THOMAS M. M. HEMY (1852-1937) - PAGE 59


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I hope that the reader will forgive the webmaster including this work here, while at the same time thinking that it may not be by the artist. That is my view at any rate, but I have said in these pages many times that the webmaster is not an art expert - just a hopefully diligent scribe of matters related to Thomas M. M. Hemy. Other reputable sources believe it is by Thomas Hemy, so I show it here with the above caveat.

It is, I have read, a watercolour of very modest size - 6.3 x 4.7 inches in size (or 16 x 12 cm.). Unsigned & of an unknown date. It was sold by Auktionshuset Anders Antik of Landskrona, Sweden on Mar. 25, 2006. For 900 Swedish krona (SEK) or approximately U.S. $127.

You can see it recorded at this page along with an image which you must subscribe to see. The image that they used to have, not used on this page, indicated the work was not signed, the image that is shown clearly does bear a signature, not entirely visible.

To understand the meaning of the 'title', I searched for a WWW translation site that handles Swedish. I could find only one in a brief search. The translation seems to become 'None Catch' in English, which I presume would relate to a lack of fishing success?

My recollection is that the work was for sale on e-Bay in Mar. 2006, but the item listing has long since been removed. You could, long gone now, see a most similar work via a Google search at a 'Tradera' page in the Swedish language, which page seemed, however to indicate it to be of 28 x 23 cm in size, then for sale with the sale ending Sep. 4, 2006. (Those dimensions may be the overall dimensions & not just the dimensions of the print alone). At a listing price of 3000 Swedish krona. The work is signed, though again I cannot see the signature very clearly. The same images, I do believe, as I saw in Mar. 2006 & use below. 'Tradera' is somehow related to e-Bay perhaps?

If I sound confused, it is because I cannot get the above data to jive.

Ingen Fångst by Thomas M. M. Hemy, perhaps

If YOU can add any data about this work, or help in any way, do please do so.

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