 1879.
viii) On Mar. 27, 1880, Meredith (probably McTavish) left the Tyne, to arrive at Gravesend, London, on Mar. 29, 1880. There she stopped having encountered foggy conditions. While the vessel was at rest the vessel's 2nd engineer went to the top of the boilers to let steam into the engine cylinder. While doing so the valve cover lifted, superheated steam blew out, & the poor fellow was seriously scalded. So seriously that he was taken to the hospital & died there. 'Fletcher', the vessel's chief engineer, was held to be responsible while the managing owner was reprimanded. As per these reports of the inquiry into the death, conducted at Middlesbro' from Aug. 19 thru 21, 1880. Such reports do not provide the name of that unfortunate 2nd Engineer - his name, I read, was R. V. Heads.
ix) On Nov. 02, 1884 (Broad) the vessel left Taganrog (Sea of Azov, Black Sea, Russia), for Malta & there received orders to deliver her cargo of linseed to Leith (Edinburgh, Scotland). Later, in the Bay of Biscay, during a few days of gales, the vessel's cargo shifted & Meredith, on Dec. 09, 1884 ended up nearly on her beam ends. But not leaky. She was able to make it safely to Dover, where she arrived on Dec. 11, 1884 'short of coal, & with her cargo badly shifted'.
220.5 ft. long, signal letters LRNV, crew lists are likely available via this page, 99 HP engines by George Clark of Sunderland.
What finally happened to Meredith? LR of 1890/91 notes that the vessel was involved in a collision in Mar. 1891.
I learn that on Mar. 30, 1891, Meredith left Gravesend, London, for Sunderland, in ballast, under the command of Richard Taylor Humble & with Thomas Humble serving as her Mate. On Mar. 31, 1891, the vessel was off Seaham, in process of taking a pilot on board. Also on the scene was Longnewton (built 1881 at West Hartlepool, a steamship, under the management by S. J. Ditchfield of Seaham, owned by the Marquis of Londonderry). Longnewton had also left london on Mar. 30, 1891 on an identical voyage, under the practical command of Robert Robson of Seaham, the vessel's first officer, while Captain Lawson her true captain was under the weather. It too was seeking a pilot at Seaham.
At about 1.30 pm. on Mar. 30, 1891, in clear & calm conditions, Longnewton hit Meredith amidships. With some considerable violence it would seem. At the time Longnewton was underway with her engines stopped & Meredith was crossing her bow. A huge hole was created in Meredith's side by the force of the collision & just 40 minutes later Meredith sank in a spectacular fashion about 1 1/2 miles off Seaham Harbour - she sank by the stern with her hull in an almost vertical position. Then she rolled and sank throwing up a waterspout. Her crew were all rescued by boats from the Longnewton, which had suffered plate damage but was essentially unharmed. Depositions were duly filed by crew members of both vessels.
Later, in Jul. 1891, the owners of Meredith sued the owners of Longnewton in the High Court of Justice in London. But while the case was in progress the parties reached an agreement said to be that both parties were responsible for the collision. All per these contemporary news reports - 1, 2 & 3.
Is there anything you can add? And/or correct? #2941
8 Nymphœa, or Nymphoea
688/1055, later 737/1138 tons
Hull 51
654101871 Nymphaea or Nymphoea - the water-lily family, the name being inspired by Greek & Roman myths. A 'difficult' vessel name!
An iron steamship, launched on Sep. 02, 1871 & first registered, (at South Shields it would appear), on Oct. 04, 1871. The vessel is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed, as Nymphaea, from 1871/72 thru 1880/81 only. Per 1 ('Ships Nostalgia', Stag Line history & vessel data - about 25% down), 2 ('', wreck data), 3 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
230.6 ft. long, signal letters KPHB, 98 HP engines by North Eastern Marine Co. Ltd. of Sunderland, of 737/1138 tons from 1873/74 per LR & from 1875 per the Mercantile Navy Lists ('MNL'), many crew lists are available via here.
Nymphœa's initial, indeed sole owner, per LR, was Robinson & Co., of South Shields (J. Robinson from 1876/77), who bought the vessel, I read, for £15,940. 'Robinson' operated 'Stag Line'. The MNLs of 1872 thru 1881, all list the vessel as North Shields registered & record Joseph Robinson, of North Shields, as the vessel's owner or managing owner. For initial service from Shields to the Black Sea, which became Sunderland to the Mediterranean in 1873/74, the last year where LR reported intended voyages. With at least five captains in her brief life, per LR. 'Stephens' thru 1874/75, 'Wallas' for a short period, J. Stephens from 1875/76 thru 1878/79, 'Adams' for about a year, R. Grimwade from Oct. or Nov. 1880. And 'Pearce', maybe for a short time, see below.
I read that on Oct. 28, 1872, Joseph Robinson sold 45 (of 64) shares in the vessel to 18 shareholders, including Nicholas J. Robinson (4 shares) & Joseph Robinson the Younger (also 4 shares). Turnbull's Shipping Register of 1874 lists her then 19 shareholders - Joseph then owned 17 shares - hopefully a scan of the register page may soon be made available.
In late Sep. 1872, the vessel, 'Pearce' noted to be in command, was en route from Odessa (Black Sea, Ukraine) to the U.K. with a cargo of grain. On Sep. 26, 1872, the vessel grounded on Englishman's Shoal, a sandbank in Beicos Bay (now Beykoz, Istabul, Turkey) in the Bosphorus. The vessel was assisted off on the next day at the cost of £150.
What finally happened to Nymphœa? On Jan. 03, 1881, the vessel, then owned by Joseph Robinson & others, left North Shields for Piraeus (Athens), Greece, with a cargo of 1,500 or so tons of coal & a crew of 19 all told. Under the command of Robert Grimwade. The vessel passed Lowestoft, Suffolk, soon after 4 p.m. on Jan. 04, 1881, then the weather turned foggy, dense fog after 8 p.m. Many water depth measurements were taken in the following hours. 15 or 20 minutes into Jan. 05, 1881, the vessel struck, not on Four Mile Knolls, where the captain throught he was, but rather on Sunk Sand (often termed Sunken Sand), close to the Kentish Knock, in the River Thames estuary. Unsuccessful efforts were made to free the vessel thru 3 a.m. However both wind & sea conditions worsened, the vessel took on water & three of the ship's boats were smashed. Rockets had been fired but nobody came to the vessel's assistance. At 11 a.m. on Jan. 05, 1881, the crew sucessfully launched a long boat & at 12.30 p.m. they left the ship's side to be rescued from such boat by an unnamed steamer & landed at Gravesend.
An Inquiry into the vessel's loss was held in London on Feb. 15, 1881 - you can read the Court's report & conclusion's here. The Court names the vessel Nymphœa. In the opinion of the Court, the vessel's captain was solely responsible for the vessel's loss having set a course which did not take into account strong tides in the area & having misinterpreted the many depth measurements that were taken. The captain's certificate was suspended for a period of 6 months, he being granted a 1st mate's certificate during such period.
A further Inquiry was held into the reasons why no assistance had been provided both to Nymphœa & also to Indian Chief, a sailing ship which hit Long Sand at approximately the same time. The Court's extensive report can be read here. Indian Chief, a barque, was built by J. Crown at Sunderland in 1846.
This contemporary newspaper report tell us a little more about the circumstances re the vessel's loss. And tells us that the crew had been rescued by Magdona, a Sunderland steamship. That data, I learn, is incorrect - there was no U.K. registered vessel of that name. The rescuing vessel was Maglona, ON#62394, a 506/659 ton steamship built at North Shields in 1871, then registered at Newcastle & owned by the Marquess of Londonderry.
Can you help with more data? Or correct the above in any way? An image perhaps? #2693
9 Stephanotis
1042 tons
Hull 49
653821871 A cargo ship.
Per 1 (top item), 2 (Stag Line history at page bottom), 3 (Stephanotis, near top of page) 4 (data, 55% down), 5 (page bottom), 6 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
220.5 ft. long, with sails.
Built for 'Joseph Robinson and Company', of Whitby it would seem, which company managed a fleet of ships (Joseph Robinson the main owner) collectively known, since 1846, as 'Stag Line'. Stephanotis was, I read their first steamship & was built at a cost of £16,800.
The ship suffered damages which necessitated repairs in each of 1875, 1877, 1879 & 1886. Engine replaced in 1877.
In 1895, a company named "Stag Line", Ltd., was formed for insurance reasons & Stephanotis was transferred to that North Shields company.
In 1898, the vessel was sold to 'Robson, Brown & Sons Ltd', of Sunderland.
On Apl. 30, 1901, while en route from Bilbao, Spain, to Middlesbrough with a cargo of iron ore, the vessel, Captain R. Thompson in command, was in collision in fog with Guyers, a 522 ton Newcastle vessel, off Whitby, ('6 miles NE of Staithes') & sank. Guyers (Captain Peacock) sank also, all 13 aboard saved. I presume that the 16 aboard Stephanotis were also saved. I read that an image of the vessel is in 'Stag Line 1817-1983' by N. J. Robinson, published in 1984.
Do you have more data? An image perhaps?10 Hadji
1033 tons
Hull 4
An 'Iliff' number
687751872 A cargo steamship.
Per 1 (Hadji), 2 (ref.), 3 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
Owned by Quebec & Gulf Ports Steamship Co. Ltd.
On May 23, 1873, the vessel arrived at Quebec, Canada, from U.K. Used on the Quebec - Pictou, Nova Scotia, service.
On May 08, 1874, the vessel was damaged by ice breakup at Levis, Quebec. Was chartered 1876/77 by Ward Lines.
On Mar. 03, 1881, the vessel capsized on top of a tug & jettisoned cargo in heavy weather, en route from Puerto Rico to New York.
Was wrecked on May 25, 1881 at Blonde Rock, S of Seal Island, Cape Sable, near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
Do you have more data? An image perhaps?
11 ![]()
1708 (or 1707) tons
Hull 58
659901872 An iron cargo steamship.
Per 1 [Lamport & Holt, Rubens (1)], 2 & 3 (Lamport & Holt Line histories, the first link being to page 1 of 7 pages), 4 (Spanish page, Lampert & Holt, many illustrations), 5 (1876 grounding), 6 (an image of a ship named Rubens. Maybe not the 1872 Rubens, but probably representative of roughly what it would have looked like), 7 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
82.3 metres long perpendicular to perpendicular, 270 ft., 2 masted, square-rigged forward, crew of 40 in 1875, signal letters WRPK.
Launched as Muliebar perhaps. Would seem to have been built for Lamport & Holt Line ('Lamport'), which line served, from Liverpool & Antwerp, the E. coast of South America (Brazil & River Plate, incl. Uruguay & Argentina). Lamport, noted for naming its vessels after prominent persons connected with the arts & sciences, owned its vessels via 'Liverpool, Brazil and River Plate Steam Navigation Company Ltd.' ('LiverpoolBrazil'), formed in 1865.
However Rubens would seem to have been initially owned by 'Patton & Co.', of Liverpool, (per Lloyd's 1874/5, image at left, & also 1872/73). In the next Lloyd's List that I had available, 1880/1, it was owned by LiverpoolBrazil. Was 'Patton & Co.' related to Lamport? Perhaps they were, in fact, the ship's managers? Can anybody tell us?
On Dec. 05, 1875, Rubens left Buenos Ayres, under the command of Joseph Schofield, with a cargo of wool & hides - bound for Antwerp, Belgium, via Montevideo, Bahia & Madiera. On Jan. 17, 1876, in dense fog, she ran aground off Birling Gap, Beachy Head, East Sussex. Part of her cargo was discharged & on Jan. 27, 1876 she was towed off by 4 tugs & later arrived at Southampton. It would not seem that the (uninsured) vessel, was damaged. The Court censured the master for not having taken soundings more frequently but did not consider him sufficiently culpable to justify the suspension of his certificate. 5 states the vessel to have then 'belonged to' LiverpoolBrazil, Lamport being the owners.
The vessel, still owned by Lamport, became, in 1900, a refrigerated store ship at Punta Arenas, Magellan Strait, Chile (near the S. tip of S. America).
And in 1909 the vessel was sold to 'Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes', a whaling company, of Punta Arenas, & used as a pontoon/hulk at that port.
In 1916, the vessel was sold to 'Braun & Blanchard', shipping company & shipping agents, of Punta Arenas.
Some 11 years later, on Jun. 23, 1927, the hulk was scuttled, off Punta Arenas, at the behest of the Chilean maritime governor.
We thank Ian Hart for his contributions to the above, & for the vessel's history after arrival at Punta Arenas.
Despite the amount of text above, there seems to be very little WWW available data about this vessel. Do you have more data? An image perhaps?
12 Queen Victoria
1424/2201, later 1384/2133 tons
Hull 52
659181872 Queen Victoria, an iron steamship, was launched on Jan. 11, 1872.
Built for Mr. T. Hood Henderson of Newcastle & intended for operation by the Queen Line of Steamers which traded out of Liverpool. Said to have been, at 330 ft. between perpendiculars, the longest vessel ever launched (at the time) on the River Wear. Christened by Mrs T. H. Hendson, jun. of Newcastle.
I have read also that 'The Queen Line originally comprised four steamers, the Victoria, the Margaret, the Elizabeth and the Queen Anne. The two last-named foundered'. Those vessel names clearly mean Queen Victoria, Queen Margaret, Queen Elizabeth & Queen Anne.
330.3 ft. long, signal letters LQHR, 200 HP engines by Blair & Co. of Stockton, crew lists may be available via this page, of 1384/2133 tons from 1875.
Queen Victoria is LR listed from 1871/72 thru 1880/81 only, always owned by Queen Steam Ship Co. Ltd. of Liverpool which, per LR, became of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1877/78.
For service, per LR - i) in 1871/72 from Sunderland to India, ii) in 1872/73 from London to Aden & iii) in 1873/74 from London to India.
With R. Joy the vessel's captain in 1871/72 & part of 1872/73, 'Butler' from 1872/73 thru 1873/74, J. M. Reid in 1874/75, 1875/76, & part of 1876/77, & G. Sangster from 1876/77 thru 1880/81.
The Mercantile Navy List ('MNL') records the vessel from 1873 thru 1880 only, registered at Liverpool initially but from MNL of 1874 registered at Glasgow.
What finally happened to Queen Victoria? LR of 1880/81 notes that the vessel was 'Missing'.
I learn that on Apl. 25, 1880, Queen Victoria, with 38 year old George Sangster in command, left Gravesend, London, for Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. It arrived at Calcutta on May 23, 1880 via Port Said & the Suez Canal. On Jun. 11, 1880, the vessel left Calcutta to return to London, again with 'Sangster' in command, a crew of 50, & possibly some passengers. With a cargo valued at about £150,000, principally of wheat & linseed (1,794 & 601 tons respectively) but also with tea, hides, hemp & some chinchona bark (source of quinine).
In mid July 1880, Queen Victoria's owners, presumably having not heard from the vessel, telegraphed Lloyd's officials at Port Said - to be advised, on Jul. 16, 1880 that the vessel had not arrived there. Ten days later, the Admiralty, at the request of Lloyd's, instructed that a man-of-war be sent out to search for the missing vessel. On Jul. 29, 1880, accordingly, HMS Philomel (Commander Berners) left Aden for Cape Guardafui (NE coast of Somalia) - to return on Aug. 03, 1880, with no news whatsoever about the vessel.
No later news was ever received.
On Sep. 22, 1880 Lloyd's posted the vessel as missing. Queen Victoria was presumed to have foundered in the Indian Ocean, while en route from Calcutta to Suez. With the loss of 50 or more lives.
I note that the later news reports state that the vessel had rather left Calcutta on Jun. 12, 1880.
Some contemporary news reports - 1, 2 & 3.
Is there anything you can add? Or correct? #2940
13 ![]()
Eastern Monarch
1769 (later 1565) tons
Hull 65
685361874 A fully rigged 3-masted sailing ship.
Per 1 ('White Wings' text re Eastern Monarch), 2 (diary, 1863 voyage to Townsville), 3 (image, Eastern Monarch) 4 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
78.2 metres long perpendicular to perpendicular, with double topgallant sails & a main skysail, 256.5 ft., signal letters NVWM. Described, in 'White Wings' as follows:- 'She was beautifully fitted up, each cabin being luxuriously adorned with velvet pile couches, handsome Brussels carpets, and elegant mirrors. In fact, the accommodation was in all respects similar to that of a first-class ocean mail steamer.'
The webmaster has a number of editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books & '', thru 1896/97 - see left.
Built for 'Royal Exchange Shipping Company Limited', of London, 'John Patton Jr. & Co.' (who also were ship owners) likely the vessel's managers only. However, I now see that in the supplement to Lloyd's Register of 1873/74, the vessel was first registered in the name of 'J. Patton Jr. & Co.'.
The vessel's maiden run, chartered to 'New Zealand Shipping Company', left Plymouth on May 04, 1874, Captain A. Donaldson in command, with 560 immigrants bound for Lyttelton, New Zealand. It completed its voyage on Jul. 21, 1874, a passage of 71 days & 19 hours, stated to be 'one of the fastest passages ever experienced to Lyttelton'. It almost did not make it - the ship nearly struck a rock en route, believed to be at 'Sunday Isles', on Jun. 05, 1874 - the watch was asleep as a result of celebrations in crossing the line. Details of some, at least, of the vessel's voyages, are next & later in this listing, ex 'Trove'.
The vessel, chartered for £4,400, left New York on Sep. 19, 1876, & arrived at Melbourne on Dec. 22, 1876 with 21,000 cases of oil & just 4 passengers. On Aug. 17, 1877, the vessel left Maitland, W. of Adelaide, Australia, for London with an interesting (ex Trove) cargo. On May 20, 1882, the vessel arrived at Melbourne from London, & later left for & returned from Calcutta, India. On Dec. 21, 1882, the vessel left Melbourne for Victor Harbor, South Australia, & on or about Feb. 15, 1883 left that port for London with 7,725 bales of wool. She arrived at Townsville, Queensland, on Oct. 24, 1883, ex Glasgow, with 534 immigrants, & also with cases of measles & infectious fever aboard. On Dec. 25, 1883, en route, in ballast, from Townsville to Calcutta, the vessel went aground SW of Holbourn Island, 19 miles N. of Bowen lighthouse, Queensland. It would seem that the vessel was able to free herself. On Jan. 06, 1885, the vessel arrived at Melbourne ex New York with 51,000 pcs of slate, 15,500 cases of oil, timber & much more besides & with 3 passengers - on Mar. 22, 1885 it left Sydney for Calcutta. On Aug. 22, 1888 the vessel arrived at Wilmington, South Australia, en route to San Francisco, having left Sydney with 2,292 tons of coal. An 1886/1877 voyage.
There are surely more voyages - accessing 'Trove' is time consuming!
The 1887/88 edition of Lloyd's Register records the sale of the vessel to Robert Thomas & Co., of Criccieth & Liverpool & maybe of London also. Her last completed voyage was, I read, from Talcahuano, Chile, to Swansea, Wales, at an unstated date in 1896.
On Oct. 28, 1896, the vessel was abandoned by its crew while en route from Swansea to Callao, Peru. Alas, I have not been able to WWW read any details as to the circumstances of the loss, the captain's name, its cargo, any loss of life, etc. Miramar advises us, (thanks!) that it was abandoned at 35.03N/16.02W, which is NE of the Madeira Islands.
Do you have more data about the vessel? Was there an article also in Illustrated London News? #187914 ![]()
874 (or 849.9 or 860 or 873) tons
Hull 76
Bounty1875 A 3-masted iron barque. Built by 'Mounsey & Foster'.
Per 1 (data), 2 (3 images I believe (page in Finnish) also list of published data sources re the vessel), 3 (1875 image), 4 (brief ref.), 5 (data & 4 images), 6 (NZ datapage), 7 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
195.4 ft. long. '... carrying royals and main skysail over single topgallant sails and double topsails.' With accommodation for a limited number of passengers.
Built for R. H. Penney, of Shoreham (West Sussex, near Brighton), & the last ship he built ... built for him & 24 other Quakers. '... the only Shoreham vessel ever to carry a skysail and her first suit of sails were the largest ever made at Penney's sail loft.' A 'skysail' would seem to be a sail at the very top of a mast on a square-rigged ship but, that said, sometimes it was topped by an even higher sail called a 'moonsail'.
Chartered to Shaw Savill & Co. for several years & made 10 voyages to New Zealand (Auckland & Nelson) during the period of 1877 thru 1890, under the command of Captain Thomas Glazebrook.
In 1888, the vessel was dismasted during a hurricane in the Indian Ocean, but made Port Louis, Mauritius, to effect repairs. Captain Glazebrook was, indeed, her sole Captain until 1894 when he contracted typhoid & had to leave the ship at San Francisco.
The vessel was sold, in 1895, to M. F. Stray, of Kristiansand, Norway. An eBay item advised that O. Stray owned the vessel in 1900 & S. O. Stray owned her from 1907 thru 1922. When sold to Hans Hansen of Brevik, Norway.
An expired eBay item said that in 1923 the vessel was used on the Baltic trade.
The vessel was sold, in 1928, to 'Karl Schröder et al', of Hanko (or Hango), Finland.
I read that in 1930, Fid Harnack, a well known West Mersea (Mersea Island, Essex) artist, did a trip on the vessel from London to the Gulf of Bothnia, doing many paintings & sketches during the voyage. In Jun. 1939, she carried timber from Sweden to Millwall Dock in London, in what proved to be her last commercial voyage.
She was laid up at Tollesbury, in the Blackwater River, Essex, for the duration of WW2.
The vessel was sold, in 1947, (can anyone confirm the date?) to Capt. W. Lancaster, of Ramsgate (East Kent), renamed Bounty, & used as a floating restaurant, moored next to the dry dock. It catered for parties of up to 120, 'and also for amusements and exhibitions' & was advertised as a replica of the Bounty. It was not, alas, a commercial success.
The vessel was towed away in 1951 & later (1952) broken up at Grays, Essex.
Eric Brunger advises (thanks!) that the tow in 1951 related to the 'Festival of Britain' of that year. Bounty was being towed to London to keep Cutty Sark company, when, in the Thames Estuary, Bounty broke adrift & ran aground. A report of the matter was published in the 'Daily Telegraph' at the time, along with a photograph, & similar data was probably published by others also. An unfortunate incident which perhaps demonstrated a lack of care for one of Britain's last floating sailing ships & caused the decision to break her up. Eric adds that an image of the vessel was published in (he thinks) 'Sail in the South East' showing Alastor on the River Ouse just outside of the town of Lewes - a long way inland indeed for an ocean going sailing ship. Can anyone translate 2 from Finnish?
We thank Tony Millatt, of the U.K., for a significant part of the above data. Do you have more data?15 ![]()
869 (later 864) tons
Hull 77
747361875 An iron barque. Built by 'Mounsey & Foster'.
Per 1 (data, Alpheta, 15% down), 2 (raising of Alpheta), 3 (vessel overdue), 4 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
196.5 ft. long (59.9 metres) perpendicular to perpendicular, signal letters WTMG.
Built for R. H. Penney, of Shoreham (West Sussex, near Brighton). The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, see left.
In Nov. 1877, the vessel was en route from Bremen, Germany, to Cardiff, Wales, in ballast, with George Stone the Master. Aboard was Katie, the Master's wife, her baby, & another woman & child. I should mention i) that Katie, née Hammond, was, in fact, the Great Aunt of 'our own' Len Charlton, & ii) that Katie's baby, a girl, was later christened Alpheta Stone. At 9:00 p.m. on Nov. 21, 1877, in a moderate SW gale & 'thick' rain, the vessel went aground on Bembridge Ledge, a large, rocky outcrop off the easternmost point of the Isle of Wight. ' The ship bumped heavily, and was soon bilged and water-logged', but was in no imminent danger. A lifeboat & two fishing boats came to the rescue, the fishing boats bringing 8 men including two pilots to Alpheta's assistance. At 11:30 p.m. the lifeboat took off the women & children & the 8 men. The crew (how many?) chose to stay aboard Alpheta.
That was not the end of the story. About a week later, per a 'snippet' ex 'English Mechanic and World of Science', Alpheta was successfully raised & towed safely into dock at Portsmouth. It may however have been rather raised in May 1878, by Captain Coppin, of 'Salvage Steamship Company', an Admiralty contractor. The first ship apparently ever raised from Bembridge Ledge. The vessel was clearly repaired. At Portsmouth?
'Romance of Tall Ships' states that it became a total loss after the 1877 grounding.
In 1878/79, the vessel became owned by 'Johnston, Sproule and Co.' of Liverpool, T. G. Fraser the Master. It was listed in the 1885/86 edition of Lloyd's Register, as 'missing'. The vessel had left Liverpool on May 05, 1885 for Port Adelaide, Australia, with a general cargo & arrived safely on Aug. 09, 1885 after encountering hurricane force winds & heavy weather. En route, a 'youngster' sustained nothing more than a severe shaking when he fell from the main yard to the deck. On Sep. 08 or 09, 1885, W. Richards in command, the vessel left Adelaide for Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., via one of the outports. She never arrived, indeed she was never heard from again. On Mar. 24, 1886, the vessel was officially posted by Lloyd's as overdue.
Gordon Ledbetter advises that his grand uncle Algernon F. Duke (1865/1886) was one of those who were lost.
Do you have additional data?16 ![]()
1327 tons
Hull 80
769751877 A fully rigged 3 masted iron sailing ship, later a barque. Built by 'Mounsey & Foster'.
Per 1, 2 & 3 (all New Zealand 1908 newspaper articles, Dartford), 4 (Australian 1912 newspaper article, hulked), 5 & 6 (A George W. R. Bourne 1910 watercolour painting of the vessel at Bunbury), 7 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
221.5 ft. long (67.5 metres) perpendicular to perpendicular, signal letters QSCW, crew of 19 perhaps.
I cannot yet tell you for whom the vessel was built. I have read i) Adamson & Ronaldson, ii) J. T. North of London, & iii) J. (John) T. Morton ('Morton') of London. The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, see left.
Certainly Morton owned the vessel in the 1878/79 Lloyd's Register edition, & is said to have owned the vessel from 1877 to 1883. In the 1882/83 edition, the vessel is shown in transition from Morton to G. (George) Traill & Sons, also of London.
Noni Brown has advised (thanks!) that on Nov. 02, 1882 Dartford arrived at Sydney ex London, Gravesend, (left Jul. 30, 1882). The voyage is notable perhaps because en route, a Swedish seaman, maybe named Frederick Bey (name difficult to read) fell to the deck from aloft & was killed. That voyage has an especial significance for Noni since her ancestor, Carl Hans Bay, arrived on that particular Dartford voyage. The vessel left Sydney on Feb. 28, 1883 to return to London.
In 1900, the vessel was sold to D. Corsar & Sons, said to be of W. H. Corsar's 'Flying Horse' Line. It would seem that the vessel from the beginning was a frequent visitor to the waters of both Australia & New Zealand ('NZ').
On Sep. 22, 1907, the vessel arrived in ballast at Sydney, New South Wales ('NSW'), Australia, from Huasco, Chile, South America, & for several months lay at Athol Bight, one of the bays of Sydney Harbour. The vessel was inspected by officers of Union Steamship Co. Ltd. of NZ, & in Mar. 1908, that company acquired the vessel & sailed her to Lyttelton, NZ, to either i) convert the ship into a sail training ship, or ii) use her as a coal hulk. She was in fine condition & in fact became a sail training ship.
The vessel's first voyage, with just 12 cadets, was to Bunbury, Western Australia, in Jul. 1909, where she took on board a cargo of jarrah timber for Wellington, NZ. The ship made one voyage to South Africa, under the command of Captain J. E. MacDonald, probably with a full complement of 30 or more cadets, & other trips ex NZ. The economy at that time was poor, & her use as a training ship lasted only a few years.
On Nov. 22, 1912, the vessel arrived at Wellington, NZ, from Newcastle, NSW, with a cargo of coal. There she was partially dismantled, by the cadets in fact, & in Jan. 1913, she became a coal hulk. The cadets likely continued their training on a Red Funnel steamer.
Faced with a lack of shipping due to WW1, the vessel was put back into service in 1918, re-rigged as a barque.
In 1921 the vessel became a coal hulk at Auckland, NZ, & served for many years in that capacity.
On Jul. 25, 1946, the vessel was dismantled & beached at Rangitoto Island, near Auckland, after a varied career of 69 years.
Do you have additional data?17 ![]()
2332 (later 2771) tons
Hull 90
774491878 A cargo ship.
Per 1 ('pdf', Board of Trade Wreck Report re 1895 collision), 2 ('pdf', data in Italian, re 1895 collision & sinking of Alvah, inset text in English on page 1), 3 (wreck data, in Italian), 4 ('Glenboig' bricks), 5 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
300.0 ft. long (91.4 metres) perpendicular to perpendicular, signal letters SFHQ.
The vessel was built for 'Adam & Co.' of Aberdeen, Scotland, which 'company' later became either 'Adam Steam Ship Co. Ltd.', or 'The Adam Steam Ship Co. Ltd.'. The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, thru 1890/91, see left.
I have read nothing about Alvah's service nor the routes that the vessel's owners serviced.
At about 8:30 p.m. on Mar. 29, 1895, both Alvah & newly built (1894) Brinkburn were proceeding through the Straits of Messina, the narrow passage between Sicily & the 'toe' of Italy. Visibility was clear & the sea was smooth. Alvah entered from the south, en route from Odessa, Ukraine, on the Black Sea, to Antwerp, with a cargo of grain. Brinkburn, George Jacob in command, was southbound, en route from Toulon, France, ex Le Havre, to Madagascar, having been chartered by the French War Department to take 100 or more troops, munitions & river gunboats to the French campaign to conquer Madagascar (it became part of the French Colonial Empire in 1896). Brinkburn, sailing close to shore, encountered unexpected currents, maybe whirlpool currents, near Faro Point. It was forced off its course, tried to reverse, but hit Alvah amidships on her port side. The seriously damaged Alvah foundered a few hours afterwards, at Cannitello on the Calabrian (mainland) coast. The wreck lies in two pieces upside down in 22 to 52 metres of water. Its crew took to the boats though, since they were overcrowded, 7 crew members were taken aboard Brinkburn & landed at the port of Messina. Brinkburn, also seriously damaged, was later repaired at Malta.
An Inquiry was held in Malta at which no representatives of Alvah were present. The court concluded, as I would read it, that both vessels bore a portion of the blame, Alvah for being too close to the Sicilian shore & Brinkburn for being too close to Faro Point, where whirlpools are a known frequent occurrence. The collision caused a modest international incident. The French were at the time, completing their conquest of the Island of Madagascar - the French press believed that the collision was caused by the malice of the British Government. The contrary view perhaps! - ex the 'Sydney Morning Herald' of Apl. 06, 1895. I have attempted to WWW translate into English the Italian text at 2. If I understand that text correctly, it would seem that Alvah, in addition to grain, may also have been carrying some 'Glenboig' bricks, & those bricks helped researchers recently identify the wreck.
Less than four years later, on Dec. 15, 1898, Brinkburn was itself wrecked, at the Isles of Scilly.
'Ecosfera Diving', of Messina, seeks additional data about Alvah's history & in particular an image.
Do you have anything additional? An image of either Alvah or Brinkburn? #1886JOBLING & Co.
JOPLING & WILLOUGHBYThe webmaster has seen references to both of the above names for a single vessel. My knowledge about the shipbuilder is non-existent. They would appear to have been based at Low Southwick & would seem to have built 16 vessels between 1854 & 1859.
1 Alliance
205 tons
1855 Two Sunderland build lists are available to the webmaster. One of them lists 'Jobling & Co.' as the vessel's builder, while the other names 'Jopling & Willoughby'. A snow or brig.
Alliance, which was launched in Aug. 1855, & first registered, at Shields, on Aug. 30, 1855, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1856/57 thru 1865/66.
It was registered at Shields, owned, thru 1861/62 per LR, by Gray & Co. of Blyth, for service from Shields to North America thru 1859/60 & for service from Liverpool to India thereafter. With C. Cole consistently serving as the vessel's captain.
Turnbull's Shipping Register of 1856 records the vessel's then owners as being R. Gray of Blyth & W. Gray of Hartlepool. Which names are clarified by Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 which records Robert Gray of Blyth & William Gray of Hartlepool.
A little 'best efforts' Alliance operational history, while 'Cole' was the vessel's captain. i) On Nov. 04, 1855, the vessel arrived at Hartlepool, returning from Hamburg, Germany. ii) On May 23, 1857, the vessel arrived at Falmouth ex Mauritius (island in Indian Ocean, E. of Madagascar). iii) On Jan. 22, 1858, the vessel arrived at Fleetwood, Lancashire, ex Odessa (Black Sea, Ukraine) via Falmouth. iv) On Apl. 05, 1858, the vessel arrived at Barcelona, Spain, ex Cardiff, went on to Galatz (i.e. Galați, on the Danube, Eastern Romania, Black Sea) & Ibrail (now Brăila in Romania) & arrived back at Liverpool, ex Ibrail, on Oct. 17, 1858. v) In Mar. 1859, Alliance arrived at Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) ex Liverpool. It arrived back at Constantinople on May 30, 1859 ex Taganrog (Rostov Oblast, Russia, Sea of Azov, Black Sea), & was cleared for departure to Marseilles, France. vi) another voyage to Ibrail. On Dec. 25, 1859, the vessel arrived at Queenstown, Ireland, ex Ibrail. The cargoes ex the Black Sea were probably all of grain. Did not spot any 'Cole' reference later than Dec. 25, 1859.
LRs from 1862/63 thu 1865/66 do not advise the name of the vessel's then owner nor the vessel's port of registry. They do however, in data which looks likely to be suspect, continue to record C. Cole as her captain (thru to 1865/66) for continued service from Liverpool to India. It looks as though LR, absent new data, simply repeated the listing of each prior year.
This Whitby history book page comes to our rescue, partially at least. It tells us that in 1865 Alliance became Whitby, Yorkshire, registered, owned by Jn. Hesp & Co. Further, that in 1867, the vessel was owned by T. Hesp, Thos. Wood (both of Whitby) & Robt. Robinson (of West Hartlepool) with, respectively, 22, 21, & 21 shares in the vessel.
It tells us also that in 1867 the vessel was abandoned 100 miles E. of May Island, which, I learn, is located in the outer Firth of Forth, Scotland - about 8 km. off the coast at the mouth of the Firth - NE of Edinburgh, if you will. May Island is today a nature reserve.
89.5 ft. long. A couple of crew lists are available via this page.
Earlier I advised that I had not found much detail as to the vessel's loss in 1867. I did read, however, via this Mercantle Navy List page (scroll to #2285) that a certificate re the loss of Alliance was dated Dec. 12, 1867.
I note that a vessel named Alliance, with 'Robinson' in command, left Cronstadt (St. Petersburg, Russia), on Oct. 11, 1867 for Leith with a cargo of timber. It seems likely that it was 'our' Alliance. Which probably foundered when nearing the end of its journey.
I now can tell you a little more about what happened. It was reported from Copenhagen, Denmark, on Nov. 05, 1867, that Gnome, a steamship, had 'last week' passed the abandoned Alliance at 55N/3E in the North Sea. Gnome, under the command of Captain Barnetson, had been en route from Leith (Edinburgh) to Copenhagen. Then on Nov. 08, 1867, it was reported, from Cuxhaven, Germany, that Trientje, 'Heyon' in command, had on Nov. 03, 1867 passed Alliance, derelict & drifting on her timber cargo, at a point 10 miles W. of Heligoland (a small German archipelago located in the North Sea, 46 km. off the mouth of the Elbe). On Nov. 13, 1867, Leipzig, a steamship, 'Porritt' in command, en route from Hartlepool to Hamburg, came upon the abandoned Alliance & took it in tow - 1 & 2. But the tow rope parted & Alliance had to be left at 54.24/5.50E. Alliance ended up stranded upon Terschelling (West Frisian Islands in the North Sea, N. of Harlingen, Netherlands).
None of the above reports tell us what happened to the vessel's crew. It seems likely that they had to take to their boats & were later drowned. And the now abandoned ship then drifted in the following days from near Edinburgh right down the North Sea to Holland.
Can you add anything additional? #2640The webmaster has no knowledge about this shipbuilder, who would seem to have built a total of 56 vessels between the years of 1809 & 1835.
1 Fenwick
195 tons
1819 A snow or brig, which was launched in Aug. 1919. The early data about this vessel is limited. It is noted in a 1820/21 edition of Lloyd's Register ('LR') to then be owned by 'Johnson' for service from Sunderland to London with 'Thompson' her captain. After an LR silence, the vessel is again LR listed, from 1826 thru 1833, noted to have been built at Sunderland, of 8 thru 15 years old, owned by J. Johnson, & for service as a Lynn, Norfolk, coaster. With 'Thompson' always noted to be her captain.
Such data is contradicted by this 1826 listing of Sunderland registered vessels. It records Fenwick as then owned by T. Richardson with T. Steabler her then captain.
The vessel would seem to have been LR listed also from 1834 thru 1838/39. With most limited data. Of 195 tons, registered at Sunderland, with J. Warner her captain. With no other data whatsoever. Likely the same vessel. The webmaster has not spotted the vessel in any later edition of LR, thru to 1852/53.
The North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9 lists the Sunderland registered vessel as owned, in Apl. 1848 data, by T. Fletcher of Bishopwearmouth.
Now the webmaster first listed this vessel having seen, in a U.K. Government report, that Fenwick was stranded at Hartlepool on Oct. 28, 1852. At line 2102 here, the vessel there noted to be owned by Thos. Fletcher. With a crew of 7, incorrectly noted as being a barque. Look at all the vessels that were casualties at the end of Oct. 1852! A more detailed list of 1852 vessel losses was also U.K. Government published but it did not list Fenwick. The reason seems to be contained within these two reports - (1 & 2 (both in green) - which tell us that Fenwick, in ballast, ran aground at Hartlepool during an amazingly powerful storm. The vessel's entire crew were rescued by the Old Hartlepool Lifeboat. But local fisherman took over the abandoned vessel & brought it into harbour. The webmaster has not, so far at least, spotted any later references to the vessel. I presume that it had been damaged beyond repair by its grounding at Hartlepool & likely did not return to service.
Can you tell us more? #24482 Boreas
223 tons
1822 A snow or brig, which was launched in Feb. 1822. The vessel is Lloyd's Register ('LR') recorded, though with modest detail, in LRs of 1834 & 1835/36 - of 224 tons, owned at Sunderland & captained by S. Elliott. LRs of 1836/37 thru 1841/42 all record Byers & Co., of Sunderland, as her then owners, for consistent service from Sunderland to Archangel, Russia. LR notes that C. Annand replaced S. Elliott as the vessel's captain in 1836/37 & continued thereafter as the vessel's captain. The vessel is not LR recorded after 1841/42. The vessel is, however, recorded in a couple of later contemporary shipping registers.
In Apl. 1848, per the North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9 her owners are noted to then have been 'Byers & C. Annand', both of Monkwearmouth. The equivalent directory of 1854/5 clarifies such owner names, in Mar. 1854, to mean Wm. Byers & Chas. Annand, both of Sunderland, with Michael White her then captain.
This listing is revised in late 2021, the webmaster having found this page which tells us that on Oct. 19, 1854, when between Winterton (located 8 miles N. of Great Yarmouth), & Hasborough (near Cromer, Norfolk), the vessel sprang a leak & was abandoned. And that the crew were saved.
Many years ago now, back in 2013, Matt Jones kindly advised that Boreas was built at the port of Sunderland by James Johnson, his certificate dated Feb. 07, 1822. A square stern snow, carvel built, with no galleries, a standing bow sprit, no figure head, of one deck, two masts. L. 84 feet 11 1/2 inches, B 25 1/2 feet. D. 15 feet, 223 tons. Matt further advised that Boreas sprang a leak when on a run from London to Sunderland & was sunk off Great Yarmouth on Oct. 27, 1854, whilst under the command of Captain Michael White. When the leak was beating the pumps, the crew took to the long boat having already hoisted a blazing tar barrel as a distress signal - no one came & eventually the blazing tar barrel set light to the ship, which burned down to the waters edge & sank. The crew were eventually rescued & returned to Sunderland - this was the great storm of 1854 and many ships were lost.
A modest difference in the reported dates of the sinking. Wikipedia states Oct. 17, 1854. Is there any additional info. that any site visitor can add? #2329
3 Hope & Athlone
245 tons1831 A snow or brig. Hope & Athlone is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed in 1830/31, then an LR silence of two years, & again from 1834 thru 1841/42. It was, per LR, always owned by H. Magee of Sunderland, with 'Bainbridge' LR noted to have been her captain in 1830/31, J. Bourne from 1834 thru 1840/41 & G. Blacket in 1840/41 & 1841/42. For service from Sunderland to London in 1830/31, from Sunderland to Quebec, Canada, from 1834 thru 1839/40, from Shields to London in 1840/41 & from Sunderland to London in 1841/42.
Lloyd's Register Foundation does not provide any survey documnets re the vessel, but does name her builder - James Johnson.
While the newspaper record is limited, it is abundantly clear that the LR data just stated is quite incorrect. Some 'best-efforts' details. Firstly, I did not spot any voyages with 'Bainbridge' serving as her captain. 'Bourne'? The vessel did trade with Canada in 1832 - it arrived at Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada, from Sunderland on May 01, 1832, went on to Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada, & on Dec. 11, 1832 arrived back at Hull ex Pictou. Likely with a cargo of timber. Next would seem to have been a couple of voyages to St. Petersburg, Russia. But ... on Sep. 12, 1834 the vessel arrived at Stockton ex Quebec. Voyages to Cuxhaven, Germany, & Carlscrona, Sweden. In Nov. 1835 the vessel arrived at London ex St. Petersburg, with 'Brown', maybe 'Gorthwait', noted to have been her captain. 'Pearson' would appear to have been the vessel's captain from Jun. 1836 thru Oct. 1837 for more voyages to St. Petersburg, with a cargo of tallow noted for one return voyage. 'Blair' for a few months in 1837. 'Blacket', i.e. George Blacket, thereafter - for a great many voyages to St. Petersburg with one to Dantzig (then Prussia, today Gdańsk, Poland) in late 1838.
What finally happened to Hope & Athlone? LR of 1841/42 notes that the vessel had been 'SUNK'.
On May 13, 1841, Hope & Athlone arrived at Elsinore, Denmark, en route to St. Petersburg (or Cronstadt for St. Petersburg), with a cargo of coal, surely with George Blacket in command. Just a few days later the vessel was reported from Wisby (Visby, Gotland), to have stranded on the SE side of the island on May 17, 1841. Gothland, or Gotland, is the largest Swedish island, in the Baltic Sea, off the E. coast of Sweden). And sunk! The vessel ended up a wreck, quite nothing being recovered. I have not read what happened to her crew except that they all were later taken to Elsinore by Courier, a Norwegian ship. These contemporary newspaper reports relate - 1 & 2. And this report suggests that the vessel's timbers had been rotten - a surprise for a relatively young ship - with a reference to a Mr. Bull that I do not understand. Could it be possible that Mr. Bull was then the vessel's owner? Or maybe he was rather the owner of Premier?
Can you tell us more? #2951
4 Jane White
203, later 187 tons
51451834 A snow or brig. The webmaster is always pleased to find a vessel which served for many years & ended up, not a wreck on some rocky shore, but broken up. Such was the fate of Jane White which survived thru 1878/79.
The vessel is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1834 thru 1863/64, then a 10 year LR silence, & again from 1874/75 thru 1878/79. It was launched on Aug. 07, 1834 per (in green) this newspaper cutting. Launched for 'Thompson' of Sunderland, who owned the vessel thru 1839/40 per LR, for service from Sunderland to London, with 'Embleton' always serving as her captain.
Some 'best efforts' Jane White operational history while 'Thompson' owned. It would seem that 'Embleton' only served as the vessel's captain for a short time, thru Mar. 1835 it would seem, for some voyages to Rotterdam ex Sunderland. 'Innes' her next captain but briefly so. From Jul. 1835 thru Dec. 1839, 'Sands' was the vessel's captain for at least 3 voyages to Riga, Latvia, a couple of voyages to both St. Petersburg, Russia, & Archangel, Russia. Ex Stockton & Sunderland primarily, with returns to such ports & also to Rochester, Kent (arr. Jul. 29, 1836), & Cork, Ireland (arr. Nov. 14, 1838). And a voyage to Hamburg, Germany, in 1839 with 'White' in command.
In 1839/40, per LR, Jane White became Stockton, County Durham, registered - owned by 'Stk.Gen.Sh.Co', presumably Stockton General Shipping Company. Who owned it thru 1844/45 per LR. For service from Stockton to London in 1839/40 & 1840/41, but in the following three years, per LR, for service from the Clyde to Malta. With M. Stokoe, consistently her captain. For voyages to Archangel, St. Petersburg, Marseilles (France) & Oran or Bona (Algeria) & also to Hamburg. I have spotted no references, yet, to Malta, but did note an arrival at Swinemunde (now Świnoujście, NW Poland), on May 17, 1842 ex the Clyde. I was surprised to spot this reference (ex here) & here to the vessel being at Newport, Wales, on Jan. 10, 1844 with 'Lowe' in command. The vessel, discharging her ballast, had been badly moored by her pilot, got free, became grounded & capsized. It was raised on the next day but ended up much damaged.
Her ownership changed again later in 1844. A site visitor has kindly provided an article (in blue) from the 'Newcastle Journal' of Jul. 06, 1844. Which tells us that Jane White had been sold, for £880, to Mr. Pattison of Seaton. That would seem to mean J. Pattison, who per LR served as the vessel's master thru 1856/57. LRs of 1844/45 & 1845/46 list Pattison & Co. as the vessel's then owner for service from Stockton to London. Later LRs report her owner as being 'Capt. & Co.' of Stockton, i.e. J. Pattison & Co., from 1848/49 rather of Hartlepool. For service ex London (& maybe briefly ex Hull), but from 1848/49 thru 1852/53 at least for service from Hartlepool to Hamburg.
The 'Pattison' ownership is recorded in a number of north-east shipping registers. The North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9 lists the Hartlepool registered vessel as owned, in May 1848, by John Pattison & Anthony Walker, both of Seaton Carew & Henry & Jane Lamb & Anthony Watt, all of Grantham (likley means Greatham). While the equivalent directory of 1854/5 lists the vessel's owners in 1854 as being John Pattison of Seaton Carew & Henry & Jane Lamb & Anthony Watt, all of Greatham (a Hartlepool parish). With John Pattison her captain. Turnbull's Shipping Register of 1856 lists J. Pattison & Co. the owner with J. Pattison still her captain.
There are so many 'Lloyd's List' references to voyages with 'Pattison' in comand that I cannot possibly reference them all. To Hamburg (many voyages), to Stettin, Archangel, Swinemunde, Riga, St. Petersburg & Cronstadt, Boulogne (France), Memel, Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland), Dieppe (France) etc. Initially mainly ex Stockton but later mainly ex Hartlepool. A few moments. i) In Dec. 1846, the vessel delivered 59 live oxen to Hull, ex Rotterdam. ii) On May 13, 1848, the vessel, en route to Hamburg, put back to Sunderland having been warned off, by a Danish cruiser, when off Heligoland. iii) On Oct. 07, 1852, Jane White & Marchina, both from Danzig to London, put into Cuxhaven damaged & leaky. Possibly the result of their collision? iv) On Feb. 06, 1853, the vessel grounded at Brake Sand (off the Kent coast near Deal & Ramsgate) while en route from Hartlepool to Dieppe, France, but was assisted off without damage. v) On Nov. 27, 1854 the vessel, en route from Leith, Scotland, to Hamburg, put into Grimsby, Yorkshire, in a leaky condition.
In 1857/58, per LR, the vessel was acquired by 'Butt'rwck' of Whitby, for service in 1857/58 (the only year where service is LR indicated) as a Hartlepool coaster. It is clear that 'Butt'rwck', which means William Butterwick of Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire, owned Jane White for the rest of the vessel's life, thru 1878/79. Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 confirms such ownership. It lists William and Richd. Butterwick & Wm. Langbourn (maybe Langborne), all of Robin Hood's Bay as her then owners. While Mercantile Navy Lists ('MNL') of 1865 thru 1878 all record the vessel as Whitby registered with William Butterwick of Robin Hood's Bay as her owner. I read that in 1870 W. Butterick was the vessel's sole owner.
80.6 ft. long (in 1863/64), signal letters JGLW. In the years thru 1863/64 LR recorded the vessel as a snow or brig, while LRs from 1874/75 rather record the vessel, now of 187 tons only & 82.6 ft. long, as a barque. Incorrectly so identified, the webmaster believes. From 1872, when MNL first noted a vessel's rig, the vessel is MNL recorded as a brig.
What finally happened to Jane White? LR of 1878/79 notes that the vessel was 'to be broken up'. Yes indeed. Sold to be broken up in Nov. 1878.
Can you tell us more or correct in any way the above text? #2626The webmaster's knowledge about 'J. King' is non-existent. He would appear to have built just a single ship - Margaret built in 1848.
1 Margaret
79 tons
100221848 A schooner.
So far as the webmaster can see, this modest vessel, which was launched in Aug. 1848, was Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1848/49 thru 1851/52 only.
Per LR, it was owned, for such entire, if brief, period, by King & Co. of Sunderland, i.e. by its builder, for service as a Sunderland coaster. With M. White LR noted to have been the vessel's captain.
The North of England Maritime Directory, of 1854/5, lists Margaret, in Mar. 1854 data, as Sunderland registered & owned by Benj. Parker, of Sunderland, with Thos. Brodie her captain. Turnbull's Shipping Register ('TR'), of 1855 confirms such ownership but rather reports W. Brodie as her captain. TR of 1856, records B. Parker of Sunderland as the vessel's then owner as does Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 (Benjamin Parker).
I did find one reference to the vessel's voyages - 'Lloyd's List' of Oct. 11, 1860 reported that Margaret, Brodie in command, had arrived at Sunderland ex Boulogne, France, on Oct. 09, 1860.
The Mercantile Navy List records the vessel from 1857 thru 1864, always registered at Sunderland, but does not list the vessel in 1865. It does reference (scroll to #10022) an advice rec'd or dated Jan. 05, 1864 that the vessel had been 'Lost'.
Only an 1863 crew list seems to be available.
What finally happened to Margaret? It was reported, in the 'Evening Star' of London, on Dec. 23, 1862, that a vessel of the name, Brodie her captain, arriving from Aberdeen, Scotland, in ballast, had been stranded at Sunderland behind the S. pier. Further that her crew had been saved. A later report, in 'The Leeds Intelligencer' of Dec. 27, 1862, confirmed the loss of Margaret, on Sunday, Dec. 21, 1862 it would seem, but also set out the circumstances - a massive & violent gale on the Sunday from the NE with high seas. Was it 'our' Margaret? The webmaster is not 100% sure but it seems likely that it was.
Can you tell us anything additional? #2634KIRKBRIDE & PARTNERS
maybe GEORGE KIRKBRIDE & CO.The webmaster has no knowledge about this shipbuilder, who would seem to have built ships at Monkwearmouth, Sunderland. So far as the webmaster can see, 'Kirkbride' built a total of 55 vessels between the years of 1824 thru 1843.
1 Mexico
225 tons1825 A snow or brig.
The vessel, which was launched in Mar. 1825, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1826 thru 1850/51.
Thru 1836/37, with the exception of 1827, Mexico is LR noted to have been owned by R. Webster, from 1834 'Websters', noted (from 1834) to be of Sunderland. With I. Webster serving as the vessel's captain thru 1833 & then J. Florey. I should note that LR of 1827 advises differently. It recorded W. Arnold as her captain, in replacement for I. Webster & noted that the vessel was owned by 'Capt.&Co.' - which means that in that year (alone) 'Arnold' was, per LR, both the vessel's owner & captain.
The vessel's early service is complicated. It includes, mainly in time sequence, from Hull to St. Petersburg, Russia (1826 & 1828), London to 'N.Scot', Liverpool to Riga, Latvia (1829), Liverpool to Trieste, Hapsburg Monarchy now Italy (1831), Bristol to Archangel, Russia (1832), London to Trieste (1833) & Liverpool to Africa (1834 & 1835/36).
In 1836/37, per LR, the vessel became owned by Swan & Co. of North Shields. It would seem that they owned the vessel for the rest of its life. The North of England Martime Directory of 1848/9 tells us that the vessel was, in Jul. 1848, registered at Newcastle & owned by John Swan & Co. of N. Shields.
During the period of 'Swan' ownership, 'Copeland' was, per LR, the vessel's captain from 1836/37 thru 1844/45, R. Swan briefly, & 'Hunnam' from later in 1845/46 thru 1850/51. The vessel is LR noted to have served the Baltic ex Newcastle from 1836/37 thru 1838/39, from Newcastle or Shields to St. Petersburg from 1846/47 thru 1849/50, & otherwise from Shields to London.
A little operational detail. Just a note that The 'London Dispatch', of Oct. 14, 1838, page 7, records detail about a court case re an assault on Charles Moreland, an apprentice aboard Mexico, by Francis Copeland the vessel's master. Those interested might wish to read further about the matter. On Oct. 13, 1842, the vessel, Copeland in command, arrived at Yarmouth without its mainmast - lost en route from Rotterdam to Shields it would appear. On Apl. 28, 1846, Mexico, Hunnam in command, leaving Shields for Cronstadt (St. Petersburg) struck on the bar at Shields, became leaky & returned to Shields for discharge of cargo & repair. It seems likely that Hunnam ceased being the vessel's captain in or about Apl. 1848. The vessel was a frequent trader throughout with Cronstadt, retuning to Hull, Yarmouth, & Newcastle.
A U.K. Government report (here ex here) tells us, at line 2120, that on Nov. 12, 1852, while en route from Shields to London with a cargo of coal & a crew of 8, Mexico (incorrectly noted to have been a barque) was wrecked near Aldboro'. Jas. Blumser is there noted to have been her captain at the time. A 2nd U.K. Government 1852 wreck list advises that the vessel was driven from her anchors, presumably by force of weather, & ended up on the main beach at 'Aldborough' & became a total wreck. That report rather records 'Young' as being her then captain, as does this contemporary Lloyd's List report. I am unable to tell you, at present, exactly where Mexico was lost. There is an Aldeburgh, on the E. coast of Suffolk, NE of Ispwich. There also is an Aldbrough, on the E. Yorkshire coast, NE of Hull. Need help! Two of the above links refer to 'main' or 'Main'. So far that has not helped me in identifying the correct location.
Can you add to, or correct, the above text? #24552 Harlington
198 tons1830 A snow or square. The available data re this vessel is most modest.
The vessel is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1834 to 1838/39 only, & not thereafter. To say it was 'listed' is a bit of an exaggeration. Thru that period, LR does not state when it was built, its rig, who owned it, nor its routing. They just listed Harlington as being of Sunderland, being of 198 tons & the captain's name (T. Thirkell).
Fortunately, the North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9 lists the vessel, a brig, as built in 1830 & then owned by J. Penman of Bishopwearmouth.
It would seem, as per this newspaper cutting, that in early Feb. 1850, the vessel foundered in a gale when off Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Such data is now essentially confirmed. On Feb. 07, 1850, per line 523 on this page, the 198 ton square was lost at sea while en route from Sunderland to Southampton with a cargo of coal. No loss location is there referenced. Crew of 11 - none lost. Then stated to be owned by Isabella Penman.
We now know what happened thanks to this extensive account. Harlington sprang a leak in a massive gale, when about 30 miles off Lowestoft. Her 7 man crew (not 11) manned the pumps continuously for 36 hours, but could not bring the leak under control. At 2 a.m. on Feb. 07, 1850, the vessel broke in two & sank. The crew were able, at the very last moment, to jump into a longboat & 16 hours later spotted a sail about 2 miles distant. It proved to be Fishing Smack No. 59 from Ostend, Belgium. The crew - exhausted, starving & benumbed with cold - were taken aboard the smack, treated with great kindness & landed at Ostend. Daniel Cole is noted to have been Harlington's then captain & John Penman her owner.
There would seem to have been confusion as to the vessel's name. Lloyd's List referred to the vessel as Hirlington, as did this 1850 wreck listing page. The extensive report available above referred to Hurlington.
Of interest, perhaps, is that LR of 1851/52 lists a 249/255 ton snow named Harlington built at Sunderland in 1851 & owned by Penman & Co. of Sunderland. Presumably a replacement vessel.
Is there anything you can add? Or correct? #24513 Hippogriff
231, later 231/212, later 196 tons
25751832 A snow or square. Hippogriff? A legendary creature with the front half of an eagle & the rear half of a horse.
Hippogriff, which was launched in Jun. 1832, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1834 thru 1845/46, a 10 year LR silence, & from 1856/57 thru 1868/69 & not thereafter. Owned by R. French of Sunderland thru 1836/37 for service from Sunderland to Hamburg, Germany, with J. Hodson (maybe Hodgson), per LR, her captain. It would seem that 'Scott' may have been her first captain.
In 1836/37, Glaves & Co., also of Sunderland, became her owner for service thru 1841/42 from Sunderland to London. With 'Needham' her captain.
'Peacock' of Yarmouth became her owner in 1841/42 with J. Hill the vessel's captain - the vessel still being registered at Sunderland.
A few operational history snippets. i) On Nov. 12, 1835, en route from St. Petersburg, Russia, to London, Hippogriff beat over the Holm Sand (off Lowestoft, Suffolk). It was, per a news report, assisted & proceeded with the loss of anchor & chain. ii) On Nov. 05, 1836, leaving Sunderland, the vessel grounded behind the S. pier breakwater. She was towed into harbour on the next tide, inspected, & found to have suffered 'but little damage'. iii) On Feb. 29, 1840, the vessel, en route from Memel (then E. Prussia, now Klaipėda, Lithuania) to Hull with 'Needham' in command, put into Elsinore, Denmark, to repair significant damage, the result of encountering ice. iv) On Nov. 19, 1841, Hippogriff came ashore near the jetty at Yarmouth, Norfolk, & filled with water. Her crew were all saved. The vessel was expected to become a wreck but clearly it did not.
From 1842/43 thru 1845/46, per LR, T. Brown of Sunderland was Hippogriff's owner for service from Sunderland to London. Such ownership is confirmed, in Apl. 1848, in the North of England Maritime Directory.
From 1856/57 thru 1862/63, per LR, Kay & Co. of Sunderland were her owners, initially (thru 1862/63) for service as a Sunderland collier & then for service ex Sunderland to France. With W. Amiss, per LR, her captain thru 1862/63. Kay & Co. must have become the vessel's owners rather prior to 1856/57. The North of England Maritime Directory of 1854/5 records, in Mar. 1854 data, Thomas Kay & Robert Elwin, both of Sunderland, & William Wilson & William Hardcastle, both of Stockton, as the vessel's then owners with Wm. Amiss her captain. Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 confirms such ownership as essentially does Turnbull's Shipping Register of 1856.
No owner name or port of registration is LR recorded from 1863/64 thru 1868/69, but 'Cooper' is LR noted to have been her captain.
81.7 ft. long, signal letters HPRN. Some crew lists are available here.
The Mercantile Navy List comes to our rescue re the vessel's later ownership. It records the vessel as registered at Sunderland from 1857 thru 1864 & at Whitby, Yorkshire, from 1865 thru 1870, owned, when Whitby registered, by Thos. Mill of Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire. This Whitby history page confirms such ownership & tells us that the vessel was first registered at Whitby in 1864.
What finally happened to Hippogriff? On Mar. 02, 1870, per line 92 here, the 196 ton brig was stranded at Scroby Sands (they run from Caister to Great Yarmouth, 4 miles off the Norfolk coast), while en route from Newcastle to Calais, France, with a cargo of coal. Crew of 25 - none lost - an extraordinarily high crew number I would have thought. Vessel then stated to be owned by Thomas Mills. This contemporary report states that Hippogriff, noted there to be a schooner, was under the command of William Mills at the time of her loss. Additional reports (1 & 2).
Can you tell us more? #25544 Alderman
210, later 197 tons
22361834 A brig. Alderman, which was launched in Apl. 1834, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed only from 1861/62 thru 1869/70.
In the absence of LR data, other ship register sources become more important. The North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9, in Jul. 1848 data, lists Alderman as then registered at Newcastle & owned by Jane Lawson & Co. of Harton (now a suburban area of South Shields). The equivalent directory of 1854/5, in Apl. 1854 data, records John Lawson & W. D. White, of Harton, as the vessel's owners with G. Hunter her then captain - but incorrectly lists the vessel as 1832 built. Turnbull's Shipping Registers of 1855 & 1856 have the vessel as registered at Newcastle & owned by J. Lawson of Newcastle & W. D. White of Harton, with, in the 1855 edition, G. Hunter still her captain. Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 lists the Newcastle registered vessel as owned by J. Lawson & W. D. White.
LRs of 1861/62 thru 1869/70 all list Alderman as Shields registered, owned by C. A. Wawn, with W. Swales her captain. For consistent service, per LR, from Shields to London. W. Swales certainly was the vessel's captain, at least from Oct. 1861 thru to Feb. 1862.
I have learned that at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 03, 1862, when off Flamborough Head, Alderman ran down & sank Don, a brig, which was en route from Seaham to London with a cargo of coal. Don's master (Morley) & her carpenter also were drowned - the remaining Don crew were landed at Scarborough by Alderman. A little later, on Feb. 18, 1862 Alderman arrived at Shields 'with her stern supposed to be broken' & with other damage, presumably to be repaired. As per this 'Lloyd's List' report.
The Mercantile Navy List ('MNL') comes to our rescue re the vessel's later years. MNLs record the vessel as Shields registered from 1857 thru 1861, Newcastle registered in 1862 & from 1863 thru 1869 registered at Sunderland. From 1865 thru 1869, MNL records the vessel's owner as being W. Dobson, of Seaham Harbour, County Durham.
A Sunderland shipping website, which website has requested no links nor recognition, tells us that the vessel was built by George Kirkbride & James Carruthers, of Monkwearmouth. The vessel's initial owner, per such site, was Richard Lawson of Monkwearmouth. On Apl. 22, 1845, Jane Lawson & William Dilney White were the vessel's owners - W. D. White & Co. on Aug. 07, 1854. William Parkin of South Shields became the vessel's owner on Mar. 14, 1861. William Dobson from May 10, 1862. Such site does not reference the owner name of 'Wawn'. We thank such website for such important data - data I myself, living in Canada, was unable to find.
What finally happened to Alderman? LR of 1869/70 notes that the vessel had been 'Run down'. Wikipedia tells us (thanks!) that the vessel, en route from Sunderland to London, was run down on Dec. 24, 1868 by Valetta, a steamship, & sank off Orfordness, Suffolk. Further that Valetta rescued the Alderman crew. I learn that Alderman, 'White' in command, had left Sunderland for London on Dec. 22, 1868, (have also read Dec. 15, 1868), with a cargo of coal. Soon after 3.00 a.m. on Dec. 24, 1868, Valetta, sailing northbound, ran into the starboard quarter of Alderman with great violence. Captain White was knocked overboard by the force of the collision but was able to grab hold of the steamer's catfall which was trailing over the side of Valetta (a rope or chain used to raise the ship's anchor). For a brief time he was crushed between the two vessels which fortunately parted to permit him to be saved by the steamer's crew via a ship's boat. Alderman sank & Valetta landed her entire crew at Great Yarmouth. One of the newspaper articles reported that Wm. Dobson was then the vessel's owner. The vessel was noted to have been worth about £1,200 & its cargo about £150 - insured. It seems likely that the Valetta in question had been built at Sunderland in 1867 by T. R. Oswald - ON #58121 of 708/606 tons. With 'Watson' then in command. A few contemporary news reports - 1, 2 & 3.
I should note that the owners of Alderman later took legal action in Admiralty Court against the owners of Valetta. A report re such legal action was published in the 'Shipping & Mercantile Gazette' of Jul. 12, 1869. Such report is very long indeed - & time has not yet permitted the webmaster to convert the text into an easily legible image. The Court's conclusion however was clear. That Valetta was solely responsible for the loss of Alderman. It would be good to be able to locate a tidy text of the Court's decision in the case. It surely would have identified the particular Valetta, which, as stated above, I believe to have been the vessel of the name built by 'Oswald' at Sunderland in 1867.
82.4 ft. long (81.2 ft. per the Sunderland website referred to above), signal letters HNJB, a few crew lists are available via this page.
Can you tell us anything additional? Or correct the above in any way? #27085 Swallow
249 later 261 tons
20631834 A snow or brig, maybe later a barque (but likely not). A vessel which had many owners.
Swallow, which was launched in Jan. 1834, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1834 thru 1857/58, & not thereafter - always at 249 tons.
It was owned, per LR, thru 1838/39, by 'Thompson' of Sunderland for service from Sunderland to Rotterdam, Netherlands, with 'Legender' her captain.
In 1839/40, the vessel became owned by H. Castle of London for service ex London. H. Castle did not own the vessel for very long. In 1840/41, thru 1843/44, Swallow became owned by 'Berryman', of London, who also served as her captain, for service from London to Mauritius.
In 1843/44, Smith & Co., of London, became her owner for service ex London, with S. Bolton her captain. In 1845/46, thru 1847/48, the vessel became owned by Watt & Co. of South Shields for service ex Sunderland & Shields, with 'Hutchinson' her captain.
From 1848/49, LR records A. Dixon, of South Shields as the vessel's owner for service from Shields to London, later (from 1851/52 thru 1853/54) from Shields to the Baltic & from 1855/56 for service ex the Clyde. With T. Johnson (most likely) serving thru such entire period as the vessel's captain. The North of England Maritime Directory (NEMD') of 1848/9 lists, in Jul. 1848 data, Dixon & Wall of South Shields as the then owner of the Newcastle registered 247 ton snow. While NEMD of 1854/5 & Turnbull's Shipping Register ('TR') of 1855 seem not to list the vessel, TR of 1856 lists A. Dixon of South Shields as the then owner of the snow, now of 261 tons, which owner name Christie's Shipping Register of 1858 clarifies (261 tons) as meaning Alexander Dixon. I note that the Mercantile Navy list did not record the vessel in 1860.
A little operational history. This page records that on Jun. 07, 1854, a brig of the name, en route from Shields to Cape Breton, Canada, became leaky when at sea in the N. Atlantic due to stress of weather. The vessel put back to Taransa (means the island of Taransay), Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides, where her cargo, likely coal, was discharged, presumably to effect the necessary repairs. Was it 'our' Swallow? While the detail provided at the link is modest, there was, per LR, only one vessel of the name registered at S. Shields.
There would seem to have been one more change of ownership - to George Gibson, likely of South Shields. The webmaster does not know when the change occurred.
On Jun. 15, 1861, Swallow was en route from the Tyne to Havre-de-Grâce (as Le Havre, France, was then known) with a cargo of coal. The vessel collided with Lord Raglan (likely a steamer, ON 22802, built in 1855 at Dumbarton), which was en route from Rotterdam to Newcastle. At midnight, in foggy conditions off Flamborough Head, Yorkshire. Swallow, it would seem, was hit by Lord Raglan, in a collision scarcely felt by Lord Raglan's passengers, & sank close to Lord Raglan's bow a few minutes after the collision. Three Swallow crew members were thrown into the sea as a result of the collision. Only two of them were recovered. As per 2 sources:- Line 1748 here, which tells us that Swallow had a crew of 8 & one life was lost in the collision, further that George Gibson (likely of South Shields) was then her owner. And this account of the collision ex here (a Google book). A puzzle perhaps - line 1748 lists Swallow as a barque of 233 tons, rather than a brig of 261 tons. No crew lists seem to be available for the vessel.
Can you tell us more? And/or correct the above? #23236 Blackit or Blacket
173 tons1835 A brig. Data about this vessel is particularly scarce. And there is confusion as to the vessel's correct name. I suspect, but am not sure, that the vessel was correctly named Blackit.
The vessel is not Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed as either Blackit or Blacket thru 1851/52 except in three early years. It is LR listed in years 1836/37 thru 1838/39 as Blackit, but the data is minimal - just name, tonnage & being of Sunderland. No rig, year & place of build, owner name, intended voyages etc. Most of the references I have so far found are to Blacket, which is, incidentally, the name recorded in two Sunderland build lists available to the webmaster.
The vessel was, I read, launched in Jun. 1835. It is listed in the North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9, in Apl. 1848 data recorded as Blackit, an 1835 built 173 ton brig, registered at Sunderland & owned by Matthew Blackit of Sunderland.
It would seem that the vessel carried coal to Shoreham, Sussex, on a regular basis thru 1836 with 'Sharp' or 'Main' serving as the vessel's captain. Frequently ex Seaham, County Durham. Also to London. It later, certainly in 1844 & 1845, traded frequently with Wyburg (Vyborg, NW of St. Petersburg, Russia), & with Riga, Latvia. In Jan. 1847, the vessel was en route from Sunderland to Portsmouth, with 'Hall' in command. On Jan. 23, 1847, the vessel went on shore, near Dungeness Lighthouse, Kent, but was assisted off. Her captain at the time was George Hall, who on Jan. 26, 1847, filed a deposition at Ramsgate, E. Kent, re such grounding, referring to the vessel as Blackit. On Mar. 23, 1848, the vessel went aground on Barber Sand (off Caister, Norfolk), but was assisted off on Mar. 24, 1848 & proceeded.
I came across the vessel having seen a reference to the vessel's loss in 1850 - on Feb. 09, 1850, per line 529 on this U.K. Government 1850 wreck listing page, the 173 ton square, named Blacket, stranded at 'C. Grinez' (Cap Gris Nez, a cape located N. of Boulogne & SE of Calais, both France), while en route from Southampton to Sunderland. Crew of 8 - none lost. Then stated to be owned by Matthew Blacket. 'Hall', presumably George Hall, was in command. 'Lloyd's List' reported that the vessel was rather en route from Portsmouth to Sunderland & went ashore during a 'strong' gale.
There are later references (1854 & 1858) to Matthew Blackit of Sunderland owning Miriam, a 198 or 182 ton snow, built at Sunderland in 1837.
This listing is modest. Is there anything you can add? #25977 Albion
257/271 later 248 tons
28691836 A snow or brig. Albion, which was launched in Jun. or Jul. 1836, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1836/37 thru 1850/51, then an LR silence of 5 years, & again from 1856/57 thru 1866/67.
The vessel was initially owned, thru 1848/49 per LR, by 'Fenwick' of London. During such period, the vessel, per LR, had three captains - W. Crosby thru 1841/42, W. Maughan from 1841/42 thru 1844/45 & J. Allsop from 1844/45 thru 1848/49. For service i) from Sunderland to St. Petersburg, Russia, thru 1838/39, ii) from Sunderland to London in 1839/40 & 1840/41, iii) from Liverpool to Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) in 1841/42, & iv) thereafter ex London, incl. to the Mediterranean from 1845/46 thru 1847/48.
In 1848/49, per LR, Albion became owned by C. Taylor, of or certainly registered at London, for service from Sunderland to London thru 1849/50 at least, with B. Blair her captain. 'Taylor' owned the vessel for a number of years - when LR coverage continued, in 1856/57, the vessel was registered at Sunderland but still owned by C. Taylor. Such owner name is clarified by a number of shipping registers. Marwood's North of England Maritime Directory of Mar. 1854 lists Charles Taylor of Sunderland as the then owner of the 271 ton vessel with W. R. Blyth her then captain. Turnbull's Shipping Register ('TR') of 1855 has essentially the same data but with Wm. R. Gauntlet her then captain. TR of 1856 confirms the Taylor ownership of the vessel, now of 248 tons, as does Christie's Shipping Register of 1858.
From 1858/59 thru 1862/63, LR records 'Nichlsn &', (Nicholson & Co.?) of Sunderland, as the vessel's new owner, with Gauntlett her then captain for service as a Sunderland Collier. While LRs of 1863/64 thru 1866/67 list the vessel without an owner name - for good cause since the vessel was lost in 1863.
The webmaster has now spotted an entry re the vessel in a 1908 Whitby, Yorkshire, shipping history book - here, the third entry of the name. It tells us that Albion became Whitby registered in 1863, owned by Benj. Granger, B. T. Robinson and Richd. Robinson, all presumably of Whitby. It also tells us that the vessel was lost on Jun. 01, 1863 at Revelstone, per a letter from Revel.
This page tells us that a certificate re the vessel's loss was dated Jun. 16, 1863 (scroll to #2869). Now Wikipedia tells us, here, that a schooner named Albion, en route from Sunderland to Cronstadt (St. Petersburg, Russia) struck the Revel Stone rock in the Baltic on May 14, 1863. Further that her crew were rescued by a steamship of the same name, i.e. Albion.
Such listing initially seemed unlikely to be a 'match' since Albion was not a schooner. It does, however, prove to be re 'our' vessel, as is confirmed by extensive data kindly made available by Government Cultural authorities in Estonia. Who tell us that Albion, a brig under the command of Edmond Elliott, was in mid May 1863 in the Baltic, en route from Sunderland to Kronstadt. At midnight on May 15, 1863, Albion struck the Tallinnamadal ('Revelstein') & became 'securely stuck'. Revelstein is a reef or shoal located 7 1/2 miles N. of the island of Aegna, itself located about 7 miles N. of Tallinn, Estonia. A noted danger to navigation & the site of many shipwrecks over the centuries. The crew tried to lighten the vessel by throwing 'goods' (cargo, most likely coal) overboard. The weather, alas, deteriorated on the next day & the vessel repeatedly was bumped against the reef, causing more water to enter the ship than could be controlled by the pumps.
At 4 p.m. on May 16, 1863, the crew left the ship in ships' boats & reached Tallinn at 1 p.m. on May 17, 1863. The captain returned to the vessel, found her filled with water & severely damaged & commenced salvage operations. Such data does not refer to a steamship named Albion taking part in the aftermath of the grounding. Perhaps Albion, the steamship, repatriated the vessel's crew to the U.K.? Via the above 'Estonian' link you can access three contemporary Estonian newspaper editions that likely refer to the disaster. I did not access such pages in view of my inability in Estonian, but Estonian readers likely would find them to be informative. They may well prove to contain, in fact, data of importance re the total story!
Albion was 87.0 ft. long. No crew lists for the vessel are available. Can you add to and/or correct the above text? Y
Is there anything you can add? Or correct? #25758 Aimwell
192 tons1837 The webmaster has two Sunderland build lists available to him. One of them lists Kirkbride & Partners as the vessel's builder. The other lists Kirkbride & Carruthers. It is quite possible that this vessel should better be listed here on site page 059, which refers to Kirkbride, Carruthers.
A snow. Aimwell had a quite short life, & was Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed only from 1836/37 thru 1846/47. It was launched in Apl. 1837 & was, per LR, always owned by 'Gen.Sh.C.', presumably General Shipping Company - of Sunderland thru 1842/43 & of Stockton-on-Tees thereafter. Her service, per LR, was consistent. From Sunderland to London in the years thru to 1842/43 & from Stockton to London from 1843/44 thru 1845/46. With, per LR, 'Cooke' her captain thru 1843/44 & J. Flinton thereafter.
Was 'Gen.Sh.C.' truly her initial owner? I say that because this newspaper article refers to William Ord & Co., of Sunderland, as being Aimwell's initial owner.
The vessel did not solely carry coal to London of course. The vessel made many voyages, in 1837, to the Netherlands - to Helvoet, Maasluis & Rotterdam, ex Stockton rather than ex Sunderland. It sailed from London to Archangel, Russia, in both 1838 & 1839, & in 1840 traded to Stettin (Szczecin, Poland, on the Baltic), & to Riga (Latvia), with 'Cooke' her captain. In May 1841, with 'Flinton' now in command, Aimwell sailed to Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland). Prior to Aug. 25, 1841 it was at Archangel again, ex Stockton, returning to London on Oct. 19, 1841. 'Shapter', maybe 'Shapster', was a later captain. In Nov. 1842, the vessel carried 200 tons of iron from Newport, Wales, to Indre, France. On Dec. 13, 1842, sailing into Nantes, France, ex Newport, the vessel put into Penzance, Cornwall, leaky, with sails lost & mainmast damaged. On another such voyage, it entered Falmouth, also Cornwall, on Jan. 31, 1843 leaky & needing to discharge her cargo. The vessel arrived, I read, at Loire, France, on Apl. 03, 1843, ex Newcastle.
The 'Newcastle Journal', of Jul. 06, 1844 (in red), records that Aimwell had been sold, for £960, to Mr. Smith of London. An owner name not LR referenced. A few weeks later, on Aug. 16, 1844, en route from Stockton to Exeter, Devon, the vessel collided off Dungeness, Kent, with Sarah, a Newcastle schooner, & entered the port at Dover, Kent, in a much damaged condition.
What finally happened to Aimwell? I read, in a report from Lowestoft, Suffolk, that on Oct. 13, 1846, 'Shapster' noted to be in command, the vessel ran aground on Haisbro' Sand. Haisborough Sand or Sands are off the U.K. east coast at Happisburgh, Norfolk. The vessel came off soon afterwards but sank in deep water. With no loss of life. Such loss is Wikipedia referenced here.
Can anybody add anything additional and/or correct any portion of the above text. #2629
9 Alderman Pirie
296/322, later 299 tons
140951840 I think I have read that Alderman Pirie was elected Lord Mayor of London - in 1841 perhaps.
A snow or brig. Alderman Pirie, which was launched in Aug. 1840, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1840/41 thru 1859/60. To the webmaster an unusual vessel history - unusual since for the vessel's entire lifetime, per LR, the vessel was owned by a single owner i.e. by Ord & Co. of Sunderland.
The North of England Maritime Directory of 1848/9, in Apl. 1848 data, lists William Ord & Co., of Bishopwearmouth, as Alderman Pirie's then owner. As does Marwood's equivalent register of 1854/5, in Mar. 1854 data, with George Gardiner stated to be her then captain. Confirmed also by Turnbull's Shipping Registers of 1855 & 1856, with the 1855 edition listing C. Richards as her then captain. Per LR the vessel had 4 captains - G. S. Pirie thru 1846/47, J. Egan from 1846/47 thru 1855/56, C. Richards from 1856/57 thru 1858/59 & 'Jamieson' in 1859/60.
Christie's Annual Shipping Register of 1858 tells us lots more about her then ownership. That she was then owned by William Ord, Thomas B. Ord, Errington B. Ord, Robt. Ord, Henry A. Moon, Thomas Davison & George Moon. With a reference to Hartlepool that is of a meaning unclear to me.
LR records the vessel's service as being from Sunderland to Cuba in 1840/41 becoming later in the year & thru 1845/46 from London to Cuba. From 1846/47 thru 1858/59, the vessel served the West Indies ex Swansea, Wales. In 1859/60, per LR, the vessel served Quebec, Canada, ex Sunderland.
A little 'best-efforts' Alderman Pirie operational history. On or about Mar. 04, 1842, the vessel, with Penrose (James Penrose) in command, arrived at Milford, Wales, ex Cuba in 42 days, making 18 inches of water per hour in her holds. She had boarded an abandoned & waterlogged brig en route - name of brig unknown. It would seem that the vessel often carried copper ore ex Cuba. I read (a 'pdf') that on Jul. 26, 1843 a pilot boarded the vessel arriving at Swansea ex Cuba. On the vessel's voyage from Cuba some of the vessel's crew had died of yellow fever. The pilot, who left the vessel on Jul. 27, 1843, suffered the same fate. He died on Jul. 28, 1843 with symptoms of yellow fever.
What finally happened to Alderman Pirie? Wikipedia advises (thanks!) that on an unknown date in Jun. 1859, the vessel, en route from Sunderland to Quebec City, Canada, was abandoned in the North Atlantic. Further that the crew were rescued by Siam, a British vessel. A Jun. 18, 1859 report from Quebec City tells us that Siam had arrived at Quebec City with the Alderman Pirie crew aboard. Further that Alderman Pirie had been abandoned at 44N/42W - in the North Atlantic, about 700 miles SE of St. John's, Newfoundland. Now LR of 1859/60 lists only one British vessel named Siam, a 743 ton ship built at Ipswich, Suffolk, in 1855 & Newcastle owned at the time of the rescue. It would be good to locate more detail as to the circumstances of what happened.
No crew lists seem to be available for the vessel. Can anybody add anything additional? #2674
10 Dolphin
201/207 tons1840 A schooner. Dolphin, which was launched on May 01, 1840, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed from 1840/41 thru 1849/50. It was owned, thru 1844/45 per LR, by Ord & Co. of Sunderland, for service from Sunderland to London, with W. Tindall serving as the vessel's captain.
In 1845/46, per LR, the vessel became owned by Spaight & Co. of Limerick, Ireland, for service as a Limerick coaster. With B. Clark her captain. The webmaster spotted service to Archangel, Russia, on a few occasions, returning to London.
In 1848/49, again per LR, Denham & Co., of Whitby, Yorkshire, became the vessel's owner for service from Whitby to the Baltic - with R. Leng LR noted to have been her captain. This Whitby shipping history book page tells us that Dolphin became Whitby registered in 1848. Owned by 'Richd. Leng and Ed. Corner, butcher, and Co.'.
The vessel must have been acquired by Denham in the spring of 1848. Since on May 24, 1848, the vessel, Leng in command, arrived at Gravesend, London, ex Danzig (or Dantzig - Gdańsk, Poland). The vessel was a frequent visitor to Rostock, Germany, in the following months. Most frequently returning to London but on Apl. 07, 1849 rather to Goole, Yorkshire. On Aug. 29, 1849 Dolphin arrived at Leith, Scotland ex Memel (then E. Prussia, now Klaipėda, Lithuania). And on Nov. 27, 1849, Dolphin arrived at Yarmouth ex St. Petersburg, Russia.
The Whitby history book further tells us that the vessel was lost on the Island of Bornholm in Dec. 1849.
Wikipedia advises (thanks!) that on Dec. 20, 1849, while en route from Dantzig to Leith, Scotland, Dolphin was wrecked near Nexø, Denmark. Nexø or Neksø, is located on the E. coast of the Danish island of Bornholm (Baltic, SE of Copenhagen). 'Leng' was then in command, per the related Lloyd's List report. The webmaster has not read about the then weather or other circumstances. It seems likely that the crew were all saved.
Is there anything you can add? Or correct? #2660KISH, BOOLDS & CO. (1882/1884)
BOOLDS, SHARER & CO. (1885/1887)
(OF PALLION)First a few images. Hover your mouse over each thumbnail to read the subject matter.
Can you help with the history of this shipbuilder? So far I know essentially nothing about them. This listing was initially created in the hope that data might emerge as a result of the listing. Perhaps new data that you possess?
I have seen a WWW reference to a vessel being built in 1884 for W. Kish, of Sunderland. There is also some WWW data about James Kish, a shipowner of Sunderland (1863/1917). Here.
And the listing re Bortonius, below, refers to the history of Thomas Kish, ship owner, then (Feb. 1886) living at 65 John Street, Sunderland. He lost 8 ships between Dec. 1881 & Jul. 1885, 3 of which were under the command of his brother John George Kish. It may very well be, however, that Thomas Kish was not the 'Kish' involved with shipbuilding at Sunderland. I say that because if there were such an involvement you would surely expect him to have built his ships at his own shipbuilding yard. Furius was, in fact, built by 'Dobson and Charles' at Grangemouth, Firth of Forth, Scotland as were others of the 8 lost ships. And 7 of those 8 ships had names ending in 'us'. It appears likely that Thomas was therefore a fleet owner and was not the shipbuilder 'Kish' of 'Kish, Boolds & Co.' At least until new data emerges, if it does, that would lead to a different conclusion.
But my above conclusion was quite wrong! As you can read here.
Thomas Kish (May 02, 1849/?) took over control of the family fleet of sailing ships in 1875 upon the death of William Kish/Kershaw (May 16, 1828/Nov. 26, 1875), his father. Thomas & the family 'during the 1880's .. set up a Shipbuilding firm with Henry Boolds, with a yard at Pallion. The family business suffered from a series of blunders culminating in a Board of Trade enquiry into the wrecking of the steamship FURIOUS [sic] in 1886 in which the owner, Thomas Kish and the captain, John George Kish were accused of fraud. The trial lasted several months and although the case against them was never proven it was highly suspicious and left a lasting stigma.' The reference to FURIOUS, should correctly read FURIUS, per the Board of Trade inquiry report available ('pdf') here.
I have seen also a couple of WWW references which seem to link the name of 'Kish, Boolds' with that of S. P. Austin & Son Ltd., who at that time had a yard on the S. bank of the River Wear, east of but close to the road bridge. Miramar references the two trading names stated above & shows them as building 23 ships during the period of 1882 to 1887.
I have read a July 1887 reference (pages 136/7 here) which relates - 'Mr. Boolds (late partner in the firm of Boolds & Sharer, Shipbuilders, Sunderland) has been appointed manager of the last named firm'. On page 336 at that link, in the Jan. 1888 issue, 'Marine Engineer' stated that Boolds, Sharer & Co. were then defunct.
If you have knowledge about the yard, could I invite you to consider sharing it with others via this site?
A list? Highest hull number on page: It used to be that you could click on the link that follows & get to the relevant Miramar page. But no longer! The new procedure must be to go to Miramar (here) & log in (you must be registered to view any page). And once you are logged in, return to this page & the following link should work for you:- 23. (23)I will add below the names of vessels constructed by 'Kish, Boolds, Sharer' (or whatever) of Sunderland - as I happen to spot references to them. In a table in build date sequence.
1 ![]()
1210 (or 1160) tons
Hull 9
Bussum1883 A cargo ship.
Per 1 (the vessel's trials, ex 'The Marine Engineer' of Jan. 01, 1884), 2 (French data, Bussum), 3 ('' data, sinking, Bussum), 4 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
240.0 ft. long perpendicular to perpendicular, signal letters JCFP, attained 11 1/2 knots on her trials.
The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, thru 1890/91 - see left.
The vessel was built for J. M. Smith Jr., soon to be owned by 'Falcon Steamship Co. Limited', of Sunderland, with J. M. Smith Jr. the manager & likely the owner also. In the 1890/91 edition of Lloyd's, the vessel had become owned by 'V. T. Thompson & Co.' also of Sunderland.
In 1897, the vessel was sold to Stoomvaart Maatschappij Oostzee ('Oostzee'), of Amsterdam, Netherlands, & renamed Bussum. Bussum? A town in North Holland. Oostzee was, I read, a subsidiary of Albertus Vinke & Co., also of Amsterdam, who specialised in trade to the Baltic (Oostzee in Dutch) & managed the vessel.
On Mar. 26, 1898, while en route from Porgrund, Norway, with a cargo of wood, the vessel suffered an engine failure when in bad weather off Dunkirk, France. The ship ran aground & was wrecked near West Jetty, Dunkirk. Per a WWW translation of this text ex a now expired Dutch website. At 51.02N/?. The crew was rescued by Progreès, a French tug. I have not been able to read the full circumstances. It would appear that the wreck was likely referred to in the Mar. 28, 1898 issue (N° 7822) of 'Le Petit Parisien'. But that data may be incorrect. The closest issue to that date, per eBay, would have been #477 of Mar. 27, 1898 - no 4 digit issue numbers. So something does seem to be wrong.
Can you add to and/or correct the above? Or provide an image?
2 Nantes Hambourg
728/1448 (N/G) tons (or 1353 or 1379 or 1505) tons
Hull 10
124780 (later)
Ville de Saint Nazaire
Sote1883 A cargo ship.
Per 1 (wreck data, Sote), 2 (Swedish Lloyd, data, Sote), 3 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
245.0 ft. long (75.78 metres) perpendicular to perpendicular.
Built for Compagnie Nantaise de Navigation à Vapeur (CNantaise'), of Nantes, France, & registered at Nantes. >br>In 1884, the vessel was renamed Ville de Saint Nazaire. Made voyages to South America & French colonies. Alfred Dreyfus was a famous passenger.
Gildas Le Briquir tells me that Ville de Saint Nazaire was active, in 1884, in the repatriation of Indian coolies from French West Indies to French Indian colonies. Further that from 1886 thru 1902 CNantaise was contracted by the French Government to transport convicts from France to the over-seas prisons in Guyane (French Guyana) & in Nouvelle Calédonie (New Caledonia, S. Pacific). She made many such voyages, 2 voyages a year, with numerous convicts, male and female - & was then replaced by SS Loire.
The vessel was sold, in 1901, to 'G. Vallée', of Rouen, France. And sold in 1905 to 'D/S Hamlet' (W. Schmidt the manager), of Esbjerg, Denmark, & renamed Herleve.
And sold again in 1907 to W. A. Massey & Co., of Hull, England, & renamed Elleker. The ship was sold yet again, on Feb. 07, 1908 to 'Rederi AB Orion', of Oskarshamn, Sweden, (O. Wingren, the manager), & renamed Orion. And sold on Mar. 02, 1915 to 'Ångfartygs AB Thule', of Göteborg, Sweden (Th. Willerding, the manager), & renamed Sote.
On Apl. 25, 1918, while en route from Göteborg to London, the vessel was torpedoed off Bridlington by UC-64. One life lost, I think. Have also read May 25, & Jul. 25, 1918 for the date of the loss. The vessel was taken in tow & an effort was made to beach her, but she sank 10 miles S. of Flamborough Head in 13 metres of water. At 54.01.2/00.11.5. 'Charles Hocking' references 'H. Metcalfe' as the owner in 1918. Much of the above data came from a Swedish site which no longer exists. WWW translation from Swedish is most difficult & I may have inadvertently introduced errors into my above English text.
Can you add to and/or correct the above? Or provide an image?
3 ![]()
1291 (or 1257 or 1212.3) tons
Hull 11
903041884 A cargo ship.
Per 1 (Oct. 08, 1882 launch, ex 'Marine Engineer ...', Dec. 1882, a Google Book - in red), 2 (Dec. 15, 1883 launch, ex 'Marine Engineer ...', Jan. 1884, a Google Book), 3 (1894 wreck report, a 'pdf' file), 4 (French page, sinking, map & image), 5 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
240.0 ft. long perpendicular to perpendicular, single screw, schooner rigged, designed to carry a large cargo on a small draught of water, signal letters JPNT.
The vessel is a real puzzle. It was reported as being launched twice, firstly on Oct. 08, 1882 & secondly on Dec. 15, 1883. What would appear to be the identical vessel, though with different engine suppliers etc. On the first occasion, the vessel was launched for James B. Hick & partners ('Hick'), of Scarborough. While on the 2nd launch it was said to be built for Dixon & Clarkson ('Dixon'), of Sunderland, & was christened by Miss Clarkson. I presume that Hick was unable to proceed, possibly for financial reasons & that Dixon took the ship over. But it would seem that something may have happened to Dixon also, because Miramar at 5 indicate that W. Kish was the initial registered owner.
The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Registers available ex Google books, & hopefully they will clarify what happened. Only partially do they so clarify. There would seem to be no listing for the vessel in the 1882/83 & 1883/84 registers. In the 1885/86 register, W. Kish is the registered owner & the vessel is indicated to be 1884 built. In the 1887/88 register, 'L. & H. Guéret' have become the owners, & the vessel was reported to have been 1883 built.
The vessel would seem to have been, until 1887/88 at least, Sunderland registered.
In 1894, the vessel was owned by 'Allonby Steamship Company Ltd.', of Cardiff, Wales, with Thomas J. (Joseph) Callaghan, also of Cardiff, the manager. In Nov. & Dec. 1893, the vessel was dry-docked at Newport, Wales.
The vessel was lost at sea on Jan. 11, 1894 with major loss of life. A Court hearing was held at Cardiff in Feb. 1894 into the circumstances. Which are ...
On Jan. 08, 1894, the vessel left Barry Dock, near Cardiff, for Les Sables d'Olonne, a town on the W. coast of France, N. of La Rochelle, with a cargo of 1,612 tons of coal & a crew of 17 all told. David Dee was her master. On the evening of Jan. 09, 1894, the weather turned bad with high wind & heavy seas. At 6:00 a.m. on Jan. 11, 1894, 'she broached to, and shipped a heavy sea by the fore rigging on the starboard side and between No. 1 and No. 2 hatchways, filling the well deck'. Off Ushant, a small rocky island in the English Channel off the coast of Brittany, near Brest, France. At 48.01.846N/04.52.731W.
Water poured into the holds & it was seen that the ship was going down by the head. The boats were ordered to be launched & 4 men, incl. the chief engineer, got into the port lifeboat. As the ship went down it was washed off its chocks. 11 crew members, all trying to launch the starboard lifeboat, were swept into the sea. The Master was also swept into the sea & he and a fireman were picked up by the lifeboat. The 11 were not so fortunate & all drowned. The six survivors were in the boat for about 6 hours, during which time the weather moderated & they were saved by Biscaye, a French steamer.
Now the ship apparently steered badly, in part due to her basic design - a very flat bottom, no keel & a bluff bow. To remedy the effect, the rudder had been made larger. At 7:00 p.m. on Jan. 10, 1894, the vessel's steam steering gear had failed. It would seem that it was not repaired, so it was out of commission when particularly needed.
The Court heard evidence as to the availability & location of lifebelts & were not impressed with what they heard. The Court found that the Master had not promptly repaired the steam steering gear, had not ensured that lifebelts were available when needed, & had not ensured the integrity of the ship's hatches. The Court censured the master accordingly but did not deal with his certificate. Can you add to or correct the above? Or provide an image?4 ![]()
399 tons
Hull 12
Lawrence1884 A cargo ship.
Per 1 ('pdf' which refers to wreck of Furius but references both Thomas Kish of Sunderland, John George Kish his brother & briefly Bortonius), 2 (Lawrence), 3 & 4 (1891 New Zealand ('NZ') newspaper reports), 5 (cached data, Lawrence, ex a site which no longer exists -, 6 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register ('LR') available to him from 'Google' books, see left.
160.0 ft. long, schooner rigged, 2 masts, 2 screws.
The vessel's trial trip was on Mar. 28, 1884. Built for Thomas Kish (maybe the majority owner), of Sunderland, who, it would seem, lost 8 ships from Dec. 1881, to Jul. 1885 including Bortonius (2, p.5). 3 of the 8 vessels were under the command of John George Kish, Thomas's brother.
The vessel had trouble on its maiden voyage. Launched in Jan. 1884, her maiden voyage was to Australia via the Suez Canal. She 'called at the Clarence, (north-eastern New South Wales ('NSW'), Australia, S. of Brisbane) short of coal, & grounded on the bar when attempting to enter the MacLeay (at Kempsey, I believe a little to the S. of Clarence River)' She arrived at Kempsey, on Jun. 17, 1884, 86 days out of London, there to load a cargo of sawn timber & maize for Sydney, NSW, where she arrived on Jul. 12, 1884.
On or about Jan. 02, 1885, Bortonius was stranded on rocks at the mouth of the Manning River, Harrington, NSW, Australia, while carrying a cargo of girders, spokes & piles. After she was stranded, the vessel was sold to John See, of Sydney, operating it would seem, as John See & Company. The vessel was thought to be a total loss, but in late Feb. 1885, the vessel was re-floated. The cargo had to be jettisoned & it took a Captain Ricketts & his salvage crew 12 days to pump the ship out & stop the leaks. There were labour problems at about that period, a pay & job dispute between the shipowner's association & the union. The vessel ran between Sydney & Clarence River.
In Oct. 1885, a change of the vessel's name to Lawrence was approved by the Board of Trade, London, but the ship still traded as Bortonius - certainly it did so in Jul. 1886. I am not sure when the name of the vessel was actually changed. It was named Lawrence in the 1887/88 edition of LR.
In 1889, the vessel was sold to 'The Mokihinui Coal Co. Ltd.' ('Mokihinui'), of Wellington, NZ, but stayed registered at Sydney. Mokihinui, I read, had a contract to supply coal coal to New Zealand Railways & Lawrence was engaged on that service.
On Apl. 28, 1891, Lawrence, James Leys in command, grounded on the bar in leaving the Mokihinui River, NZ, (NW coast of S. Island) with a cargo of coal. She lost her propeller blades in the incident & as a result was driven ashore & beached on the S. side of the harbour entrance. Next day, in a heavy sea, she broke her back, indeed broke in two. A total loss. No lives were lost. Several of those who viewed the wreck expressed condemnation as to the quality of the ship's iron plates. The vessel was insured for £5,000 while the cargo was uninsured. Mokihinui abandoned the wreck to the underwriters & the wreck was in due course sold for £260. The ship's bell was found in 1935 (inscribed Bortonius, of course).
Can you add anything? An image of the ship or the ship's bell?
5 Madjus
246/400 (N/G) tons
Hull 13
873721884 Madjus? I read that the Moors called the Vikings the 'Madjus'. But such data may or may not relate to the naming of the vessel.
Madjus, an iron steamship which was launched on Mar. 27, 1884 & first registered, at Sunderland, on Apl. 26, 1884, is Lloyd's Register ('LR') listed only in 1883/84 & 1884/85. In such brief period, the vessel was, per LR, owned by T. Kish of Sunderland with T. Brewis serving as her captain.
160.0 ft. long, 88 or maybe 90 HP, signal letters JHVN, engines by Hutson & Corbett of Glasgow, Scotland, the 1884 crew list is available via this page.
I read that Madjus was of light draft & was intended to be used on 'river service' from Sydney, New South Wales ('NSW'), Australia to Lake Macquarie (also NSW, just S. of Newcastle, NSW).
LR of 1884/85 notes that the vessel had 'Foundered'.
I learn that on Apl. 28, 1884, Madjus left Sunderland on its maiden voyage. For Sydney with a cargo of coal & a crew of 20, under the command of Captain Brewis. Delayed a few days by bad weather in the Downs, it proceeded via Malta & the Suez Canal into the Indian Ocean. In the Bally Straits (means, I believe, Bali straits, E. of the islands of Bali & Java) the vessel hit very bad weather, & much damaged, backtracked to Sourabaya, Java, on Jul. 06, 1884. The necessary, extensive, repairs were completed there, & only on Sep. 09, 1884 did Madjus leave to continue her voyage. I note that she left Sourabaya in ballast - I presume that her cargo must have been landed there.
On Oct. 06, 1884, when about 15 miles S. of Port Macquarie, NSW, more bad weather was encountered. Madjus became leaky & the continuous manning of her pumps could not avoid her boilers becoming flooded out. When between Seal Rocks & Broughton Island, her crew were, on Oct. 07, 1884, forced to abandon ship - in three ship's boats, with 6 crew in each. Such boats in due course safely reached Port Stephens to the south. Kingsley, a steamer, took the crew on to Newcastle where they arrived on Oct. 08, 1884. Maitland (#64366) then took them on to Sydney. Mr. G. Thompson, the vessel's chief officer, & Charles Johnson, her boatswain, provided the details as to the events, Captain Brewis having declined to do so.
The abandoned vessel, I read, drifted ashore at Seal Rocks - the wreck was sold, as it lay, on Oct. 16, 1884 for £55. These contemporary news reports relate - 1 & 2.
Can you add anything additional? #29116 Brixham
626 tons
Hull 16
909561885 A cargo ship.
Per 1 (1885 launch, ex 2 'Marine Engineer' page 105), 3 (1885 ref. to sea trials, page 164), 4 (data incl. wreck ref.), 5 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
183.0 ft. long perpendicular to perpendicular, single screw, signal letters JWVS, 'specially adapted for the fish, fruit, cattle, and general trades'.
The naming ceremony was performed by Mrs. Edmund Sharer, wife of one of the builders (Boolds, Sharer & Co.). Her sea trials, during which she maintained a mean speed of 11 3/4 knots, were held on Jul. 24, 1885.
Built for 'Brixham Steamship Company (Limited)', owned & managed by 'F. W. Baddeley & Son' of Brixham, Devon.
In the 1889/90 edition of Lloyd's Register, the sale of the vessel to R. Symons of Baltimore is recorded. U.S. registered while 'in operation at Perth Amboy', New Jersey. Apparently used to service U.S. east coast ports & Cuba.
In Mar. 1898, the vessel was sold to 'Boston & Alaska Transportation Co.' & brought to Puget Sound, Washington, where it arrived on Mar. 30, 1898. At that time, it accommodated 250 passengers. It served, I read, Skagway, Dyea, Copper River & St. Michael (all Alaska).
On May 04, 1898, the vessel, under the command of Captain James Durie, left Seattle, Washington, & successfully, in difficult conditions, towed a river boat to the mouth of the Yukon River.
On Oct. 13, 1908, the vessel was totally wrecked at Clarence Straits, near Blashke Island, 30 miles from Wrangel, Alaska. Have not read the circumstances. A loss of $100,000, only $40,000 of which was covered by insurance. Passengers & crew were landed on Blashke Island & subsequently picked up by Al-Ki & Utopia.
Can you add anything? An image?
7 Norden
710 (or 850) tons
Became 999 tons (when lengthened in 1952)
Hull 17
471 (# looks strange)
Jaime D'Urgell
Enrique Illueca1885 A cargo ship, that had a very long life indeed.
Per 1 (1885 ref. to sea trials, p. 249 & ref. on p. 257), 2 (Spanish page, 2 images Enrique Illueca, 50% down - of a vessel built in 1885? The vessel must have been completely rebuilt along the way, if so, which data seems not to be referenced below), 3 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
WWW data is most limited. Have found very few references & am grateful for the data at Miramar. Per 1, 'specially constructed and arranged for the company's ('Svenska Lloyd's') cargo and passenger trade between Hamburg and Gothenburg'. Her sea trials were held on Oct. 24, 1885.
Built for 'Svenska Lloyd' (Rederi AB Svenska Lloyd) of Gothenburg, Sweden. The vessel was sold, in 1922, to Jose Taya Sons & Co., likely the agents, & renamed Jaime D'Urgell. And sold in 1924 to A. La Justicia & renamed Augusto. The 2nd purchaser may prove to be the agent rather than the owner.
The vessel was sold again, in 1939, to 'M. Illueca Navarro', of Valencia, Spain, & after the Spanish Civil War was renamed Enrique Illueca in 1940.
Was lengthened in 1952 & became 999 tons. It would seem that the vessel was sold, in 1964 or soon thereafter, to a shipping company from the Canary Islands. Broken up at Valencia, Spain, in May 1970.
Surely the above needs correction. Can you add anything? An image?
8 ![]()
1898/2947 (N/G) tons, later 1881/2977 tons
Hull 19
936891886 An iron steamship, which was launched on Jul. 03, 1886 & first registered, at Liverpool, on Sep. 13 or 15, 1886 (scroll to #93689).
Per 1 [Houston Line, Heraclides (1)], 2 (her launch, ex here), 3 (Houston Line, Part II, Chapter 10, p.237/243, in Read Online), 4 (extensive account of the 1902 grounding - p#38 article by M. K. Stammers originally published in 1974) - about 75% down the page, 5 (Angra Pequena), 6 (the '1902' Heraclides grounding, 50% down & image), 7 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
320.0 ft. long perpendicular to perpendicular, (anticipated at launch) speed of 14 knots, signal letters KHNR, 450 HP engines by T. (Thomas) Richardson & Sons of Hartlepool (note Lloyd's Register ('LR') of 1897/98 lists her engines at 319 HP by the same manufacturer - such data looks to be in error). 'The vessel is fitted up for 50 saloon passengers, and the main deck can accommodate 500 emigrants'. And 'was fitted with refrigerators for the carriage of frozen meat from the River Plate.' Many crew lists are available here.
Launched by Miss Ethel Clarke, of Armathwaite Hall, Cumberland, & christened by Miss Marian Clarke. Built for 'R. P. Houston & Co.' (Houston Line), of Liverpool, for their South American service. Owned by Robert P. Houston, per MNLs of 1887 thru 1889. With, serving as the vessel's captains, per LR, J. Dover thru 1889/90, T. M. Mitchell thru 1892/93, J. H. Evans in 1893/94 & E. Davies in 1897/98.
Houston Line, I read, named its ships after Greek mythological deities or Roman celebrities, each name beginning with the letter 'H'.
In the 1889/90 edition of LR, the ownership of the vessel changed from 'R. P. Houston' to 'SS Heraclides Co. Ltd.', with, from 1890/91, R. P. Houston & Co. listed as being the vessel's manager. MNLs of 1890 thru 1898 all list 'Steam Ship "Heraclides" Co. Ltd. as the vessel's owner with Francis B. Hopkins her manager.
It would seem that 'Heraclides Steamship Company Ltd.' was wound up in late 1898. Miramar advise (thanks!) that in 1899 the vessel became owned by the British and South American Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., also of Liverpool, as is confirmed by MNLs of 1899 thru 1907 (MNL of 1900 is here). With Herbert C. (Charles) Rowlands her manager, replacing 'Hopkins' in 1902.
On Oct. 15, 1902, Heraclides ran aground at Formby, Merseyside. At 9 p.m. that day, the vessel, with a crew of 34 all told & a single passenger, left Liverpool, in ballast, for Glasgow where she was to load a full cargo. While D. H. (David Hamilton) Blellock was then her captain, the vessel was under the command of Thomas Owen, a licensed Liverpool pilot. The weather was fine when the vessel left dock but 2 hours later the vessel was hit by a heavy squall which caused the pilot to take the vessel down the 'wrong' side of the river. In the high winds, the vessel became quite unmanageable. She avoided the Crosby lightship by passing under the lightship's stern & soon thereafter, not answering to her helm, she drifted onto Taylor (or Taylor's) Bank. Reversing her engines did not help get her off. Rockets requested assistance. At 12.30 a.m. on Oct. 16, 1902 a portion of the crew left the vessel by means of the New Brighton lifeboat. 14 others left via the Formby lifeboat. At 1:30 a.m. the master & chief engineer found extensive engine room damage such that it was thought that the vessel was in the process of breaking up. At 5:30 a.m. the remaining crew abandoned the ship & were landed at Liverpool.
The next day the vessel floated off at high tide & ended up hard at Crosby Point on Formby Bank, from which she was salved some weeks later, seriously damaged. I read that the vessel's cargo had to be unloaded and transported to the shore by horse-drawn carts but am not sure what 'cargo' is referred to.
An Official Inquiry into the stranding was held at Liverpool commencing on Nov. 11, 1902. It is clear that the vessel had left port with insufficient ballast & a poor trim - such ballasting being the responsibility of Captain Noal, the owner's representative. It seems surprising, to the webmaster at least, that the Court did not find Noal to be effectively responsible for the grounding. Blellock, her captain was not responsible either. Rather the Court found the pilot to have committed errors of judgment in not taking such measures as would have been needed to keep the unmanageable ship out of danger. You can read the report of the Court of Inquiry here here. Do read also the article at link 4 above. Three images of Heraclides, on the beach at Blundellsands (very close to Formby) in 1902, are at left, thanks to the kindness of Martyn Griffiths. It would seem that, in its image collection, the Merseyside Maritime Museum has images of the vessel including one of the vessel being re-floated on Oct. 31, 1902 with tugs Blazer, Hotspur & Pathfinder in attendance. Such images seem not, however, to be WWW available.
From 1899, as stated above, the vessel was owned by British & South American Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. Still owned by such company, Heraclides was wrecked, on Oct. 26, 1907, while en route from Cape Town, South Africa, to Angra Pequena with a cargo of coal. Angra Pequena, is today's Hottentot Bay, Namibia. At 2:30 p.m. on Oct. 25, 1907, the vessel left Swakopmind Road, German South West Africa, with a partial cargo of 2,000 tons of coal, under the command of captain Edward Albert Castle, with a crew of 27 & 22 passengers. Presumably bound for Angra Pequena. On the morning of Oct. 26, 1907, the weather turned hazy & the captain reduced speed. A number of depth soundings were taken including one, at 12:55 p.m. that day, which showed only 30 fathoms of water. 20 minutes later an attempt was made to take another reading (it failed due to equipment failure) but by about 1:30 p.m. the vessel had run aground on Hottentot Point. Holds 1 & 2 started to fill with water. Attempts were made to get the vessel off, without success. At 4 p.m. the passengers were landed by lifeboat & the first officer set off to walk to Angra Pequena, 40 miles distant, to seek assistance. Eventually, at 2 a.m. on Oct. 29, 1902, the vessel had to be abandoned.
An Official Inquiry into the stranding was held at Liverpool commencing on Jan. 15, 1908 - its Report can be read here. The Court determined that the captain had sailed his vessel too close to the coast & in particular had not hauled his vessel out to sea after the 30 fathom sounding was obtained. The master was found guilty of an error of judgment leading to the vessel's loss.
A builders' model of the vessel is, I read, on display at the Liverpool Museum.
Can you add anything? An image of the model? Another image?9 ![]()
185 tons
Hull 18
903311886 A steam tug. That had a very long life indeed.
Per 1 (1886 launch, ex p. 297 here:- 2), 3 (Howard Smith, Racer), 4 (Racer at 'Trove Australia'), 5 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
126 ft. long. Per 1, 'specially designed for a very high rate of speed and powerful towing purposes'. Launched on Jan. 15, 1886.
Built for 'Watkins & Co.', of London. I thought that might mean 'William Watkins Limited', of London, but the vessel is not in its fleet list here. Was christened by Miss Maud Young, of Stockton.
Don Fearon advises, (thanks Don!), that from 1886 to 1890, the tug was owned & operated by 'Queenstown Screw Tug & Shipping Co. Ltd.', of Queenstown (Cork), Ireland. And then, from 1890 to 1934, was owned by Melbourne Steamship Company Limited. ('Steamship'), of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 'Australian Steamships Pty Ltd.' chartered the tug from May 1923 to Apl. 1931, at which time the vessel was returned to Steamship.
On one occasion, the vessel was blown against the Spencer Street Bridge, at Melbourne, causing some damage to the bridge.
The vessel was withdrawn from service in 1934 & broken up at Melbourne.
Don advises that the tug was skippered at Port Phillip (the bay on which Melbourne sits) for 28 years by Daniel Fearon (1853/1929), Don's great grandfather, who had, I read, 55 years of service for Steamship & its predecessor company. And Don kindly provided other material which included images, four of which are available via the thumbnails at left.
Can you add anything?10 ![]()
Pio IX
3895 tons
Hull 23
903451887 A passenger/cargo vessel.
Per 1 (Ref. Pio IX, Marine Engineer 1887/88, at p.20), 2 (Launch ex Marine Engineer, Apl. 1, 1887, in blue), 3 (Pinillos...), 4 [extensive page, in Spanish re Pio IX, known in Spanish as 'Pio Nono', with 6 giant (when clicked) images], 5 (Link 4 Google translated), 6 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
115.5 metres long, perpendicular to perpendicular, 400 ft. overall, speed of 13 1/2 knots. A handsomely modelled steel screw steamer. It would seem that the vessel had two masts, was square rigged, & had two funnels, one of them a dummy, which dummy was later removed.
The vessel was christened 'Pius IX' by Miss Dickenson (presumably correctly Dickinson), of Sunderland, of interest perhaps because Miramar indicate that the vessel was completed by J. Dickinson, i.e. John Dickinson of 'Palmers Hill Engine Works', who installed the ship's boilers. And the vessel was in fact named Pio IX. Had accommodation for 65 passengers in 1st class & 50 in 2nd class. And two fireplaces.
Before the vessel was launched, Rev. Father Turnerelli, of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, in full canonicals, walked slowly round the ship, and also on deck, sprinkling the sides and giving the benediction.
The vessel was built for 'Pinillos, Saenz & Compañia', of Cadiz, Spain. Which company linked Barcelona, & other Spanish ports, with Havana, Cuba, New Orleans & Puerto Rico, via the Canary Islands.
The vessel foundered, at 31.36N/24.06W, on Dec. 05, 1916, 300 miles NW of Las Palmas, Tenerife, Canary Islands, as a result of its cargo (coal?) shifting. I read that the vessel was en route from New Orleans via Cuba to Barcelona, without passengers, when it ran into a heavy storm 480 miles N. of Tenerife. Buenos Aires, a Spanish merchantman, came in response to the radio call, but by the time it arrived, 16 hours later, the vessel had sunk, leaving 22 survivors only, 11 of whom were rescued by Buenos Aires & the other 11 by an unnamed French merchant ship. 40 lives were lost or maybe 41 including the Captain, Captain Orinaga.
We particularly thank the folks at 5 for their fine coverage of the vessel.
Can you correct the above or add anything?JOHN KNOX & CO. LIMITED (1884/1886)
(OF SOUTH HYLTON)Can you help with the history of this shipbuilder? So far I know essentially nothing about them. This listing was initially created in the hope that data might emerge as a result of the listing. Perhaps new data that you possess?
A 'Google' electronic book, alerted the webmaster to the very existence of this ship builder. A book referred to in the Maitland listing below.
Davina Ransom of the U.K., (of Kent, I believe), has written in to indicate that she is researching her family history. She advises that her great grandfather John Knox ('Knox'), was born at Renfrew in Scotland in 1841 & moved to Sunderland at a date between 1876 & 1878. Davina indicates that Knox was at one time manager at the Sir John Priestman yard & he is listed as 'manager iron shipbuilder' on the 1881 census, living in Grange Terrace.
It is likely that Davina will have further thoughts on the matter but after checking the dates & the history as best she can, it seems likely to the webmaster that Knox became manager at a Sunderland shipyard (name unknown) thru 1883. And then in 1884, formed his own ship building company on the south bank of the Wear in South Hylton. That business would seem to have failed in 1886 & perhaps after that he became manager at the Priestman yard. All assuming, of course, that Davina's John Knox is indeed the John Knox of John Knox & Co. Limited, which seems, however, to be most likely.
I have read that the yard was closed for several months in 1885.
Davina further advises that on Sep. 08, 1886, an order for the winding up of John Knox & Co. Limited was presented to the High Court of Justice, by John Thompson & Sons, timber merchants of 'Lawrence-street and Borough-road' & by Joseph Harrison, a merchant. As you can read here. So the yard went into liquidation in Sep. 1886. Davina adds that there were many subsequent notices to creditors & advertisements for the sale of the shipyard 'culminating in what seems to be the final sale of machinery at the end of Aug. 1887.'
Thanks to the kindness of a site visitor, I can, in late 2016, add a little more to the 'John Knox' story. A 1947 newspaper article by 'Blue Peter' tells us that Knox was born in 1842 & died in 1913. He came to Sunderland in 1879 & worked as manager of the Robert Thompson, Southwick, ship yard. In 1883 he started his own business at South Hylton - amongst the vessels he built were many steamers & a number of collapsible Government boats for use on the river Nile. His business failed during the depression of 1886. He then served as manager of a Priestman's yard thru 1909, & in the couple of years thru to 1911 had a ship-breaking business at Hylton. All as per this most interesting article.
A Miramar list? It used to be that you could click on the link that follows & get to the relevant Miramar page. But no longer! The new procedure must be to go to Miramar (here) & log in (you must be registered to view any page). And once you are logged in, return to this page & the following link should work for you:- Here. Just 9 vessels it would seem. But the real total must be rather higher, 11 at least, since Miramar do not reference Margarita, nor the 2nd vessel ready when Margarita was launched, which I think was Magdalena (1 ex p.216). (11)I will add below the names of vessels constructed by 'John Knox' - as I happen to spot references to them. In a table in build date sequence.
1 ![]()
83 tons
Hull 8
894201884 An iron sailing (cargo) ship.
Per 1 (1884 launch ref., in blue, ex The Marine Engineer, Oct. 1, 1884).
75 ft. long, extra heavily rigged.
Built for 'J. O. Iliffe', of London, to the order of Messrs Pile & Co., also of London. Fully completed at the time of launch - christened by Miss Ord, of Durham. Built for the River Plate trade.
Maiden voyage would seem to have been to Buenos Ayres. No Miramar listing, that I can see.
Can you add to or correct the above? Or provide a ship image?2 ![]()
150 (or 149 or 160) tons
Hull 8
894201885 An iron cargo ship, which also carried likely a few passengers.
Per 1 (1885 sea trials, ex 2 [Marine Engineer 1885/86]), 3 ('', 1955 'wreck'), 4 (extensive data & image), 5 (Maitland related images at State Library of Victoria), 6 (Lloyd's Register ('LR') data, 1930/31 thru 1945/46 ex ', 7 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
Now '' used to offer extensive data about the vessel but the site seems to be gone.
How extraordinary that this tiny vessel lasted 70 years!
100.0 ft. long, 45 HP engine by J. Brewster & Co. of Sunderland, signal letters NFMG later VJTB. During her trials, on Jun. 12, 1885, she averaged a speed of 11 1/2 knots.
Built to the order of 'Gulf Stream Shipping Company', of Port Adelaide, South Australia. However, the vessel was in fact registered in the name of W. Ogg, of Adelaide - a related party perhaps? W. Ogg was, I now see, her captain - on Jan. 13, 1886, the vessel arrived at Port Adelaide from Ardrossan, Scotland, with W. Ogg in command. Used in the coastal trade on the south coast of Australia.
In the 1887/88 edition of LR, the vessel is shown transferred (Sep. 1887) from W. Ogg to W. F. Walker & Co. ('Walker') of Melbourne, Australia. Walker apparently used the vessel to carry lime from Waratah Bay, south Gippsland, Victoria, to Melbourne. 'In the 1890s operated on the Victorian Coastal/Gippsland Lakes/Bass Strait trades.'
In Aug. 1891, the vessel was acquired by 'Vannifex (maybe Vannifax) & Arkhurst', of Melbourne, & in Dec. 1893, became owned by Mrs I. M. Walker (or J. M. Walker), also of Melbourne.
From 1896 to 1899, Archibald Curry & Co. were the vessel's managers.
I read that from 1899 to 1928, 'Melbourne Steamship Co. Ltd.', of Melbourne, owned the vessel & employed her on a mail contract out of Albany 'to the southern coast of Western Australia as well as on the Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, service, possibly as a lighter.' Was employed as a tug at Melbourne for many years.
The vessel changed hands again in Nov. 1928 when it became owned by F. & H. Greening (maybe Grining), & in Dec. 1928, when the 'Marine Board of Launceston', of Launceston, Tasmania, became her owner. Then registered at Launceston. Used almost exclusively as a tug on the Tamar River, Tasmania.
The vessel was withdrawn from service in 1954, was dismantled/stripped during 1955 & scuttled in 15 fathoms of water in Spring Bay, Tamar River, Tasmania, on either Dec. 15, or Dec. 19, 1955.
Can you add to or correct the above?3 ![]()
277 (or 262 or 268) tons
Hull 2
Fabio1886 A passenger & cargo ship.
Per 1 (launch (Dalmaxia) on Jan. 21, 1886 ex 2), 3 [data & image], 4 (Lloyd's Register ('LR') data, Fabio, 1934/35 & 1935/36, ex ''), 5 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
125.0 ft. (38.1 metres) long perpendicular to perpendicular, 130.7 ft. (39.84 metres) long overall.
The webmaster has a few editions of LR available to him from 'Google' books, see left. Built to serve the passenger & general cargo trade in the Adriatic.
Built for 'M. Sverljuga and Co.', then a new firm, (possibly 'Sverljuga Matteo & Co.') of Fiume, (Croatia), then of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. To be commanded by Captain Sterk, who superintended the building. The ceremony of christening, as Dalmazia, was performed by Miss Victoria Brosinvich, daughter of Mr. V. Brosinvich, agent to Messrs. Sverljuga & Co.
In 1891, the vessel was sold or transferred to 'Hungaro-Croatian Sea Steamship Co. Ltd.', ('Magyar Horvát Tengeri Gőzhajózási RT.') of Fiume.
In 1916, (I think it says) the vessel was rented to 'K.u.K. Kriegsmarine' for the carriage of bauxite.
And in 1922, was sold to 'Jadranska Plovidba d.d.', of Susak, Yugoslavia, & renamed Dalmacija.
The vessel was sold again, in 1930, to Italian owners, & renamed Fabio. And sold again in 1934 to 'Cantiere Metallurgici della Venezia-Giulia', of Trieste, Italy.
Broken up in 1935.
Can you add to the above? Or provide an image?4 ![]()
139 (or 160) tons
Hull 9
903291886 An iron cargo ship, maybe a trawler.
Per 1 (launch on Dec. 30, 1885 ex 2), 3 (extensive data), 4 (Miramar, link, you now must be registered to access).
103.0 ft. long perpendicular to perpendicular, 110 ft. long overall, 67 HP, later 60 RHP, engines by W. Doxford & Sons of Sunderland.
Built for service in the Irish deep sea fisheries, & 'specially designed as a fish despatch vessel and screw tug'. Was christened by 'Mrs. John Thompson, jun., of Sunderland'.
The webmaster has a few editions of Lloyd's Register available to him from 'Google' books, see left.
The ship was, in fact, registered in the name of 'J. Willcock', of Sunderland, which became 'T. Willcock', also of Sunderland, in 1889/90.
Andy Hall of '' kindly advises that T. Willcock was in fact Thomas Willcock, of Manchester, who owned the vessel pre 1888 & fished with her from Scarborough & Aberdeen. We thank Andy for most of the following data about the vessel.
On Apl. 30, 1888, the vessel ran aground at Rattray Head, Buchan, Aberdeenshire - with no loss of life, all of the crew being rescued. She was re-floated, with the help of a tug, on May 05, 1888 & taken to Aberdeen where she likely was repaired.
On Nov. 25, 1889, Kingfisher rescued Carmen, (likely this Carmen) en route from Rotterdam to Newcastle, & towed her into the River Tyne. For her efforts she was later awarded £900 salvage money by the Court of the Admiralty.
She was receive further salvage funds, £700, 1 1/2 years later for efforts rendered on Nov. 11, 1893 re Countess of Sunderland (built in 1885 by Short & owned by Taylor & Sanderson). I have not read the circumstances.
In 1894, William Gunn & Co. of Granton, Edinburgh, became her owner.
In 1896, the vessel's registration at Sunderland was closed & she became registered instead at Granton, as GN1. There is lots more!
On Aug. 18, 1898 Kingfisher rammed S.T. Mount Blanc, GN51, when landing fish at Middle Pier at Granton - Mount Blanc had her starboard side amidships badly damaged & was beached for inspection & repair.
A little prior to Dec. 28, 1898, the vessel suffered storm damage at sea.
The ship's life came to an end on Nov. 03, 1909 when she ran aground & was wrecked 2 1/2 miles SE of Barns Ness, East Lothian, at or about 55.59.N/2.26.W - Edward Hayward, her captain & 7 crew members were rescued.
We thank Andy Hall for his most extensive data about the vessel's history.
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For your pleasure and interest. Is there anyone amongst us does not get pleasure viewing such an image?
The image shows Christopher Vine, engineer & author, aboard 'Bongo' a magnificent miniature steam locomotive. I include the image on this site because on Apl. 06, 2013, Christopher was on hand at the Monkwearmouth Station Museum, in Sunderland, for most of the day. He was there along with storyteller Tony Wilson who read stories from Christopher's 'Peter's Railway' series of children's books - to what probably was an enraptured audience. Peter's Railway? A series of 4 books for children, which books have both educated & enthralled thousands of young readers. You can read about 'Peter's Railway' at this site, at its many other pages, & at a great many other web sites also.
And while we are on the subject of locomotives, a beautiful image of steam locomotive 'Duchess of Sunderland' at Carlisle, the copyrighted image of Barry J. Freeman - ex a 'B. J. Freeman Collector Card'. (eBay links now long dead )
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