The 9
square puzzle using Sekar Balasubramanian's fine image. When the puzzle is complete, you will jump to a 16 square puzzle with the same image. But the link seems to be temperamental!
You can go there directly by clicking the red square.
The 49 square puzzle using Sekar Balasubramanian's fine image. This puzzle is getting to be very difficult indeed! The applet permits up to a ten square puzzle. If there is any interest in my listing a puzzle of greater difficulty, drop me a line and I'll add it in.
The fine image is courtesy of photographer Sekar Balasubramanian whose website, the source of the image, long ago now, is no longer. But many fine examples of his recent work can be seen here. The java applet that runs the puzzle is courtesy of Axel Fontaine, who lived just south of the city of Brussels in Belgium. Axel invited free use of his fine applet which you can, I hope, download here. We thank you both! Return to top of page. |