- PAGE 32 -


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This is Datapage 32 re Auguste (or August) Friedrich (or Frederic) Albrecht (or Albert) Schenck.

The following two works were provided to me by the same visitor who provided the two images on the previous page.


I rushed to get this page onto the website, so a site visitor who sees this page would still have time to bid on the auction item if he or she so wishes. But the auction is now long over. In due course, I would like to add to what follows some more biographical data about General Edward Martin & a photograph of him. Which will require some time I cannot today devote. I can, however, provide a link to his limited data here, at the 'Biographical Directory of the United States Congress', which does, however, include an image.

As this page was first created, the work was included in an auction sale that was to take place at the auction facilities of 'The Three Rivers Auction Company' of Washington, Pennsylvania. On Feb. 17, 2008. Not Washington D.C.! Washington, Pennsylvania, is located 30 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, & 25 miles east of Wheeling, West Virginia, at the intersection of I-79 and I-70. The auction rooms are specifically in downtown Washington at the corner of West Beau & Washington Streets - P.O. Box 1029, Washington, PA 15301, Phone/Fax: (724) 222-8020. You could, at the time, bid on the item. The item was Lot #59 on p.3 of the catalogue, & the page told me that the work sold at auction for U.S. $4,300.

The auction was of items from the family of General Edward Martin (Sep. 18, 1879 - Mar. 19, 1967). Now General Martin, was, I read, Governor of the State of Pennsylvania during years 1943-1947, a United States Senator for 12 years from 1947 to 1959. A general in the United States Army, & a decorated veteran of four wars - the Spanish American War, the Philippine Insurrection, & both World Wars.

The item was described as being a mountain scene, an oil on canvas, 39 x 27.5 inches in size, in a Rococo gold gilt frame. The date of the painting is not known. Signed at lower left in a sloping script. The painting was, we are advised, presented to Gov. & Mrs. Edward Martin by the Pennsylvania Cabinet, on Nov. 28, 1944. It hung in the Governor's Mansion while the Martins were in residence there. Included with the painting, interestingly, is an image of a reception room in the Governor's Mansion which image is stated to show the work on display there.

I should indicate that I have not sought the permission of the auction house for the inclusion of this work in these pages. I trust & hope, however, that including it in this non-profit & informational site is acceptable.

Schenck work. A mountain scene of title unknown. See text.


I cannot tell you a lot about this work. It would seem to have been in a Jun. 2001 auction. Likely in Germany since the accompanying descriptive text was in German.

Those German words were 'Schäfer mit Schafherde in Landschaft, Öl/Holz, 21.5 x 43 cm, li. sign., Holztafel an den Schmalseiten beschnitten, Ra.' Words that are difficult to WWW translate. But essentially seem to mean 'Shepherd with a herd of sheep in a landscape, oil on wooden panel, 21.5 x 43 cm. in size, signed at left'. With some words that seem to speak to the condition of the wooden panel. Ra? Royal Academy, maybe? It may have been sold for € 2100.

Schenck work. Shepherd and his flock - of title unknown. See text.

More when I get more! Maybe YOU could provide new data or could provide a clue as to where new data about the above work (or indeed any other Schenck work) might be found. I would truly welcome your input.

To the Schenck Data Pages 01, 02 & 04. Page 05 is an image index page.

To the Albert Schenck Slider Puzzle Page & to the Special Pages Index.

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