THOMAS M. M. HEMY (1852-1937) - PAGE 6
RESCUE (1888) & A FRIEND IN NEED (1896?)
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With pleasure, I present, below, the Thomas Hemy work 'Rescue' dating, I believe, from 1888. I understand that the image (below) comes from 'Harper’s Young People', May 07, 1889 edition. It comes to us courtesy of Peter W. Wood, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. We thank you, Peter!
I cannot spot a signature or a date on the work shown below. The print, as it appeared later in 'The Graphic' did contain the artist's signature.The thumbnail at left above, which used to be available at the 'Postaprint' site, showed a bigger image & a signature at bottom right. But no date that I can spot. But the image below is truly beautiful, none the less.
An e-Bay item, which was for sale as I wrote these words in May 2005, would seem to indicate that the image above IS all or virtually all of the print as it was published in 'Harper’s Young People', on May 07, 1889, maybe on page 469? The item had the full page visible & it included a caption reference to a related story on page 470 of the issue. I wonder what that says? Can anybody help? It also states that the work was exhibited in the Royal Academy of 1888. It would still seem that the 'Postaprint' print was different & larger, & did seem to contain that signature.
An e-Bay item in Nov. 2003 advises me that this work appeared in the May 18, 1889 edition of 'The Graphic'. As a full page, it would seem. Such fact was confirmed by the stated size of 16" x 11". The vendor mentioned these words also that I now know appear below the print. RESCUE. FROM THE PICTURE BY TOM. M. HEMY EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY. With these further words - "She struck where the white and fleecy waves. Looked soft as carded wool. But the cruel rocks they gored her sides. Like the horns of an angry bull". That is interesting news to the Webmaster even though it is 135 years old!
This print does not seem to come up on e-Bay very often! A copy was sold in late Feb. 2006, however, for U.S. $9.99. Another sold in May 2006 for U.S. $26.00. Another was sold on Jul. 27, 2006. For U.S. $8.99. And another was offered for sale via e-Bay in late Oct. 2018 for GBP 17.00 or U.S. $21.64.
In Jun. 2022, when this page was updated, a 'Rescue' print ex 'The Graphic' was offered for sale via e-Bay. The listing image is next. The vendor's listing is long gone. But check with e-Bay today to find a print currently available for sale.
And next is 'A Friend In Need', a work which was published in Boy's Own Paper Annual #18 re 1895/96. A cover of such a volume is at left, although the colours do seem to vary a great deal & this cover is particularly bright.
The first image below appears here courtesy of Donna O'Sullivan of Ontario, Canada. Donna tells us that the text under the work says 'Drawn for Boy's Own Paper by Thomas M. Hemy' with no date. The second image of the same work is courtesy of Ali Arlow of Peterborough, Lincolnshire, in the United Kingdom. We thank you both! I have no idea exactly what event stimulated the work, or maybe there was no such event. If anyone can add anything, do write to me.
Thomas M. M. Hemy datapages 01, 02 & 03 are now on site. Plus all of the other image pages, accessible though the index on page 05.
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