Now it is possible that on your computer screen, the image box below is just an empty space. If so, and you are using Windows 7 as the webmaster does, fixing the problem is most simple. Print the image you will come to here & follow the few instructions. In other browsers I presume that you would follow the same approach i.e. get to the 'Java' program on your computer & fix the matter as indicated.

The 9 square puzzle using the image of the raccoons. I now learn that the artist is Carl Brenders (see bottom of page). When each puzzle is complete, you should jump to the next hardest level with the same image.

The 16 square puzzle using the Carl Brenders image of the raccoons. When the puzzle is complete, you should jump to the next hardest level with the same image.

The 25 square puzzle using the Carl Brenders image of the raccoons. When the puzzle is complete, you should jump to the next hardest level with the same image.

The 36 square puzzle using the Carl Brenders image of the raccoons. When the puzzle is complete, you should jump to the next hardest level with the same image.

The 49 square puzzle using the Carl Brenders image of the raccoons. This puzzle is getting to be very difficult indeed! The applet permits up to a ten square puzzle. If there is any interest in my listing a puzzle of greater difficulty, drop me a line and I'll add it in. More at bottom of page.

The java applet that runs the puzzle is courtesy of Axel Fontaine, who used to live just south of the city of Brussels in Belgium. Axel invited free use of his fine applet which you can, I hope, download here. The fine image was from a 'Usenet' image archive & the name of the artist was NOT known. We thank them both! If the artist later becomes known & would prefer that this fine puzzle be removed, I would be happy to oblige.

The above text was written in the summer of 2000 when the slider puzzle page was first created. On Jun. 21, 2001, in accessing the '' website, a site which no longer exists, I found two versions of the above image. Under 'raccoons' was the image as I saw it a year or so ago on a 'Usenet' site. Under 'wild raccoons' was the full image with the artist name indicated as being Carl Brenders. The original 1986 print was entitled 'Double Trouble - Raccoons'. And also another brilliant Brenders raccoon 1984 image. 'Animalpix' stated clearly that they did not own copyrights having found their images on newsgroups, such as '', & ''. I have left the image here while I try to obtain approval from the artist. In 'Google' I went through 37 pages of Carl Brenders listings but so far at least have not found where to contact him directly. There are a multitude of sites where you can acquire his brilliant prints & books, & even jigsaw puzzles are listed. I did find, in my search, many Brenders images available - at one site 22 large 1024 x 768 images including this image. We shall continue to try to contact the artist. Does anyone who reads this have a means to contact Carl Brenders that they would like to share?

I should also note that a superb 'Lake' applet presentation of the above image is also on this site. Click here to view that page.

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