THOMAS M. M. HEMY (1852-1937) - PAGE 63


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As this page commences, I have no idea what it will in due course contain!

On site page 03, there is an extensive article about the artist that appeared in Boy's Own Paper of Jan. 27, 1894. And at the very end of that article the following words appear.

Lastly, we may mention that Mr. Hemy has quite recently been out to the Dogger Bank, on one of the vessels of the Mission to Deep-Sea Fisherman, and he is now painting a series of picture of what he saw there for exhibition in London next spring. One of the more striking of these realistic paintings will be issued, in colours, in the "B.O.P."

The webmaster does not yet know of any colour work of Thomas Hemy on the subject that appeared later in Boy's Own Paper. But that does not mean that it does not exist! Or maybe it was published in black and white only. Which is rather harder to track unless you have the particular BOP edition in your possession. But, in the years this site has been advancing, I have seen no references to Thomas Hemy's time on the Dogger Bank. And I have often wondered why that was so. The 'Dogger Bank' is, incidentally, a large sandbank in a shallow area of the North Sea about 100 km off the U.K. east coast.

But now I learn that an article appeared 'in an 1895 volume' entitled 'SUNDAY IN THE NORTH SEA' & written by G. Andrew Hutchison, the very editor whose name appears at the bottom of that Jan. 27, 1894, Boys Own Paper article. So just maybe there was further material in Boy's Own Paper in 1895 that I do not yet know about & have not yet been able to identify or locate. G. Andrew Hutchison is a very famous editor at Boy's Own Paper, indeed, & was its creator & editor for 33 years.

But the article, such as I have it, (below), to my eye does not look like an article in Boy's Own Paper. Maybe it appeared in another magazine produced by the same company.

The article, I read, centres around the life of the Deep Sea Fishermen. The frontispiece is, I read from a Thomas Hemy painting entitled 'Where Two or Three Are Gathered Together in My Name'. It represents, we are told, a scene known to workers of the Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen which it would seem had 'for thirteen years been labouring, summer and winter, day and night, out in the great permanent trawling fleets’. The article is of 7 pages, and gives a brief history of the Mission, the Sunday Service at Sea, Hospital Work in London, Labours on Shore, Fisher-Lads’ Letters, Long-Line Fishing and At work in Labrador. It has a photograph of ‘A Sunday River-side Service with the Fisher-Folk of Gorleston, Great Yarmouth'.

The article concerned, which regretfully, was not within my ability to acquire (at this point in my life) was available via e-Bay but the listing is long gone. The name of the work seems rather to be an article caption?

Can anybody help with more information for this page? Maybe the name of the publication in which the article appears.

What do we today have? We have the above data which comes from an e-Bay listing, & we have the following modest images that appeared with that listing.

See text

If YOU could add any data re the subject matter of this page, or indeed add anything re the artist generally, I invite you to be in touch. Your contribution would be much appreciated.

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